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Everything posted by spydre

  1. My former sister in law had an apron with that on it!
  2. Happy Holidays for whichever holidays you are celebrating!
  3. Okay, first off, those are the wattage settings. That's power. My advice, if you don't follow Tam's advice, would be to get some 2.5 resistance coils, and start out on the 6.5 watt setting, working up until you find a setting that you like, you like the taste of, and the juice doesn't taste burned. IMO, this is excellent advice. I prefer the higher voltage 2.5 coil, but that's personal preference. 3.7 volt setting will give you the voltage that standard "starter" batteries are at, which is a good voltage to start working from. You can go lower voltage if that tastes burned, or you can sort of play around with voltage from there.
  4. Patricia, have you checked to make sure the air holes in the post are clear? I'm curious about how this can be solved, because I'm having this issue in the last week with ONE of my tanks - and it hasn't happened before, and I've had them all since August.
  5. This morning I'm still bouncing around. Some cinnamon stick and Spice apple AND Apple Cider from Fadora Vapors, though I'm getting ready to drip some of the spiced apple, but crowded on time until at least later this afternoon after we get back from my parents' where the boys are getting Christmas and birthday presents. Currently using my MVP, but when I drip, I'll be using my eGo.
  6. Crossing my fingers that the coil in my 555 tank lasts to Christmas. That tank has the last of my 2.2 coils in it. Pretty sure that hubby let it slip that I'm getting, I think ten more coils, and they are hopefully 2.2 or 2.5, (I just prefer 2.5s), so I'll be able to replace it then without using a 1.8 ohm. So, Santa, please, let my coil last and let me get some coils, lol.
  7. That actually looks identical (nearly) to the Davide. Does it take Kanger coils, too? Edit: And the looser draw - Davides tend to have a looser draw than ProTanks.
  8. Actually, I guess my only bi*(& about it, is she's not following the practice of other B&M's, and pricing according to what she's charged per brand of juice. Truthfully, I don't know which way I'll go. I can't remember if I liked it, and I can't remember what it tasted like (someone could fill me in on this as the alien description didn't give me much to go on). I THINK I liked it. And if I go in there to try it, I darned well better buy the little 12 ml bottle from her. Well, and the other stores in the area, like I said, I guess have spoiled me. They have pricing tiers, depending on the brand of juice you buy (well, three of them do - no, make that 2, one only sells their own brand, and I don't know about the 4th other one because I just found out about it today, never set foot in there yet, I don't even know how long they've been open except it was before Thanksgiving). Isn't that "true car" thing enough - don't you essentially pick out a car and it tells the dealership what it can charge you?
  9. How the he** did I miss this thread? Pat, has the difference ALWAYS been there, or is just recent?
  10. Oh, and I'm sorry, huge amounts of wicks..... Okay, I see how they've done it now. They've made a bit of a mess of it, though. Top fill tank, coil's attached to the bottom ring, long wicks AT THE TOP going every which direction hanging down like a top coil (which, despite CHANGING the coil at the bottom, I'm sure it's a top coil, right?). I don't think they could have made it any messier if they TRIED. Although that little rubber hat over the center tube is a nice touch.
  11. Okay, my biggest problem, just browsing through his flavor catalog? There are absolutely no descriptions of the flavors listed.
  12. Hate to point out the obvious, but you had it screwed together tight, and all the o-rings were in place?
  13. Yeah, Cas3y, I live in Alton. Grew up in Godfrey, moved to Alton when I got married (just a few months shy of 20 years), and we've lived in about three different places in Alton since then. In May, when we hit our 20th anniversary, I will officially have lived in Alton as many years as I lived in Godfrey. I'm familiar with Columb Since June 1, we've had FIVE vape shops open up in the area (the area being the Alton area). Two in Alton (just found out about the 2nd one in Alton, which makes it the 5th one, don't know how long they've been there), 1 in Jerseyville, and two on different sides of East Alton. Anyway, check online for the store in St. Louis you went to. They may have an online presence, and you may be able to order from them, if you liked the flavors. Do I think an extra 2 mg of nic is going to make the difference between a harsh throat hit? Not myself, not personally, but I'm working my way DOWN in nic level. The majority of my "every day even for a little bit of time today" flavors are either 8 or 12 nic, but I also have an old bottle of 16 nic I'm working down, and at least several of 18 nic. Now, the 18 nic could be giving you problems if you are used to 10 - 12. But I would also think you might be getting a head rush if that was the case. Do you mind posting where you ordered from? And do you remember the name of the shop in St. Louis? Was it in St. Peters?
  14. Gah, would never do that. Have to know what it feels like to sit in the seats, to sit behind the wheel (is it placed comfortably), check the paint (one dealership was trying to sell us a car "as new" - it was nearly new, but there were swirls in the paint, like the last time someone buffed it they got carried away). The fact of the matter is, if there is a "national" brand, ie, an online brand that a store here carries, I'd like to at least get my first taste, and then make my first purchase at that store. I think with the Kick Ash Tobacco I bought from them, I bought my first two bottles from them, and ordered the rest, because I got 30 ml rather than 15 ml bottles. I guess I'm just kind of shocked because every other B&M I've been in, depending on the vendor prices, that determines what they charge for each brand of juice in the store. I mean, if they charged the same price for their regular juice as their premium juices, like Cloud 9 does, I would be irked. That's like paying Cadillac prices for little hatchback. Well, okay, I'm not saying Boba's is a little hatchback. But, when you compare bottle sizes - you pay $13 for all other flavors (even non premium flavors), for 15 ml. Boba's, same price, $12 ml, and almost double what you can get it online for when it's not on sale. You can get 18 ml cheaper than that online.
