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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Hmmm, my SO was using my iClear 30, and he said it started flooding out of the blue. I assumed it was a bad coil, so when I was "gifted" with it, I just pitched the coil. I was SERIOUSLY considering getting the VTR when I replaced my MVP, but I didn't have the money in the budget at the time, even if I got it from the cheapest place I found it, which was only $20 over what my budget was. Now, I HAVE changed - well, not changed, but "removed" the coil from the iClear 30 that I got with my current MVP and cleaned it, and such, but I cheated. I emptied the juice out of the tank, and then put water in the tank to let the wicks soak for a day - that was when my hand was still bandaged. But I agree, the coils are way more expensive than we are used to - I think twice as much as single Kanger coils? And no, I can't imagine trying to rebuild that coil. I think the monster wicks would be the easiest part. But all in all, I'm not fond of top coil units.
  2. I've never had to back off with my KPT2's, unless there was an issue, like a bad coil, or an air hole was clogged up. But you may want to wait until the, heck, I can't remember the name, but there is a new Pro Tank with an air flow control coming out soon. BTW, did you get a collar with your KPT2, and are you using it? That does help. I'm not sure what you mean by you want one with an atomizer. Technically, the atomizer is the coil. Or do you mean you want something for direct dripping?
  3. Medic - ! I'm hoping I get a spending spree of my own later this month, but it depends on how much is left over after a computer is built. But I don't think I'll be buying equipment, but you never know. Tonight I should be ordering some stuff, but other than coils, and maybe replacement attys (found a place that has a five pack of the kind I use for $8), not sure what all I'm getting.
  4. Okay, so is that how I should do my dry burns generally? Or I should dry burn my current coils? As far as rebuilding coils, I'm not going that route, and I've said so repeatedly on these boards. I have issues with my hands, first of all, which makes even taking the flavor wicks out a tricky proposition, and I'm not "mechanically inclined". If my SO decides he's comfortable enough at some point to do so, then fine - but I can guarantee he wouldn't take kindly to me going through coils in five days or so. Hell, he doesn't take kindly to it now.
  5. I can't remember what my SO has other than the AGA-T. I know he has AT least one more, plus a Helios (? I think) clone -RDA with a deep enough drip well that he can vape from it, that he got so he can practice his coil making for his second RBA, which you have to reach down pretty far to get to where the coil sits.....or maybe I totally misunderstood that conversation
  6. Did he give you the correct charger? And have you called your friend to let him know what's going on?
  7. I've heard good things about both of them, and both are pretty durable. The only thing I know of with the Vamo is the spring holding the battery up can weaken, or get shoved down, but that's an easy fix. Troy (AquaTroy) has a Tesla as one of his mods and said it takes a beating. Carter has a Vamo 3 and he said he's dropped his on his fishing boat from, well, I would guess vaping height and had no problems with it. I don't think you can go wrong with either. Troy says that the button placement with the Tesla isn't much of a problem, you get used to it quickly, and it ONLY takes at 18650 battery, so you have a nice long charge on it. And if you get the black one, and a red AW IMR battery, it looks really cool. I like things like that. It takes little to impress me.
  8. This may be an expensive way of doing this (I don't know how much the cartridges cost, as in, how many ml you get in the cartridges vs. bottles of juices, but could you perhaps get the blu cartridges and empty them INTO a tank? I know it seems like a hassle, but if you want off the blu battery (which I know doesn't last for squat), you'll get the best result with a tank designed for a regular personal vaporizer, like your basic tanks, or like I said, even your pro tanks (I prefer bottom coil tanks). I have no idea if there is any way to open those to pour the juice out, since I've never used them.
