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Everything posted by spydre

  1. That's JUST ABOUT the same chart I was originally using when I started vaping (and the one that's found in one of the lower sub-forums as well). It's conservative. I have the Vape app on my phone that I lived by at first, you used the slider to select resistance, and voltage or wattage, and the wattage bar would change color whether it was good, cautious, or a no-no. But that's conservative as well. If it could have a heart attack it probably would if I inputted the numbers for sub-ohm vaping (.8 resistance, 3.7 volts.....that's about 22 watts).
  2. Okay, dragonrunner, that being said, I would not buy clones from e-bay. I've heard horror stories, so I hope your experience doesn't turn out that way. Just don't buy batteries from e-bay.
  3. No, you are NOT SOL. First off, did you insure the package? Probably not, since it was just drip tips, but did they mail them out Priority or First Class mail? If they mailed them Priority, there is an AUTOMATIC $50 insurance on the package. How much did you pay them for shipping? Talk your local carrier - when they get to where you work, have them stand there while the receptionist brings you down, so you can ask if they remember. Likely, they won't, since it's a business, unless it's a smaller business. Tomorrow, you get on the horn to the post office that would have been responsible for delivering to you, to the post office that received the shipment from the vendor, and don't stop hounding. And double check your account, and see if it was Priority shipping. If it is, the post office has to reimburse you. Double check around the office just to be sure it didn't get directed to someone else, but chances of that are slim. EDIT: I should say, likely your carrier won't remember if your business regularly receives packages.
  4. Is that the one that won't fit a 18650 battery if you use a kick?
  5. If the Efest 2000 fits tight, why don't you just use an 18650 in it, Comp?
  6. Wait, did you check the tracking BEFORE you asked for your refund via PayPal? If it's in LA now, and you have your refund, what are you going to do when it shows up at your door? And you have to pay international shipping to send it back to Fast Tech? How frequently were you checking the tracking? E-bay is a BAD place to shop for vaping supplies. A lot fakes on there, and bad equipment, and downright bogus batteries and stuff.
  7. See, that's what I don't like. First time I tried it, I thought I burned my wicks. Tried again, nope, the burned flavor stayed. Tried a different manufacturer, just didn't like it.
  8. Troy, I think you are right about the hassle of taking it apart. Just easier to recycle it once after a vodka soak overnight, if needed, and letting it air dry, then pitching it. My experience begs to differ, but I don't know the science behind it. But I DO know with some of my lower voltage coils, fresh batteries have appeared to have a firing voltage of 4.2, based on the reaction of my juice to eGo's current, but we can agree to disagree here.
  9. What's this about an eight watt "limit"?
  10. How does the output dip to 3.2 volts when you fire a coil? Every standard battery I've had has had a straight output of 4.2 volts on down, depending on the current charge on the battery.
  11. Neither can I, Troy - which is another reason I've had such bad luck with recycled coils lately, me thinks.
  12. Okay, yes, I'm considering the source here, but I have been told that dry burning can actually shorten the life of the coil - or at least the wick. Is that not correct?
  13. Vodka does the trick, and for me, as long as I'm rinsing in hot water, I don't really require the dry burn anyway. I've only used a dry burn to speed dry a wick, and haven't done that in ages.
  14. BTW, we don't find clones evil here. Many people own both 1 to 1 clones and genuines here. I know iMedic has both clones and genuines in his collection. I know some people that have the same thing, both genuine and clone RBAs and med mods.
