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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Um, how did you splash acid on your eGo?
  2. Welcome! First off, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you remind me somewhat of my mother. My dad had CV issues (angioplasties and stents) dating back to about 1994, I think, but when mom's trouble hit, it hit big. Within a year, she had to have, I can't remember the NAME of the surgery, but they basically had to go in and roto-rooter out her carotid arteries, and they discovered her PAD and her artery problems around her heart at the same time. She had to have triple bypass surgery, and then shortly afterward, she had to have femoral bypasses on both legs - in two spots on her left leg. She was initially told that if she didn't stop smoking, she wouldn't be walking in 10 years time. Well, she quit smoking almost immediately, but she had difficulties taking blood thinners, so she wasn't on blood thinners, and a couple years ago got another couple clots in her left leg. One was able to be cleaned out, but the other she had to have another bypass. She was told then, in 2010, I think, that if she had blockage again, she'd probably lose her leg. But she was put on permanent blood thinners, at that time, and if she got another ulcer, they'd work around that. It happened again this summer. (About three years later). She went into the hospital, they weren't sure what they were going to be able to do. The first time, I THINK he managed to clean the blockage out, I really can't remember, the summer is so mixed up in mind, because they never really got her blood thinner levels right in the hospital, and when she went home, the blood levels dropped again, and she got another blockage. Back into the hospital she goes. Luckily, just like the other two times, despite her leg being quite cold, and quite pale, and no femoral pulse, she had enough peripheral blood flow in the small blood vessels to buy some time, and after almost a week, they were able to find a vein to harvest. She was admitted to Barnes on her 69th birthday....,.Happy Birthday to her, right? That was the second admission. The next day, the 14th, was my last slip up with an analog. When she started trying to quit, she forbade my dad from smoking in the house, and thirteen years later, he's still smoking outside. Although I think when it's very very cold she'll let him smoke in the basement. Like the others have said, you can try a new coil in the Protank 3, but you may be better off just putting a single head in there for now. Good luck, and welcome aboard!
  3. Better Vapes 555. Yummy. Hope my taste buds wake up a little more so I can work on some other flavors, too.
  4. Well, the coils for the KPT3 are a bit of a different animal. There have been documented problems, enough that Kanger is addressing them. I don't know if they have released a revised version yet. I would use single coil until the the problems are addressed and fixed.
  5. I drip only occasionally. Usually, when I've gotten a sample that I know I may have to steep long term, I'll drip it at first to check it out, and then do a little bit of dripping weekly to check on the progress. My main juice intake isn't ever going to be in dripping. As far as not doing RDAs, I'm not mechanically inclined. We'll just leave it at that.
  6. But, for those that don't want to go sub ohm, is there an advantage of a mech over an APV?
  7. Okay, I'm going to address this, and another of your posts that I quoted that is further down in one shot. When I started vaping, I thought, there's no way I'm going to like these liquids more than my analogs....until, about 10 days in of getting rid of the packs we had, we found we were hitting on our eGos in between hits on the cigarette, because the juice tasted so much better. It's not that you lose the taste for your tobacco, you just, inevitably, when trying to find something to match that taste, end up finding something that tastes better. I think it was two days after I put analogs down, I could finally smell how smoky things in my house were. The throw blankets in the living room immediately got washed. Winter coats, my jackets that I tend to wear inside the house because I have little cold tolerance, ALL clothes, got rewashed. And that made me feel bad, realizing just HOW bad the smoke smell was on the boys' coats, sending them to school with their coats smelling like that. I got made fun of in middle school, likely because of the cigarette smoke odor on my clothes, and then I did the same thing to my boys. I do have to agree that while I find the smell of say, pipe tobacco (that's the only thing I can compare that to), or maybe a good cigar (my fave that my SO smoked was a Macanudo Madoro), but the smoke smell, when I managed to smell it, horrified me. I sat down the other on the bench at the grocery store where you could smoke, and where the people waiting for the bus hang out. What I smelled wasn't the yummy tobacco smell. What I smelled was not only smoke, but stale smoke on the people as well. My SO finds that being in room with people smoking turns his stomach. I had problems with it, but they were really only momentary, but it affected him the entire couple of hours we were there. And my nephew works in garage/car shop where most of the guys are vapers. He said it smells so good in there just from what people are vaping. Nicotine isn't the only addictive substance in tobacco. I've posted this before. And just because it's not in a pre-rolled cigarette doesn't mean it's not there. It's there in rolling tobacco, cigars, pipe tobacco. MAOI's are pretty much the most addictive agent added into US tobacco, at least. In larger quantities, it CAN be used as a last line of defense anti-depressant. Very old school, and not used much these days because at therapeutic dosages, it interferes with MOST other meds. But the amount in tobacco is still enough to instill that addiction, worse than just nicotine alone. Not to mention the other 4000 + chemicals, designed to improve taste, and enrich addition, as well as 40+ known carcinogens. And again, and finally, you can find flavors out there that may mimic what you are looking for, or, if you don't want a "tobacco" taste during those vaping times, you can find another flavor to use altogether that, while yummy, and they contain nicotine, they don't taste like tobacco.