  9. Okay, I'm just wondering, because other than with my 555, this hasn't really happened to me before, that I know of, while using genuine Kanger coils. I got two five packs of 2.5 ohm coils at about midnight thirty Christmas morning. Had installed most of what I've installed within 2 days. Now, they are fading. What I mean by fading is the voltage/wattage that I can vape the juice in that tank is steadily getting lower before it burns. Is this a sign the coil is slowly going bad? The 555 juice since I finally got decent coils still couldn't vape as high as the others, and this 555 goes through coils in a matter of days the last couple of months, it seems like, anyway. It's already got that airy draw. But with the others, with the ability to tolerate voltage/wattage going down, is this just a sign the coils are going out, or can I stop the process by rotating them out, cleaning them up and dry burning them? I have 2 coils that I just dry burned last night, plus two, I believe single use coils that are going to get washed out tomorrow, and then 2 new 2.5's. I can order more coils tomorrow night, which should get them here, maybe Saturday, maybe Monday, it just depends. Even ordering from Vapor Beast is cheaper than driving to one of the local B&M's and paying an extra $3 PER PACK of coils. And I'll be getting either 2 or 3 packs, just to be safe. I've replaced MOST of the tanks that needed replaced, but not all of them. And as far as dry burning - is it okay if you dry burn at the same voltage, or should you increase the voltage as you go? I saw one instruction set that said like, dry burn at 3.2, then 3.6, then 4, etc., then run it through a water only cycle on a coffee maker and let it sit in the carafe overnight......and it was much simpler when you guys talked about it.
  10. It could be that they aren't - which sucks, because it leaves customers with a bad taste in their mouths. I mean, even if the post office screwed up, and yeah, every site has that warning about if the post office screws it up, it's on them, we aren't responsible, but most of them will "man up" and cover the situation so their customers are happy. Just be glad you didn't order a device and they sent it out uninsured. But I'm glad your post office is willing to work with you. Generally, unless you are out of a HUGE post office, they will be. They want their customers happy, too - they don't make money if we don't send things via USPS, if we choose e-mail and UPS and FedEx for packages (I worked at a law firm that would UPS anything over a certain weight, despite getting a flat priority rate - with insurance - if it fit in a specified box size). But they were a Plaintiff's personal injury law firm, so it's like the money was nothing to them. Then again, I also temped at a plaintiff's combo personal injury/work comp/divorce/heavy duty personal injury litigation where awards get tied up in appeals, and I got laid off because they accepted crap cases, and were only earning "piddling" amounts - when it comes to having to pay salaries - and not even settling for enough to cover the client's medical bills. My position was completely eliminated, they put one attorney on one secretary, and another attorney on another secretary. I have to admit, I was a temp, I was only there three months, but I bawled leaving there because I loved working for that old former judge so much - he returned my faith in personal injury lawsuits. At THAT law firm, I'd seen the brand new receptionist run her own mail through the postage meter. She got pissed off because I reported it.
  11. Well, that's confusing. There's no quote button? Are you using tapatalk, maybe?
  12. Sorry, I typed to fast and didn't proofread before I hit post. About 19% of adults smoke, yet only .3% of people that die in the US die due to tobacco related issues.
  13. See, I've done the opposite of Comp when I've just combined flavors - but I was just looking for a tank. I'd add a few drops or more, and see how it affected the flavor - that's how I did it with my 618/French Vanilla blend, and with my Honey Wood/Turkish Honey Tobacco blend. But that's just me. I probably didn't do it "right". But anyway you try it, I would try small amounts first. I mean, even if you go 50/50 on the flavors, I wouldn't do more than 5 ml if you are doing more than a tank's worth. Just in case it doesn't work out and you have to pitch it, you know?
