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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Stupid question to ask vapers. Then again, at least one area, I'm not sure where anymore, said they voted on the ban because people vaping confused other people, who thought they were smoking.
  2. You may just look into using a single hole carto for the thinner juices.
  3. I'd check his math on that first off. He says cigarettes kill one out of every two users, however, in the US, around 19% of adults die from smoking related causes, but only .3% of people die in the US (including second hand smoke). Also, Norway is not involved in the EU - their deaths from all smoking related causes are only .1%. Their cigarette use is half of the US, but smokeless tobacco is quite high - as high as 25% in the young adult age range.
  4. Okay, first off, not a cloud chaser, and not mechanically inclined either, hence, why I'm not doing RBAs, but if SO wants to build RDAs for me to sample in, that's just fine, lol, but I doubt he'll do that, and I doubt I'll ask for that. But what is the purpose of the twisted coil?
  5. Well, okay, I've opened the coil up and taken the flavor wicks out and dry burned the couple of single used coils I had sitting here. Let's hope it did some good, because lately, after several days, I've noticed the wattage/voltage that a coil in a given tank lowers. That makes me a sad panda. Is that normal? I don't recall it previously happening. At least not, say, four days into a cycle, and maybe not even four days of heavy use (okay, the 555 and RY4 def got heavy use).
  6. See, this is all I'm saying. Yes, when Paypal refunded his money, the tracking was blank, if what we are being told is true (meaning no disrespect to you, Twisted, just this an anon forum, so sometimes you take things with a grain of salt), so when something all of the sudden appears on tracking, you contact the vendor and say, "I know I got my money back from you on this, but now it's suddenly being shipped, what do I do with it?" I'm sure Fast Tech would have provided shipping authorization.
  7. VR (and these are probably the last words I will directly say TO you), do you access this forum on a mobile app, or on a pc? Because if you are on a PC, SPELLCHECK shows up. I'm begging you to use it, rather than stare at the squiggly lines. My brain hurts after reading your posts.
  8. Troy, why are you wearing trifocals at such a youngish age? Okay, I'm assuming you're, what, around 40's? Custom coils sounds cool, but ungodly expensive.
  9. That's the thing. They said they would return your money when they received the package back, which they would have if it ended up being refused instead of just held up at the HK Post Office. In this case, IMO, you are taking advantage and getting merchandise for free.
  10. Where did you purchase it from? You can't get it from Kamrytech, they only sell wholesale.
  11. My SO had problems with 70/30 flooding with a two hole DCT. He ended up using the iClear 30 that came with my MVP to vape it, rather than ordering a single hole carto.
  12. You can use these tanks with pretty much any device. I wouldn't recommend starting off rebuilding coils, though, when you can get the coils for the Davide so cheaply, and frankly, I'm not sure about rebuilding dual coils anyway, how that works. I don't think anyone here has tried rebuilding the dual coils in the KPT 3 yet. I don't know how much the dual coils for the Pro Tank 3 run, but you can also run single coils that the Davide and the other Pro Tanks use in them as well. What device are you currently using?
  13. Okay, how, exactly, do you take the post off? I went to dry burn one of my previously cleaned and air dried wicks, and took the rubber piece off, but saw no way of getting to the wicks, and couldn't figure out how to get the top part off. So I very, very carefully did a couple short hits of dry burn, hoping not to burn the wicks. I now have that coil MARKED, so if it tastes all burn-y, I know why, lol. But I won't be trying to use that coil again until after I have ordered and hopefully received new coils.
  14. Well, if they were in violation of the law on how close to schools/churches, etc. they were allowed to be. I guess the City had changed their mind about considering them a tobacco product.
  15. jeffb, can I change that to be a bit&* to some people? And of course, it has the wrong year on it. REally, I swear I'm nice to some people, you can tell that. But there are idiots out there waiting for my wrath, I swear it. I've learned not to get into religious fights in facebook, unless it's on a CLOSED debate forum, so the general populace cannot read what I wrote, but then again, I de-friended the two guys that gave me the most problems outside of lists, because they TAUNTED me, TRYING to get me into religious discussions, and then getting mad when I did. One guy was unfortunately my BFF of forever's step dad, but she said even his own sister de-friended him because he just didn't get that you don't get into arguments on facebook, much less insulting ones, lol.
