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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Wait, it's an AW 18650....and you're calling THAT a clone, is it a clone of an AW 18650? I'm confused.....
  2. Then frankly, if it were me, I would save up for the Cool Fire 2, or for another APV that you can actually get cheaper, that's just as good (there are a bunch out there if you know where to look) and have been out, so they've been tested, peer used, and have a history of good performance. I tend to steer away from APVs that I don't much about the product history, and these two, I believe, aren't even released until right around Christmas. EDIT: Just wanted to add, the only way I can actually successfully save money, for me (and this may not work for you), is I take a certain amount of cash (usually $10), and put it away each month (not in the bank so it doesn't get spent), so that it's not spent. Part of that is because our budget is stretched so thin, if there is a few extra dolllars in our bank account, there will always be something that it can or should be spent on. And I put it not in wallet (even though I don't go out without hubby that much), but someplace like my dresser, so I don't forget and spend it, like if I'm picking up something quick and cheap at KMart, or doing something else where I might be tempted to use cash.
  3. An airflow connector would help the stability problems, but sometimes it may adjust airflow in a direction don't want, but I haven't had that issue with the KPTs - it keeps the airflow pretty neutral as far as what it is without it. That being said, just to avoid pushing down the center pin, I usually use my airflow connector that is for my Davide and my KPT2s, frankly, just to keep from screwing the tank in too tight and pushing the center pin down, although sometimes it's absolutely necessary to get a tight enough draw with my Davide tank. Of course, all of this is just my experience, and YMMV.
  4. Okay, this will sound gross to anyone who doesn't actually drink diet soda by CHOICE, who doesn't like diet soda, but a diet pepsi (or failing that, diet coke or even a very cold generic diet soda) and usually 618, RY4, or 555 (all from Better Vapes) or Kick Ash Tobacco or Jive 555 from Vapor Beast. Those are heaven to me on most days. Been trying to replace Kick Ash with something cheaper, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to ($16 for 30 ml, and they don't have any bottles bigger than 30 ml).
  5. Same here, with the exceptions noted below. It is. Because of certain medications, and certain other things, there are exceptions to my chain vaping. Like when I can't taste any vape, or when what I have tanked up "doesn't taste right", or is actually bothersome, I don't vape as much (I've been known to go through all my tanks before and not be able to taste for more than 5 minutes a flavor, and then switch out), but I've also learned to vape the flavors I don't normally vape as much of during those times, so I don't waste my precious "good" flavors. Or when I'm especially tired (MS, fibromyalgia, and lots of meds can make for a pretty tired me sometimes), I may not vape as much (though during the day I've been known to fall asleep on the couch, at least, with my vaporizer in my hand (and then I have to go on a search to find it among the couch cushions, or if it slipped all the down, through the cushions to the floor since we have a reclining sofa, etc.)) when I'm tired, or when I'm not feeling well (although depending on how I'm not feeling well, that may lead to MORE vaping), and when I'm in bed, if hubby already asleep, I don't chain vape, because I don't want to wake him up (again, in bed, I've been known to fall asleep with my Nook in my hand, the TV on, and my vaporizer next to me because my bedtime meds hit me unexpectedly and I dozed off while reading, or while browsing the forums, using the wifi on my Nook). Of course, if I'm at someone's house where I can't vape inside (like my in-laws' house because my mother in law suffers from severe, severe asthma, and even smells can send her into attacks, much less chemicals in the air - I can't even wear perfume around her, and haven't been able to since 1992), or in my in-laws' car (when hubby is in school, my father in law gives the rides I need) for the same reason. If we are in the car, and my oldest son is in the car with us, we generally don't vape unless it's a longer car ride (long story), and of course, anti-vaping establishments, although my psychiatrist's office is in the hospital itself, and although they don't allow vaping in the hospital for the same reason the staff isn't allowed to wear perfume or scented products (for patients like my mother in law), when I'm particularly stressed, my shrink lets me vape in his office. And certain establishments, if I've gone into the powder room, I've been known to take a couple tokes while I'm near the sinks, though. Just not hospitals.
  6. GEFF, how does the mod clip work? Pretty sure that in January, when our bonus comes in, I'll be getting an MVP holster. I double checked on how the snap is, and it doesn't have to be around a belt (which I hardly ever wear), it can be threaded through a belt loop. I didn't drop my MVP that much, only a couple of times, whereas dropping my Zmax most frequently happened because it rolled off a surface, but I have hand issues, so I want to be able to have something to carry it with if I'm not wearing my jacket that I wear in the house in winter, or have no pockets and I'm carrying many things - like when I'm going upstairs at night. Now if only I can get a cell phone holster.