  14. I've only tried their tobacco based flavors, and only three of them. Their RY4 was sweet enough, I believe, although I grew to like my local B&M's better (Holy Grail RY4 Sweet Tobacco - it's the first RY4 that I liked). I also like their Kick Ash tobacco, and their Jive 555, which, although I really like the sweet 555 I'm vaping now, Vapor Beast's 555 is much nuttier. Hmmm, lemme pull up their website and see, I know they have an excellent coffee flavor, as my SO has that. Well, this is a direct link to all their flavors - http://www.vaporbeast.com/category-s/1878.htm . I tried several of them out before I settled on the three. The only reason I started picking up 555 and RY4 locally is because I can get them cheaper, but I've not found anything to rival Kick Ash, or anything that even tastes like it. ALL of their flavors are 70/30 ratio (PG/VG), and they only come in preset nic levels, because they are brewed by an outside company - but that also means anything you get is generally pre-steeped. If I'm ordering anything above an 8 nic level of the popular flavors, I always try to order on Fridays or Mondays (say, like Kick Ash tobacco and Holy Grail RY4) the higher nic levels go quickly once they get their weekly shipment in, but since I've been ordering 8 nic I haven't had a problem. As far as the non-tobacco flavors, well, the "Top Sellers" page and the "Staff Picks" page are the flavors that sell out the quickest at the higher nic level. Since I order an 8 nic level rather than an 18 (I've cut down to between 8 - 12 nic), I USUALLY don't have a problem, though. IIRC, the banana nut muffin and the chocolate mint were good (I tried almost everything in their line in October; and yes, that's even though I couldn't taste the chocolate), like I said, my SO LOVES their Cool Beans, I think I even liked their Honey Tobacco, but my source is cheaper. The drawback? You can't customize because they have an outside "brewer" (it is referred to as the "mixmaster"), and they only have two sizes - 15 ml and 30 ml. They come in glass bottles with the eye dropper, which is heaven for someone with tremors/hand problems like I have. Frankly, I really need to write a review on them. To me, the prices are a bit steep - well, at least for the 15 ml. The 30 ml is pretty much industry standard for GOOD (not premium) flavors of that size. They are a smaller company - 1 customer service rep, although they talked about hiring a second - but they advertised on some BIG publicity pages, so they do a LOT of business. I anticipate them growing quickly. I really think I'm going to have to make room in my budget for the Kick Ash Tobacco on a monthly basis. Which means I have to figure out something else I have to give up. Unless I can drop down one of my other flavors to maybe every other month - which is a possibility.
  15. I throw most of mine away, but the dregs of leftover like flavors, I combine into one bottle (like the little bit that's left in the tank when you've run out of your supply) for a rainy day. The combinations are quite yummy sometimes, and one of them is getting me by until I can order the "original" flavor from Vapor Beast (hopefully this week). EDIT: I should add, I only do this with 30 ml or higher bottles. If you have ANY plans on ever DIYing yourself, I would probably save them. Even if it's for flavors for just yourself.
  16. So, to you rebuilding pros out there (you know who you are) - cotton or silica for the flavor wicks? When I took one of mine apart last night dry burn, (did I say this?), it seemed as if the flavor wick was a single thread, unlike the other, so I filled in some cotton.
  17. Woo-hoo! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to you!
  18. Okay, Carter, so what does a Bahama Mama TASTE like? On the rare occasion I used to have a drink, it was usually either a mudslide or a strawberry daiquiri.
  19. I should specify - the waning of the voltage/wattage that my Kanger coils can take isn't related to rebuilt or recycled coils, this is related to brand new coils, all installed midnight Christmas morning or after. Yeah, because they are all 2.5 or above resistance, except a couple (I think 2) of my 1.8 ohm coils that I put in smaller tanks to finish off. Let me know if I should make a separate post about it.
  20. Really? The article I read the other day said smoking on public property was forbidden (and made it seem as if it was forbidden anywhere but private property or a hotel that allows it). Then CO is much the same as IL, except in IL, you have to be 16 feet away from any public doorways. I remember when that law went into effect (1/1/08 - ask me how I remember the date), just prior to that, a business owner basically painted that radius in a semicircle from his doors, so he could know at a glance if they were too close. Still no criminal penalty for it, though. EDIT: I should specify - that's for smoking outside, near buildings. No smoking at all in businesses (Missouri ruled that bars and places that make a certain percentage of sales money off tobacco sales can still smoke inside, but not Illinois). Biggest bar in Alton made a smoking area that barely passes as outdoor. Yes, it's outside, it has four walls and a roof, and there is MAYBE six inches between the wall and the ceiling. And it's well heated. Oh, and he bought a street to build it. But he has the money to do it. Back when Van Halen was still Van Halen and Van Hagar, when they played St. Louis, they would hit Fast Eddie's, and then end up jamming there, too.
  21. They've all been in for a while. PM just took this long to put it on the market. They've also been meeting with the Feds about e-cigs for months. And they are all selling cigalikes.
  22. Actually, Mr. Carter, in public you can't, at least in CO because of the public smoking laws.
  23. The biggest question is are you using genuine Kanger coils? Secondly, are you vaping anything sticky sweet like that could coat the coil in gunk?
  24. Not always, though. Firstly, can you suck/blow through it when it's not connected to a device? Can you suck/blow through it when it's connected to a device but not firing? Try backing it off a little bit first.
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