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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Well, talk to the shop. You know what flavors you bought. As for pg/vg ratio, talk to the owner, he would know, but I would guess 50/50 or 60/40. But why would you get a nic level more equivalent to pack and a half a day? I'm admittedly not knowledgeable about hookah, but did you really get the equivalent of a pack and a half per day of analogs by hitting a hookah once a week? And why did you decide you need nicotine every day?
  2. See, part of this is, two of these juices,.I don't think I had on VV/VW before. I'm pretty sure that I got them AFTER I sent the other MVP back. But two of the flavors I would run the highest power setting on (between 7 & 8.5 watts), were the same way. One of those is actually a custom mix of their flavor, 70/30 with the max flavor they can add. I don't know. I know the majority of my tanks needed coil changes, and all I have are 1.8, so that's a bit outside my comfort zone, and if I'm not careful, I burn that coil up before I can vape properly from it.
  3. The Spiced Apple Cider is DA BOMB!!! I know it's still in testing stages, don't know if I can say the name of the vendor I'm testing it for yet, since I don't think it is open commercially until after the New Year (may be an ongoing thread in juice reviews section). But I REALLY like it.
  4. I literally heard it for the first time on South Park the other day. Then the oldest confirmed there are girls on campus that speak that way. *rolls eyes* When did speaking English become the hallmark of "old" people?
  5. Smoking a hookah every week or so is TOTALLY different than vaping nicotine, flavored or not. Start out with 0 nic. And that throat burn? Smoking's given it us, for most of us, decades. Hence smokers' voives, why I can no longer sing after 25 years of smoking. I don't even notice throat hit with vaping. Never did, never understood what it is, frankly.
  6. As if is, waiting for the newest painkillers to take effect on the area NOT impacted by the nerve block. But they also gave me a steroid injection on my other thumb, and I think that hurts worse. Hubby has to, at the very least, open and hold my tanks while I refill them, or he'll have to do it, at least until the nerve block wears off.
  7. Went well. They started the med to make me drowsy way early, so I was practically asleep by the time they wheeled me back there. Slept through most of it, but they had to wake me up to make me move my thumb. So then I just started talking, I have NO CLUE what I said, but it must have been slightly amusing, because my doc told his resident they should start charting what patients say when they have that kind of sedation.
  8. Okay, so bright and freaking early (before 6 am) I have to leave to go to St. Louis County to get a trigger finger release on my thumb. None too soon, too, because in the mornings, the stiffness and locking has spread to my other fingers upon waking until they loosen up. Maybe that's an early sign that I'll soon be needing trearkment for those, I dunno, but the last few days have been painful, and I'll be glad to get it behind mme. Who wants to take bets on how long it takes me to hit the MVP fire button with the wrong hand?
  9. Okay, I'm gonna put it in mail, 'cause I didn't buy it myself, it was HANDED to me. Hubby came home yesterday with a couple of HANDFULS of coils. They were out of 5 packs, so I think (hope) they charged him 5 pack prices for all the individual coils he bought. I haven't counted them. It was very sweet of him, but I forgot I didn't tell him I switched back to 2.5 ohm coils, and he got ALL THOSE COILS with 1.8 resistance! Since I was fairly certain that many of my troubles with the MVP the other night were coil related, he got me a whole bunch for Christmas, and then gave me like five initially.....then gave me the rest. <3
  10. Having coil difficulties, out of desperation I tried the iClear last night. Holy wimpmobile is right. Two ohms, straight. And it has no ooomph. It may be a bad coil, the way my luck is running. It kinda fizzles.....wicks are plenty wet, I just, well I can't describe what the firing sounds like....and maybe top coils sound different when they fire, but this is......yeah, as soon as I can get a working coil back in my other RY4 tank that well, works (bad luck with coils not working the last 24 hours or so), I'll be tossing this aside. EDIT: Oh, and I put the stock drip tip in before trying another drip tip, now I can't get it off to put a different one on.
  11. Well, it depends. Currently, my main vapes are 618, 555, and RY4, all from Better Vapes, and Honey Wood Tobacco from Chi-Town Vapors. But I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Banana (actually, chocolate banana from Vape Dudes, but I can't taste the chocolate vape for certain reasons, so I'm going to look for a new banana supplier that has a good nice banana flavor like I get in chocolate banana (an occassional vape), I'm working on sort of a mash up spiced apple flavors, and I'm testing out spiced apple and apple cider flavors (so far they are very yummilicious). I also vape, um, let's see, Hazelnut, Turkish Honey Tobacco, Irish Cream, those are my regulars. Apple Fritter, an occassional again, but more often now that I have a med that interferes with my taste buds in the morning (well, okay, sometimes my taste is funky all day and it has nothing to do with vaper's tongue). Oh! And French Vanilla as well. I also have another Tobacco that currently the remnants of it are in a mashup a bit - Kick Ash Sweet Tobacco by Vapor Beast, which I LOVE, but that's a treat that I only get once in a while. But all told, I think, not counting the samples I'm testing, I have about 15 flavors, but a couple of them I haven't touched in at least a couple months.