  7. I don't know if they add these intentionally, or if it forms because of the various chemicals they do add combine and form them, but they add MAOIs, which is where the REAL addictive properties lie. If you aren't familiar with them, look them up. They are OLD SCHOOL anti-depressant, I don't know what else they were used for. They are like, the last option for anti-depressants now, as in most docs won't prescribe them, because they interact with so many medications, but the amount in cigarettes isn't enough to interact with meds, but just enough to enhance the addiction. And, at least for me, the REAL addiction, other than that, was not only the nicotine, but the hand to mouth movement. We continued to smoke analogs for about 10 days after picking up vaping - finishing what we had, and then because of a VERY stressful situation that we just didn't know how to cope with without the crutch of analogs (until we found ourselves hitting the e-cig WHILE we were smoking analogs, because the e-cig tasted better). I had two slip up days, one was a family reunion that everyone was smoking at practically, so I had pretty much planned on smoking two. The other was an even MORE stressful situation, on August 14, and I was with my sister so there were analogs available, and I just.....well, I was weak, and I was worried, and it happened - three analogs that day. Other than those five analogs, I've been analog free since July 27th at 2 am. Most of the PRESS coverage I've seen has been negative - usually focusing on the risk of exploding batteries, unless you a celebrity doing it on a talk show (Katherine Heigl comes to mind), or a commercial, again a celebrity. But the talk show instance very much makes me thing "commercial" (and all of these things - Blu, and another brand - are cigalikes) and wonder if they contacted the e-cig company and asked if they could do that on the talk show, and would they get any consideration (ie compensation, free product - not that they have any shortage of money - etc.) for doing it. They care about the tax dollars, but at the same time, they care about the MILLIONS in Medicare payments they have to pay out when you get cancer, become disabled, and if you don't have "creditable coverage" from a spouse working, or if you reach your maximum lifetime benefit limit (before the Affordable Care Act) - which was the entire reason behind the tobacco settlement. To reimburse the state expenses for Medicaid, and reimburse the federal expenses for disability and Medicare payments caused by people disabled by cancer or a smoking related illness on disability and Medicare. I don't know about other states, but I know Missouri didn't even use the tobacco settlement for Medicaid.
  8. If it's just at the "processed" stage, you probably have two more days to wait. One day where it travels to the sorting facility nearest you, and then gets processed and sent out the next morning to your local Post Office and sent out for delivery (at least that's the way it works with mine, but we are close enough to the sorting facility that when it gets sent out from the sorting facility at 5 am, it gets to the Alton Post Office, and gets sorted all before the carrier leaves at 9 am).
  9. Yeah. The argument is, we don't lose our tastebuds when we turn 18. And one of the reasons the e-cigs work (other than the fact that they DO replace the hand to mouth movement + they replace the nicotine from analogs with an amount WE control), at least for me, is because they taste BETTER than analogs.
  10. Since I'm awaiting my replacement MVP (will arrive today), I've been switching off between eGo batteries. I use both batteries every day. And this is the only tank it happens to. This isn't the first tank I've had that has appeared to be haunted. Once this coil dies completely, I'm switching tanks, just so I know it's either a "haunted tank", that needs replaced, or it's the juice - except this has happened across two bottles of juice (same flavor), and didn't start until right after I had my MVP problem, when I sent the MVP back.
  11. The only problem I have with big tobacco getting involved is that they told the FDA a couple of months ago that they would have no problem with restricting online sales (you can still buy cigarettes and cigars online) and limit flavors. It's easier for all the cigalikes to get stocked in convenience stores, but it's harder to get a good selection of juices and equipment, much less qualified staff to help with it. There are some areas sort of around here where you have to drive an hour and a half plus to get to a B&M, much less one that stocks flavors you like, the brands you normally order. Before June, we would have to drive an hour, but then four new stores opened up in the space of five months.
  12. Sounds really good, for people that are fond of raspberry flavors.
  13. You absolutely are. Other people may want to try it. It would be different if you were a supplier posting and advertising on the general forums, which they aren't allowed to do anymore, except Medic, who was a member and DIYer before he took his DIY to vendor status, and he was already a VIP member.
  14. Okay, now this is just pissing me off, and I will probably end up switching my RY4 out of this tank and putting......Turkish Honey in it for now. See if it's the juice that's doing it, or if it's just a haunted freaking, fraking, frelling tank. This coil's been in a day, day and a half, and it feels like it's already going out. BTW, why do sometimes when coils go out, they get really airy until they stop firing, and sometimes when they go out, they get really tight unless you don't screw them down all the way - until they stop firing? At least, I've had both experiences, with KPT2s and with evods.
