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Everything posted by spydre

  1. But it can be used with Kanger Tanks. Plus, KPT2s come with a beauty ring, which essentially do the same thing.
  2. Okay.....I'm sorry, this has bugged me for too gosh darn long and I have to ask you about your user name. You chose to end it with "raper"? Really?
  3. I second what Tam said about the Spinner probably being the best of the lot. I got a Smoketech Winder for Christmas for use when my MVP is charging, and everything is just to glossy to easily tell what the numbers are, where the indicator is, etc. Well, no, wait, I can see the numbers fine, it's just the indicator that I can't see that well in the glare back from the glossy finish of the bottom dial. And I would recommend either the KPT 2 or the Davide as well. They both hold a good amount of juice, so you won't be refilling every few hours unless you are hitting it really hard.
  4. Same here. I mean, how many of us made quitting smoking resolutions how many years in a row? Sometimes, I might make a goal.....but not a resolution, not "resolving" to do something, but to TRY to do something more or better, or whatever, but I don't only make those for New Years.
  5. What I was told was ONLY inhale into your mouth the first week - especially if you already have a smoker's cough going. Simply because, like I said, water vapor particles are bigger than smoke particles, the lungs won't adjust to it overnight, and secondly, the first week, you tend to start coughing up crap.
  6. The airflow control valve has actually been on the market for a while, if it's the one I'm thinking of.
  7. Except I'm pretty sure Patricia uses ProTanks. With those, the "pin" of the atomizer is of course, the coil, and you have to screw it out a little, you can't rock it out with a paper clip. But definitely check the air holes in the post.
  8. Bebop, Jeff, Troy, Tam, what say you? Particularly since I generally set by wattage on my MVP. Does it have something to do with amps?
  9. The title says it all. Higher resistance equals higher voltage for the dame taste, the same power. So how does it uuse more battery for low resistance?
  10. When I first started, I was advised for at least the first week, don't do lung hits. Mouth hits only. The lungs need time to cough crap up, plus water vapor particles are larger than smoke particles, so it takes time for the body to adjust. A body has plenty of mucous membranes in the mouth and nose to absorb the nicotine. As far as nic level, you base that off what strength your dad smoked and how MUCH he smoked a day. A pack a day of full flavored, he'll need 18 mg. As an aside, with that much VG, how's the flavor that he's getting? The only other thing I can think of on the cough is maybe with that much VG, it's so thick, maybe he's havingg to draw harder maybe? Why
  11. First off, and this may have nothing to do with it, but what was the sourceof your cotton, and did you boil it? Oh, and what did you use for the coil?
  12. I'm also testing out a cinnamon stick flavor - sot of like a cinnamon/sugar mix. I've found it's a good thing to mix with flavors as well. The Apple Cider I never mixed with anything because it was so yummy I vaped it on it's own, but the cinnamon, while delicious, I wondered if it could jazz up some other flavors. One, there was no hope of helping. But my Apple Fritter from Better Vapes doesn't compare to Applee Cider, so I added Cinnamon Stick to it, and that def improved it.
  13. Ha! Bebop, interestingly enough, when I changed the coil in this tank yet AGAIN (I think this is the 5th coil change since the tightness started - but some of them were recycled coils), the tightness on mine cleared up.
  14. Are you using the beauty ring? Trust me, it helps. My SO wants to make sure I use it to "reinforce the connection" so if it gets dropped, the 510 connection on the tank doesn't get sheared off inside the APV, but I've not had a problem with any of tips getting bent. I DID have a drip tip break off back when I still had my Zmax - the tip hit the desk when I dropped and sheared off, the Zmax and tank landed harmlessly in my chair. From what shop?
  15. Just be forewarned - although the cannon from the show originates in the graphic novels, the show has it's own cannon, and diverges. So at points, what you see in the graphic novels may or may not agree.
  16. Actually, I think I've found in the last 24 hours that MOST of the issues may have been caused by chain vaping, and the liquid in the tank getting super-heated. Not dry hits, but hitting frequently enough that, at least on say, the evods, you could touch the tank and FEEL the heat, and that's when I got all panicky. And when I tested my SO's Provari, I'd done the same thing, so by the time I had him taste it (either on my device or on the Provari), the juice was still super-heated and prone to tasting burned. One juice that is ESPECIALLY prone to this, though, is my new 555 blend, ESPECIALLY if I vape until close to the 10 second cut off, and/or take hits too close together - which I would tend to do in the car, about the frequency of hits (simulating rolling down the window for an analog, so taking a few hits, then rolling with window back up). ALMOST everything I've tried I've been able to get at around 7 1/2 watts, which was where I was vaping before as well, with a couple juices I can go higher. Too bad I can't still edit the first post, or better yet, edit the title to say NEVERMIND, PROBLEM SOLVED!
  17. Okay, it appears that quite possibly, I was wrong about these new packs of coils. I've pushed my 618 and RY4 to their limits in the past two hours, and gotten very good power, and thus voltage, out of them. I'll double check my 555 when I get up, but it's quite possible that their particular blend wants a lower temperature, and I'll change the coil on my honey wood and check that, too. I'll update then, and you may be able to write this whole post off.