  12. Very true. Davides are SIMILAR to the Pro Tanks, but different, and there are a couple of other glass tanks out there as well. The advantage of Davides is they take the same coil as the Kangers, so more places carry the coils. I forgot to ask, are you using genuine Kanger coils? I mean, does the box actually say "Kanger" on the end flap (and usually will say "Coils for the Pro Tank, Evod, and Unitank on the front). If you are doing everything mail order, I would think you are getting genuine, though. I would say sometimes you get bad batches of coils, but if you are changing them out that frequently, I would think that if it was that, you didn't get a bad batch, you got a bad LOT. Good luck.
  13. What I meant was, depending on the juice color, I have the same problem seeing the juice level in some of my Evods.
  14. Got my MVP. Wasn't stalking the mail carrier, and the dog didn't alert us to her presence - probably because he was stalking the turkey being cooked, and then eaten, but it had to have come before 6 pm, despite leaving the Post office an hour late, because while we were eating, right by the window the mailbox is closest to, didn't hear the mailbox close, much less a Priority Mail Flat Rate Shipping Box hit the inside of the mailbox. Incidentally, I now know if I ever have to mail a device or something back to anyone, I can use a LOT less bubble wrap. It was in this $5.00 shipping box, so plenty of room around it, and it was just in a sort of envelope of bubble wrap, not bubble wrap stuffed into every corner of the package, like I've done twice now. Think I'm gonna see if my mom can/will take me and get me three packages of coils down in East Alton. Like I said, most of the coils I have in tanks right now are recycled, and even though most of them are higher ohms, I don't know how good they all are, and I want to get brand new coils in these tanks.
  15. Okay, so I got my MVP in from the mail, and um, pretty sure it had sat in the mailbox for a couple hours, as it was 8, but the dog never went nuts so we didn't realize the mail had come, so I had my son go get the mail at 8. I was so excited, it was fully charged, I started using it right away.....but I kept coming away with a burned taste on every tank if I went above 3.7 volts. But the unit was COLD. Because, well, it's three hours later, and it's 26 degrees. So I'm wondering if connection could have chilled say parts of the tank so that when the coil heated up it made it taste burned. That probably sounded more logical in my head than it does on paper. At first I was thinking it was just the coils, because MOST of my coils were recycled coils. ONE coil I replaced tonight. I tried a few tanks on hubby's Provari on 4 volts, a setting I was getting a burned taste on with my new MVP, and it tasted burned. So I figured, okay, it's either me or it's the coils, but it didn't taste burned before the MVP, except the RY4 (pretty sure I need to replace that coil, or maybe I'm just tasting it funky today). Hubby had tasted the 555 last night, and liked it, sort of, so I was going to have him taste it on my MPV to see if it tasted burned. This is after I'd been messing with this stuff for like two hours, using a tank on the eGo battery, seeing how tasted, using it on 3.7 volts, seeing how it tasted, using it on 4 volts, seeing how it tasted, etc., with several different tanks (ironically, or maybe tellingly, the evods started tasting right first, but I didn't test them until later, so maybe they just didn't get chilled). But before I handed it off to hubby to taste it (and 4 volts is actually just slightly ABOVE the voltage used when I vape a 2.2 at 7 watts), the majority of the tanks started tasting right, although frankly, I won't be happy until I get fresh 2.5 ohm resistance coils in all the tanks that I use. So, my question stands - could using the MVP when it was cold have had an affect on the tank, and how it heated the juice, and how the juice tasted? Even on another device? Probably a stupid a question, and it may just be my tastebuds getting the better of me. I don't know.
  16. Don't worry about sounding like a conspiracy theorist. I think in one way or another, all of us vapers are since the FDA has ALWAYS been threatening to get involved, since way back in 2008, and even took to court - but since it was classified as tobacco and under THAT regulation and not a drug delivery device via the federal court decision in 2011, they are running out of time to take action on it. The thing is - I think it was one of the links you posted, or maybe it was something I read on my own. Big pharma only manages to help 15% of smokers quit. Why? IMO, it's not addressing the behavioral (therefore psychological) addiction. Yeah, suckers work for some, but not for all. Plus, the patches, the lozenges, etc., don't replace the same amount of nicotine you were taking in, and letting you step down as slowly as you want. The lozenges and the gum only address cravings as they come, and again, that's the nic craving, not the behavioral stuff. Golly, I was going to type more, but now I've forgotten because I started this so many hours ago.....