  15. Not here, AFAIK. The discount cigarette, beer and liquor outlet carries some juice, I don't know about stick batteries, but I would assume so (haven't walked into that shop since we set the analogs down in July), and cigalikes.
  16. Just a fair warning. I don't know if this is true on the eGo's (I'm assuming this is genuine Joyetech), but SOME passthroughs (like the Innokin VV 3.0) that you can vape while charging, doing so actually shortens the lifespan of the battery. But with the eGo batteries, they usually last 6+ months as it is. I think what I read said 300 + charges. Okay, this qualifies as stalking the mail again, but my new MVP (replacement MVP) hit the Sorting Center in Hazelwood (St. Louis County, at the airport) so unless something REALLY screws up, I'll have it in the mail late tomorrow afternoon early evening. Geeze, as many packages we get, I wish we could tip our mail carrier this year. They can't take cash, but they can take gift cards....but we can't manage it this year. She's been awesome. And she has a truck, but the city is basically a walking route - the mailboxes are ON the houses, on the porches, or on the fences, they can't drive it. So she parks the truck, walks the street, drives to the next block, repeats, for her whole route.
  17. Sometimes it can happen what seems like over night. First, try out all the tanks on your eGos - fresh off the charger so you are likely getting 4.2 volts. If they are good there, take a few of your tanks to a local B&M, explain your problem, see if they will let you use YOUR tanks with one of their display models of any variable voltage device, even if it's a twist (some B&M's use Twists or Spinners as the batteries for their samplers, since so many people use VV/VW). I was lucky, because hubby vapes, too, and I was able to test my tanks out on his Provari. And I could test HIS tanks out on mine - his tanks that worked fine on his Provari tasted burned on my MVP, my tanks that tasted burned on my MVP at anything over (depending on whether I set it by voltage or wattage) 3.3 volts or 6 watts, tasted fine on his Provari at at least 4.4 volts on the 2.5 ohm coils. How long ago did you switch over to the KPT 2 over the original?
  18. Depending on the juice color, I have the same problem with my Evods.
  19. That is sooo not right - 3.7 volts with 2.5 resistance, that's only 5 1/2 watts. Have you tried these tanks on more than one device? I had a similar situation happening with my MVP, and it turned out the problem was my MVP. You'll get a higher voltage amount off an eGo stick battery fresh off the charger.
  20. Awesome article. Truly, I don't know what I would do if they took nicotine containing e-cigs off the market. Then again, I'm down to 8 mg nic, if they still allowed 0 nic juice on the market, I guess I could try going 0 nic and hope to keep from picking up an analog.
  21. Lower resistance means you can get the same power using less voltage, and thus, more vapor using less voltage usually. If you DO get into RBAs, you definitely need an ohmmeter or a multimeter. From what I've been told, the ohms readings on APVs aren't always entirely accurate. PLUS, if you decide to build sub-ohm coils (coils of less than 1 ohm resistance) your Sigelei won't fire it. I don't think Zmax will fire anything under 1.2 ohms as a matter of fact. You would have to go with a mech mod, I believe. I don't know if the regular eGo type stick batteries will fire on anything that low resistance either.
  22. I know, very difficult to diagnose remotely. These are brand new coils, two separate packs, bought at different locations, and even different resistances. Since it started after my MVP problems, I'm wondering if while we were testing it, you know, purposely seeing if this setting or that setting, or bumping it up one click from the base setting would make it taste burned, I almost wonder if we screwed something up with the tank itself, even though, for the most part, the tank is just a shell. And used coils, I usually half expect them to fail shortly after putting them into a new tank, or after they've been used a couple times. On my evods, unless I know it's a flavor I REALLY, really like and will keep in there for a while, I generally use used coils, and on at least one of my KPT2 tanks. Of course, you all are probably right. It's time for an exorcist (or a new tank). Hey, the last tank I thought was haunted turned out I had the o-ring in the wrong position. I know that wouldn't be causing this problem, but wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy?
  23. Depending on your juice, I would try anywhere between seven and eight and a half watts. Just start at seven, vape it a while, then bump it up, see if it's better, and so on, making sure you back it down if it tastes burned. Hubby got his Provari a couple of weeks before I got my Sigelei (had to return it because of a malfunction). I kept trying to reproduce the taste he got out of his 618 flavor on the Sigelei, and finally he told me, "Try bumping it up to seven watts." I was vaping too cool before that. That did the trick, although bumping it up to higher was even better for me.
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