  18. It's not getting addicted to the taste you need to worry about, it's getting used to the taste, and essentially getting vaper's tongue, at least for that and similar flavors, where you can no longer taste them, sometimes for several weeks at a time. You can help avoid this by staying well hydrated, though. I haven't had an incidence of it since right after I found these forums, several months ago.
  19. I know this is going to be a weird topic, and if it's in the wrong sub-forum, admins, you can move it, or you can message me and have me repost it in the correct forum if you don't have that capability. I have a full fledged Ohm's law calculator - you enter the voltage or power, and the resistance, it will fill in the third field, plus current. Is there any way to take that knowledge, and calculate the TEMPERATURE it should be producing? I want to start mail ordering my coils. I've gotten all my coils here locally the last two months, and even with 1.8 ohm coils, I can't bump the power or the voltage up above eGo levels, essentially, without burning the liquid. Juice that I used to be able to vape at 9 - 10 watts is burning, for a couple months. On my eGos when they are freshly charged and outputting at 4.2 volts, on my new Smoketech Winder, on my MVP, even on hubby's Provari, so I know it's not device related. The only variable in the tank is coil, so I'm left wondering if it's the coils I'm getting in the area, even the ones packaged as genuine Kanger coils. I can update this in a few minutes after I figure out exactly what setting I can get my 618 juice up to, but another reason I believe it has to be the coils is because my dripping attys I can power up pretty good as well, the ones that Tam recommends (but not the custom one, the disposable ones - Boge LR, which is 2 ohms, + or - the standard possible deviation. Well, I've tried two different stores, two different suppliers, haven't tried the other two stores, and haven't set foot in the new store we just heard about two days ago. But I can feel the tank getting hot. I can vape the LR coils at 3.7, if I don't take long hits, and I don't vape it at that voltage for very long. So my only thought is the coils. Well, okay, I have yet to ask hubby to take the multimeter to the coil to see if what I'm reading as the resistance is truly the resistance, but I don't believe my MVP readings to be off.... actually, I don't know what could be causing it, but even hubby considers it strange, and has his cartos around 2.2 and vapes 618 at a higher voltage than I've been able to manage lately. And it's not just my taste - hubby's noticed the taste, too, and with one tank, smelled the burning before I got it turned down. If you all think I'm nuts, just say so. Not looking for problems, just miss my high power/high voltage. My 618 doesn't taste the same at 3.7 volts, no matter what the resistance of the coils.
  20. He was pretty much happy that he got a trophy - and he knew his car was faster than his brother's. Like I said, this was YEARS ago - my oldest's last year in Webelos, and he's 1/2 way through his freshman year of college. Youngest's interest in scouting didn't last out the year, and oldest's only lasted a year more - 1/2 through his first year as a Boy Scout. They've always had different interests, except video games, lol. But the youngest really started to shine a lot more in other areas when oldest moved to college, even though his brother always comes home 1 night every weekend to do laundry for free, and, of course, breaks. Everything has improved since August. And as typical, they get along better when they aren't in each other's pockets all the time. I was that way with my sister. Didn't like her much when I lived with her, lol. Or I went through phases of not liking her much. But by the time I was about a senior in high school, when she had been in and out of the house a few times already, we were getting along better. Then even better right before I got married. She was living in our parents' basement, I was still living at home, but it was more of an apartment for her and her son - well, sons right before I got married. If she was home, she took meals with us, and of course, there was time upstairs to let the kids spend time with our family, but most of her time with her boys was down in her area. I was more of an equal. Only one bump in the relationship after that, and that was something deeply personal. I know most sibs are that way.
  21. Done it - both before and after the vodka - I always wash the tanks with dish liquid. And unless I'm right up on it, well, six inches from my nose, I can't smell it - which IS a sight better than it was last night. Last night, after I washed but before I set it up for the vodka soaking, I had the unassembled parts sitting on my desk and the smell was so overwhelming I put it in my tackle box until I was sure I had enough vodka to cover all the parts that needed covered. It's sitting on my desk not assembled now, kind of in a paper towel, and I can't smell it. I've already written off the o-rings and seals, I just have to make sure the shops around here that carry the tank carry the bigger rings, since I think it's a specific Kanger seal, isn't it? But the rubber has to wait 'til payday to get replaced, but I'm not in a hurry. It's not like this was a tank I was using that I need to get back into rotation. It's one that was dropped into my hands, literally. Don't think I have anything that I would put in another full sized KPT yet until January when I can get an order from Fadora. Wait - okay, so END of January.
  22. Sad thing is, but my oldest's last year in Webelos, his brother (not a Tiger, one grade up from Tiger, I guess Wolf) had a faster car. But oldest was one of only four in his den (and winners were awarded not only for over all placement, but den placement as well), so oldest got either first or second for his den, but youngest got third because there were 12 kids in his den, even though his car was faster than his brother's.
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