  17. No problem. We had a mutlimeter already, 'cause my husband's a handy fix it around the house guy, but he uses it to check the voltage coming OUT of a device if needed (like when my MVP was messing up because, I have come to believe it was freaking haunted, since it tested out normally). That's it! My house is only SLIGHTLY haunted (and what 100 year old house in THIS town isn't - a town almost universally agreed on is the most haunted small town in America).....all the ghosts have taken up residence in my equipment! *starts plotting to find out if I can set up "ghost traps" around my equipment when it's sitting unused, and where I would find how to make said "ghost trap"*
  18. Of course they can't.....which if they try to limit flavorings, I will be forced to use, and possibly steal recipes from other DIYers on this board. But I REALLY don't think they'll go after flavorings, even though the attorneys-general of most states are asking them to. But if I do start doing DIY, expect a LOT of questions! I think hubby would have a heart attack if I started "cooking" my own e-juice better than I cook food.....because I don't cook food that well. But can't e-juice be mixed up quicker than a meal? Frankly, and I suppose someone could enlighten me on this, but I didn't think flavoring was a big thing in cigarettes other than menthol (and some producers, like Marlboro, adding minor amounts of things like cocoa powder to the tobacco mixture that you could barely detect, and only on rare occasions); I don't recall flavored cigarettes being sold, just like the Strawberry Swishers, which it didn't apply to because they were considered cigars, and the flavoring rule didn't apply to cigars. Did it apply to chewing tobacco? I DO recall, I think seeing something like Spearmint Chew as opposed to regular or menthol (but the thought of chew grosses me out enough, add menthol to it, *shudder*). Frankly, I don't have a problem if they regulate it as a nicotine problem, not a nicotine replacement therapy. Yes, they would attempt to regulate, but that would mean a NATIONWIDE ban on sales to minors (which I think we are all in agreement on). I don't think they can ban online sales because, as it has been noted before, cigarettes and cigars can be purchased online, both domestically and internationally (just not from Cuba). As for video games, that's what parents are FOR. Heck, I know we may have been overprotective, but from the time my kids started spending time at their older cousin's place (who had GTA), not only were they forbidden to play it until they turned eighteen (and they didn't, we talked to the mother about it, too), they were forbidden to WATCH it being played until they were much older (they were like seven and nine then). Certain games can't be played until the age of 18 because of sexual content. So yeah, we're restrictive on games. And vaporraper, it sounds as if you are advocating another civil war. Um, no. The last Civil War was the bloodiest and deadliest war this country EVER took part of, and it took place on our own soil. We have enough countries that would love to do some American damage, we don't need a war that they can pick sides and do just that. And there are enough middle eastern countries in the middle of their own civil issues. We go into a Civil War, the world economy goes into more of a tailspin than it already is.
  19. No problem, I've been there, and recently, too. I looked at what hubby recommended (he was just looking for variable wattage and price at that point), then looked at another hubby recommended the next day, and then came here looking for advice. That's what forums are for, and about. I did the same thing when my Sigelei Zmax malfunctioned (it's a common malfunction, but doesn't happen in the majority of them, from what I've heard, and only happens in specific circumstances, supposedly), I came to the forum for advice on what to replace it with - considering my refund budget. Also, the members here are GREAT at helping you find "deals", rather, low prices on certain things, at least they have been with me.
  20. I don't have a problem with the KPT2 being airy, and blocking blocking off a hole in the stem, leading into where the coil is, would be risky. I tried tape, and it wouldn't stick after connecting. If you stuff something in there to block it off, you risk it wiggling loose and completely blocking the center, or you risk it getting loose and inhaling it. A lot of people feel the KPT2 has a much tighter draw than the Davide, BTW. So if you find that's the case, then yes, you may want the airflow controller (pretty sure you can use that make the draw more airy as well as tighten it up, right?), or if it's too tight, you can drill out one of the air holes with just a slightly larger drill bit. Brian Carter: Sometimes I use the analogy of trying drink a White Castle shake through a straw - have you tried those? They are just about solid for about 30 minutes (well, okay, less if they are hot). They'll give a migraine from straining (don't know if it's from dilating the blood vessel or constricting it) trying suck it through if you try to drink it too early (yes, that, an aneurysms are a known phenomena from other situations).
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