  8. They already instituted a ban in Evanstan, Illinois, and a couple other cities. Basically, it mirrors the smoking bans in those towns.
  9. By the way, the "Christmas on Paris Drive", drives their monthly electric bill up to between $1 - 2000 dollars, and traffic is so heavy it's monitored by the Sheriff's Dept., and it's one way on that street during these months.
  10. Also, there are a lot of clones that are essentially 1 to 1 copies, just without the brand name behind them, they don't have to charge an arm and a leg (sometimes literally). I know I've spoken to Medic about clones, and he's used clones as well as "originals", IIRC without a problem, or experiencing problems with build quality. Hubby has a nemesis clone, and it's the same thing, no quality issues. Just putting in my 2 cents.
  11. MOST of the soundtrack was fine. Not a fan of dubstep, or rather, "club music" is what they called it 20 years ago. Wasn't a fan of it then, either, lol. But there wasn't that much in it. We have a house in our area that does something similar every year, gets it broadcast, takes donations for the food pantry. "Christmas lights on Paris Drive." They don't go so far as including any dubstep, though. But, you know, if you charity funding drive is sucking up all the streets that you neighbors need to drive down (via traffic), you need to find another way to accomplish your mission.
  12. That's the first place I heard all that language from - and my son says there are girls walking around on campus talking like that.....I mean, we at least used English, even if new words like stud muffin came up. And then I heard "jelly" on the South Park episode, and they were going to send Wendy to a special "jelly girls" for girls to get over being "jelly", except one didn't actually exist.
  13. So you are a woodworker (hobby, I guess?) AND a machinist? Apprentice level, I'm guessing? And Tam is right, just about everything is going to CNC now a days. Quicker, cheaper over time, etc. Be glad you haven't invested 20 years of training, gotten to be a master machinist only to get your company bought out and replaced by a guy who knows how to run the machine (which happened to my cousin in law). My advice on that would be, take a quick course in school, make sure you ARE the guy that knows how to run that machine, and as many other jobs as necessary in that plant. Ranken Technical, while it's good, and it's proprietary college so your credits won't transfer anywhere else, seems to be pretty good at that. BE the guy that can run the robots - you are young, and certainly not locked into a career at 18. But what do I know, I'm only twice your age. As far as smoking/vaping, welcome! I wanted to be shocked by your age, except, that's when I started, too. Of course, 25 years ago, it was easier. You know which stores would sell to you and which wouldn't, they didn't do the spot checks on selling tobacco to minors like they did with selling alcohol to minors (they do both in my area now). Heck, okay, granted, I was made up MOST of the time back then, but they HAD to know that I wasn't 18 when I would put $2.25 gas in a car with the explanation that I only replace what I used when I borrowed it, yet they still sold me smokes. And that was at Quik Trip. It's good that you are getting off of them now, sooner and not 25 years later. You have a chance of any damage that's been done to your body being completely healed, something that some of us won't have.
  14. First off, what you probably have going on is some residual juice on your fingers. Or possibly on your lips. Did you fill the tank yourself? It at some point in time, when you were inhaling it, was it sort of spitting juice at you? Okay, tough love time (I'm sorry). I NEVER thought I would quit. Even when the docs said smoking would make my MS worse, never thought I'd quit. Tried nicotine replacement stuff, never worked beyond, at the outside, 48 hours, and I was lucky to last 12. I LOVED smoking. I'd looked at e-cigarettes, but all I knew of was Blu - and that's more expensive than what I was spending on analogs. I smoked analogs for twenty five years, from as soon as my feet in the floor in the morning, to just before I went to bed. I enjoyed it. But I also had plenty of reasons to quit. Family members with COPD, with family members who developed medical conditions that while they may not have been directly caused by a lifetime of smoking, they were made worse by it (usually something that there is a family history of). My sister's mother in law had a recurrence of breast cancer. She refused to quit smoking, so her doctor refused to treat her breast cancer (since smoking causes cancer), other than comfort measures. Who knows what would have happened had she put down the analogs for good. Someone else, before I met this family, the grandfather got lung cancer. He didn't put down analogs until they removed a lung. Six years to the day after cancer took him, his wife died as well, after being on oxygen for so many years, it was before I met that family (so at least 4). But then I saw an article in my local paper (it's in the news section of the forum) that showed that what I consider "real" vaping isn't about the expense of things like Blu (cigalikes), and it could cut our vaping expenses to a fraction of what our smoking expenses were. First off, the clerk shouldn't have just "given you" RY4. If they were truly there to help you, they should have shown you the available flavors, and let you sample them. RY4 isn't for everyone, and it took months before I actually liked it - and that was finding a version of it you like. Vaping isn't going to work for ANYONE unless they can find a flavor they like and will actually use.