  16. Hi, fjs. Firstly, I don't think the bitter taste is coming from the PG. The PG carries the majority of the flavor, so I don't think it's carrying the bitter note - at least I've never experienced it. It could be coming from the flavor itself. I see what you mean about the high price of JC and not being able to customize the juices. MOST of the companies I've dealt with let you customize the PG/VG ratio on the juices, but not all. Some are mixed by an outside company (I know Vapor Beast is one of those, and it only comes 70/30). Some find a blend that they believe carries their flavor across best. Some "premium juices" are like that. I know Five Pawns (very pricey) and Boba's Bounty (okay price-wise, I think, no PG added, though, so from what I've heard, it's a thicker vape). I've seen sites that let you specify 100% VG, and some that will only go down as far as 80% VG, and some that won't go quite that low. Some places (you'll find this mostly in B&M's, but some websites carry other vendor's brands as well), if they are carrying another vendor's brand, CAN'T customize PG/VG mix. Boba's Bounty - I've heard wonderful things about, and I remember I tried it, and I think I liked it, but I couldn't pick up any up that day because of budget issues, I think - or the thought of justifying YET another juice purchase to my SO. I can't remember. That was way back in October or November and who remembers back that far? It may have been that it was too expensive at that particular shop. But then again, if I taste it in a shop, I'll buy my first bottle from that shop. Anyway, back to the bitter note. Is this on all the flavors you've tried, or just certain ones? What kind of tank are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
  17. Okay, first off, stamps.com is ONLY how they print their postage, rather than renting a postage meter from the post office. Even the number that stamps.com gives you for tracking, you can track at usps.gov. EVERYTHING that's mailed goes through the postal service, and stamps.com's tracking is linked to the usps tracking system. Don't give up hope, sweetie. First off, how big of a town are you in? Granted, two days before Christmas, there are a TON of packages going through the post office. But depending on how much mail the business that you work in receives on a day to day basis, or rather, how many packages the business receives, the carrier might remember if a package came through. It's a long shot, since you are at work, but it might work out. Don't give up, sweetie. Not yet. Other people, help me out - almost every vape web site I've seen, including Chi-Town Vapors, has on the website that sometimes the USPS makes mistakes and if they lose the package or whatever, it's the postal service's fault, and they (the vendor) aren't responsible. HOWEVER, when we first started vaping, we ordered a sample pack from Chi-Town. I'm sure hubby didn't spring for Priority Shipping. Tracking showed it arriving at the local Post Office, going out for delivery (something my mail carrier denies ever seeing, and she's good and trustworthy), going back to the Post Office, and I can't remember what it said after that, but I think it said forwarded, but not where it was forwarded to. Anyway, it was literally lost in the Post Office Building. Hubby contacted Chi-Town, and they immediately sent out a replacement package (no shipping insurance purchased, either). We got the replacement package, ironically, on the same day that our carrier brought us the ORIGINAL package. She and someone else had been "on the hunt" for this package, because forwarded usually means put in a place where a change in address form can be applied and then sent to the new address, but no destination was put on forwarded, and a clerk entered it, not the carrier, so something weird happened to it. Anyway, Chi-Town was lovely and replaced the package no questions asked - but we also had tracking info that SHOWED that it didn't reach us. With her tracking info being WRONG, what would her recourse be?
  18. Yes, it is. In the morning, I can link you to my favorite battery source, I think it's RTD Batteries, or something like that, but I'm on my phone, and don't have my bookmarks
  19. Truthfully, I would go with an Evod, or even a Pro Tank 2 (for more capacity and the glass) because of the ease of bottom coils, but it's personal preference.
  20. Okay, here are my questions. In say, the packs of cartridges - like the five pack. Does one cartridge equal one cigarette? You may not know the answer to this, but how many mls are in one Blu cartridge? ONE of the reasons people have advised you to upgrade your battery (and probably tank for that matter), other than the Blu battery sucking rocks, is with different batteries, you can then open yourself up to much larger tanks. My regular, everyday tank is a Kanger Pro Tank 2 (glass). I fill it on a bit of an angle, and refill when it gets to about 1/3 to 1/4 full. That lasts me - well, a good chunk of time. Yes, you have to fill the tank, but with a bottom coil tank it's easy, and changing the coil is a very simple operation with a bottom coil tank. Trust me, if I can manage it, just about anyone can. And trust me, if the juices are exclusively for the Blu cartridges, I'm willing to bet you can find something as good or better juice wise.
  21. I used my ohms law calculator on my phone. Just type in the numbers. Oh, wait, he figured he was vaping at 4.2 volts because it was a freshly charged 18650!
  22. Oh, yeah, those looked really cool. They aren't what I was thinking of, but they look REALLY nice. I would have gone for one if I was into mech mods. I almost went with the K100 (I think that's what it is), but you have to use a smaller battery if you use a kick.....and I wouldn't know the first thing about putting a kick in.
  23. At the beginning of November, I ordered six sample sizes from EC Blends. ALL arrived perfectly clear. They all colored up, some more than others (I haven't tried the dragon series). I'm pretty sure I'm not going to order any of the samples that I tried....although one or two I may give a second chance, give them about six weeks or so to sit (probably won't order these until mid to late January - that's when they both had sat, forgotten, and I had just a little bitty bit, maybe 1 ml left of them, and they shined, or seemed to. Well, one, if I'm not confusing myself, I had put it into one of my mini protanks, and didn't mark the change down on my sheet. And a few days ago I took a hit off that, and thought, "That was yummy!" I thought it was my papa smurf. Added in more Papa Smurf to fill it up. Nope, what was in there wasn't Papa Smurf, but I think it was "That Juice!" from EC Blends. And the Tobacco Blend really changed a bit on me as well. Went from an almost dark or smoky flavor when I tanked it up two weeks ago to a bit sweeter when I dug out the evod and finished it the other day.
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