  15. Where did you get the battery, and what kind of charger is it? I find it odd that there is no branding, or no writing on the battery whatsoever to give you an indication even of it's size.
  16. Did you soak in hot water, or just run hot water over it? Try soaking it in hot water.
  17. Okay, so ONE B&M in my area is selling Boba's Bounty and Gorilla Juice out of their store. They only carry one size (12 ml), and they put the same price on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR JUICES, no matter what the manufacturer, to bring them in line with their most expensive juices from Vapor Beast. Twelve ml from Alien Visions, regular price is $6.97. Twelve ml Boba's from Cloud 9? $13! I called them just to see what their price was, because if I were to go in, taste it, and buy it as a treat, I might as well buy it from them, right? At least that first bottle? Holy smokes!
  18. Wow, I must have been hurting worse than I thought when I typed this. Typed in on my PC, fully awake, not lying in bed using my Nook, and look how it turned out, lol.
  19. I also had the headache/migraine issue, coupled with reflux, if I smoked too many analogs in a time period. But yeah, when I started vaping, well, at first, I was fairly good at just occasional hits but pretty quickly, since I wasn't having, say, like a set have a cigarette smoke for 10 minutes thing, I was hitting it VERY frequently, which I still sometimes do. I'm thinking that's what you are doing. And def keep hydrated. Dehydration actually causes more headaches than anything else in the US, believe it or not.
  20. Glad I'm nit the only one that keeps more than one tank going at times. Sometimes, it's the only thing I can do. This mmorning, my MVP is holding my Apple Cider, and ATM, my eGo has Chocolate Banana
  21. Now, to be clear, I'm talking the original iClear 30, not the 30S. I'm trying to figure out how to get these coils out, and even more, if they can be cleaned with the long a** wicks. Hubby gave me his iClear 30 that's had a coffee flavor in it for at least a month, so if it can be cleaned, it's going to have to be soaked in vodka at the very least. The other one is the one that came with my current MPV, that out of desperation and frustration of dealing with the coils on hand, I filled with my RY4. Got my RY4 tank working again, and wasn't real happy with the iClear's performance, but I'm willing to give it a second chance as I may have been too frustrated to give it a good chance that night. Granted, I can't do this until this dressing is off my hand, but I'm wondering if with these huge amounts of coils, and long ones, if it's even possible.
  22. Okay, Jeff, I have totally forgotten since I've tasted it, what's Boba's Bounty taste like? I don't want to go into the shop here that carries it because I have no way to purchase it, or even anything small like coils, until January, likely after our "bonus" comes in. Not that I'm a peppermint vape fan, okay, well, I like Andes vape flavors, and I'm pretty sure I was fond of peppermint patty, but what does blueberry mixed with peppermint taste like, to you? I know taste is subjective, yada yada yada. Trophy tank? Is that the name of it (a RBA maybe?)
  23. My first guess - other than analog withdrawal, which could cause migraines, would be too much nicotine. Either you are using too high a nic level (although that might show itself after a shorter time of vaping) or you are hitting the vaporizer too much in that time period, receiving a higher dose of nicotine than you are used to over time. Blu uses both pg and vg, so that wouldn't be it. Were the analogs you were smoking full flavored, and how long were you using the Blu's, and what strength? And about how many ml of juice did you go through, and what strength nic? Just throwing ideas out there.
  24. Been switching off and on between my MVP and my eGo 900 mah, depending on how my hand feels, and what voltage is required for what I'm vaping. Since I don't feel well, I can't really settle on a flavor or a taste, except my go to for most of the day has been what has become my comfort flavor, 555 from Better Vapes. Apple Cider from Fadora's become one of my comfort flavors, too, but coil problems were hitting with the tank, and I didn't want to mess with it because my hand REALLY hurts today. Although, I just took a hit off a few of my evods, and now I'm torn But right now, I'm switching off between 2 900 mah eGos since my MVP is charging. One eGo has my comfort 555 strapped to it, and one eGo I've pretty much settled between switching it off and on between a spiced mash I got from a friend. First day I got it, I vaped it all day. It has a touch of Camel flavoring, though, and sometimes that comes out too strong, but that's okay, when I'm in the mood for it, usually shaking up the bottle and adding more works. My apple cider is soaking it's wick overnight, but it's a 1.8 coil, and right now, I'm using low voltage/power to warm those up, so not until the MVP charges. I seem to be sensitive to burning juices lately (there are reasons for it).
  25. I myself prefer nitecor battery charger. When I was using a Zmax, I purchased the i4 so hubby could charge his batteries in it as well, as his charger wasn't so great, but now I'm using the MVP, and well, it has a built in battery.
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