  15. Okay, read this link all the way to the end. http://www.quickmeme.com/p/3vqohh
  16. Speaking of totes jelly, have you seen the sprint commercial with Malcolm McDowell and James Earl Jones reading a text convo?
  17. Don't know about six chambers, but Vapor Beast has something called something like the switchback something, basically an ecig battery assembly that has a tank on both ends, so you can switch flavors.
  18. oh, and the MVP is probably going on at least a 5 day break for me to be able to push the danged button!
  19. Got one with my MVP, hubby likes 'em, better than the KPT2's, despite being plastic, but it doesn't seem to fire quite as well for me, compared to my other tanks. Sounds like a fizzle. Hubby said it's working fine for him (the same tank), but the flavor is also different coming out of that tank than out of my KPT2. Then again, hubby likes it so much, but the one he had loaded started flooding for no reason he knew, and couldn't figure out, so he stopped using it. But if he thinks mine is doing fine, I may just give him mine, have him clean the wicks and the tank, and use on whatever he wants. I couldn't get much ooomph out of it even on the MVP, and it tastes more muted than the KPT2. NOTE: I should specify. I ddin't get the iClear S, just the regular iClear 30, no S.
  20. Just started typing again about 2 hours ago, and it feels a heck of a lot better than poking at letters on my phone, and less stressful, too. The only issue is this: he did an injection for my left thumb, which we talked about and agreed upon before hand, because my left thumb has the same issues, only not as advanced. And frankly, I don't know if its from the injection or from using my MVP trigger in my left hand (either triggering it with my left thumb, or turning it around and triggering it with my finger), my left thumb now hurts like an SOB, is locking up (it wasn't as bad as the right side about that). Oh, but this just in (it's now an hour later) and my nerve block is starting to wear off, and I'm getting SOME pain, but not as much as I expected, but it itches. And typing definitely hurts less than typing it out on my phone or my Nook.
  21. It's not "what they do differently". It could be ratio, which the OWNER would have to know as well as this mixmaster guy, or it could be particular ingredients they use to make up those flavors, or it could be that your body just happens to agree with those particular flavors made in that way with their ingredients. If they "do anything differently", they aren't going to tell you, they'll consider it a trade secret. Just like my go to B&M shop isn't going to tell me what all flavors go into the 618 blend (their own homebrew "local" blend, hence the name, which is our area code). If I were you, I would stick to those original ones, but also try samples of their other flavors, or get sample packs of other vendors (after you find out what pg/vg ratio they use, and the OWNER has to know that because it can impact diabetics - more vg, the higher the the blood sugar impact). It could be they were using 60/40. Okay, you're talking about "bowls" - how long does it take for you to go through one of those bowls? Because a) on AVERAGE, one consumes 1 mg of nicotine from a regular analog cigarette; the nic mg rating is the nicotine per milligram of juice - so if you go through 1 mg of juice in a day, you've absorbed, to use your example, 12 mg of nicotine (BTW, were all your other orders that were so harsh, were they 18 mg instead of the 12 you got at the original vape shop? That could be the difference right there); and c) there is a LETHAL amount of nicotine one can absorb into one's body, but it's pretty difficult to get to. You have to absorb 60 - 90 mg of nicotine into your body within about an hour for it to be fatal. Nicotine is processed in two hours, although the metabolites stay in your system for a few weeks, but as far as I know, there is no lethal level of the metabolites. And nicotine can be absorbed in many ways, and isn't just found in tobacco. And I'm rambling, but it's good information to store in your brain.
  22. See, with one of my tanks the night before, I was installing FRESH coils. I'd blow/suck air through them, and still wasn't able to draw off of it, and that was after cleaning the tank a checking for clogs. Got a coil in it that functioned, put it up for a day, and then it was impossibly tight again the next time we tried to use it.
  23. Just wanted to add that it MAY also have something to do with both vendors and flavors, in addition to the nicotine hit that you aren't used to.
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