  15. I know my mom's leased Taurus wasn't in very good shape when we turned it in. We used to ONLY lease cars for credit reasons. We had a mustang.....and that wasn't in very good shape when we turned it in - but it had been leased once before to our neighbor. My mom's Taurus was leased (1/2 way through the lease we bought our first new car that I remember), and remember, it was the ultimate definition of a family car. At various points, it was driven by five different people, including me. At one point in time, the trunk gasket leaked (that may have been fixed), there was damage to the side of it where mom hugged a telephone pole, I believe the shielding to the cat converter was loose (but I couldn't swear to it, she may have fixed it at some point in time, but I don't remember it), um, and I think some other stuff - that was 20 years ago, but it also went through me learning how to drive a stick, lol! When she turned it in, it was the guy who goes over the leased cars on turn in and says what YOU have to pay for and what the dealership covers - well, other than the fact that they went over the mileage and had to pay for the extra mileage, I think. Can't remember if they still were going over mileage on my mom's car. But dad wasn't any easier on cars he owned (just ask my sister, who just bought his van). Mom's better. Welll, I was gonna ask a question, but that really depends on positioning. And I don't wanna know. I DO know that at one point in time, with all three of us kids living at home, after I graduated high school, we must have driven our neighbors absotivelyposolutely NUTS. FIVE CARS to find spots to park. And at that time, we weren't using the garage. Mom and Dad do now, but they generally only need one car at a time since it's just them and they are retired now. When I drove my Subaru Justy (ah, haven't heard that name in a long time), I could squeeze in the driveway behind whoever was parked there, but it was just as frequent that we'd be parallel parked all down the curb at the front of property (not blocking the mailbox), and have one car we had to park in front of the neighbor's property. Luckily, the neighbor across the street was understanding, and allowed this. Appreciate the offer, Brian Carter. But we are currently under loan on our Ford....Fusion(?) - sorry, can't remember the model because I don't drive. And truthfully, when we have cars, we keep them until they won't go anymore, or until they get totaled - okay, the last time a car was totaled a semi decided they wanted to be in our lane (we were on our way to a funeral, no less, a family funeral, so they held the funeral until our ride could get there and pick us up). Fusion is only two years old, so I suspect we'll be keeping it for a while, lol. But it always helps to have a friend in the know to ask questions of.
  16. jeffb, I saw that on facebook and had to share it. Carl is one bada** kid.
  17. I've tried a couple different creme brulees and I'm not fond of them, but Snickerdoodle sounds incredibly yummy.
  18. That's pretty much it for me, too.
  19. No, Danny, there was no reason to. Washing them, plus some of them got soaked in vodka depending on what flavor they were used in, takes care of that.
  20. Okay, despite vaping six months succesfully, I never really GOT thrat hit. I'm frannkly not enntirely sure I've experienced it. What's kept me going back to juice is is that it tastes so mmuch better than analogs, and I still get my nicotine, although I think I may have decreased that too much, too soon, which may explain the chain vapin and constant need to drink - milk, water, soda, whatever, ecxept when I drip samples, which should be lower because the nic hits harder, right? Of course, I did get TH with analogs. And yes, I'm doing lung inhales, generally exhale through my nose.
  21. Sorry, Medic, no thumbs up on my Nook. Yeah, that's basically what I was trying to say, except the rebuilding/mech mod part. Yeah, the throat hit can impact throat hit, but most of the things that one ight call a "hard hit" would comme from resistance/voltage/wattage, IMO.
  22. Well, actually, with some of them the culprit was not only OLD coils that hadn't been changed out in a time (and some of them still haven't been changed out) or the crap coils that I previously had. Not to mention tanks that were using recycled coils. For the most part, me recycling coils isn't a good idea, unless for some reason I'm changing the tank out after a very, very short time. Usually, I have the contents in a tank long enough blow through multiple coils, so if I change a tank out, under normal circumstances, the coil's been put through it's paces. Now, the iClear that came with MVP, I filled it out of desperation because I was having trouble with the kanger knock off coils that I had that night, so I put my RY4 in that tank temporarily, until I could get my regular RY4 tank functioning well the next day (because I was REALLY wanting some RY4 right about then). So I rinsed that out and let the wicks air dry, and the coils from my sample tanks weren't used that much - not quite 10 ml much per tank, so I rinsed those out and are letting them air dry.
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