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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Durability is something they should definitely provide information on when they sell APV's. Not sure I would have steered away from the Evic if Troy hadn't warned about the plastic heads cracking.
  2. Okay, dry burned three coils tonight. One, I'm not positive it was salvageable, but I'm trying it out now - well, I just put it in a tank. I'm having problems with the flavor wicks when I try to put them back in. Even if I take them out neat as a pin, two out of the three of them got all unravely when I went to put them back in. But the middle coil, that flavor wick went in as nice as you please. Can I do the dry burning with the flavor wicks still IN? I mean, I can see the red coils through the flavor wicks. If I continue to remove flavor wicks to dry burn, between my hands and my luck, I fear I may have to have my other half start cutting me lengths of his pre-boiled cotton to use as flavor wicks instead, or cut me a length of silica - I think he still has some.
  3. Yeah, I'm not a fan with of the Olive Drab myself, either. The different colors worked so well for the MPVs, I'm surprised they didn't just do that. BTW, I edited my post that you responded to, adding in about knocking someone upside the head with it.
  4. Just to note, from everything I've read, the green or army or camo colored one that they have (I can't remember what it is now) is NOT the fingerprint magnet the chrome finish (or is it stainless?) is. And Tam, you know, now I think I might start saving up for that after all, instead of saving up for something else (course, by the time I have the money saved, something newer and more exciting will be out). I can one of the three males in this house upside the head with it if I need to! Or my Dad!
  5. Okay, I get why someone would want to put a kick on a mod, for the most part - for the VV/VW, or whatever else kicks do. HOWEVER, does that limit the mod in any other way, I mean, take away why you want a mod in the first place, and just turn it into an APV? So......I guess, is a kicked mod different from an APV is what I'm asking.
  6. I personal prefer AW IMR batteries, but that's my personal preference, the Efest chargers should be fine. As far as the SIZES of the batteries, is there even a mech mod out there that will take a battery bigger than 18650 (or is the 19650 a typo?)?
  7. Okay, so my other half showed me a youtube video of this guy vaping what he called a "supersoaker" coil. There was vapor coming out of the air holes in the tank. Not to mention the clouds. So.....does that use up a lot of juice, these specialty builds to make the bigger clouds, or to hit harder (like sub ohm at regular voltage rating, super high watts rating)?
  8. Yup, the bar has definitely been lowered. Usually, I don't buy from place that name their stuff like that. Or vendors *ahem, one in particular* that think the best way to advertise their juice is rather than having a picture or drawing sort of reminding you of the flavor, or whatever, has pictures is big breasted girls in daisy dukes in all it's flavor pics, using sex to sell the juice. I mean, c'mon - sex is used to sell darn near everything nowadays - are they saying their juice isn't good enough to sell on its own without throwing sex into the mix?
  9. Okay, Medic, flicking off the grit totally worked on the regular wick. Not so much on the one flavor wick I tried it on.....so I won't be using anything to flick grit off the flavor wick, as it, um, unraveled it? Made it a bear to work with. Or should I not do that on the flavor wick, anyway?
  10. We have AT&T Uverse for TV, net, and phone, but still use Netflix. Netflix has TV shows they are making now, plus, say you find a show two, three seasons in, and you want to catch up on the previous seasons (we're currently catching up with Sherlock, as long as we can keep everybody offline so it doesn't interfere with the dl of the video). I'm sure there are other shows I'd like to do that for as well - the first two seasons of American Horror Story for one. But you can do that with Hulu, too, can't you? Maybe we should have them send us the DVD's of the previous seasons, so we don't have to worry about net activity, but I don't know. Have to talk to the other half about that.
  11. I know we are talking about mods....but I think someone would kill me if I got an APV or a kicked mech mod for every tank, provided I have juice in every tank. That would be a lotta money. Speaking of kicked mech mods, that is going to lead to me to another question in another thread.
  12. H1N1. You mean they actually named a vape juice after bird/swine/dog flu thing? That's cool, Medic.
  13. I still envy Norway's percentages. Yeah, their analog usage is lower, but their smokeless tobacco usage is way up there - and what I looked at didn't go into the different types of smokeless tobacco used, but I'd guess there's a good percentage of that which is snus. Since they aren't part of the EU, they didn't have to get an exception to allow it to continue to be manufactured, but from what I understand, it is consumed almost as highly in Norway as it is in Sweden. My poor Norwegian friend. His boyfriend is INCREDIBLY naive, actually believes that the only ingredients that are in cigarettes is tobacco and flavoring, because "they would have to list it," and the government is rabid about selling non-safe things to the public. He thought only 100 people died of lung cancer a year......that no one gets sick from smoking. The thing is, I didn't get a number on the total number of live US cases of COPD, but 1/4 million people in Norway are living with COPD - which is just shy of 5% of the population, lol.
  14. Yeah, juice is supposed to be good for up to two years.
  15. I'm just saying if it doesn't taste as near to the flavors that OP was talking about - he was pretty specific about wanting to keep the flavors, but if he doesn't like those alternate flavors, that's another way to do it, if possible.
  16. Frankly, I'm not going to say what my top three juices are, mainly because taste is subjective, and most are a local vendor, currently. They have an online presence, but at least one of the flavors you can't get on the webstore any more, because they had lost the recipe in a computer crash, and then they kind of recreated it for me, and I think I'm the only one that gets it. It's still listed as out of stock on their website. But OTHER than that, I've liked just about every juice I've tried by Vapor Beast, but my two favorites from them so far are Kick Ash Tobacco, and Jive 555 Nutty Tobacco. I also liked the Holy Grail RY4 Sweet Tobacco, but I grew to like my local shop's RY4 better, so I don't vape the Holy Grail anymore. And if no one's mentioned it, Boba's Bounty. It's a no PG juice, so it's a thicker vape. Also, there is a cheap knock off out there from Alien Vapers, but you want Alien Visions - I've heard REALLY good things about it, I just don't have it. Another one of my faves, I have lots, is Fadora Vapor's Apple Cider (signature flavor). It isn't OFFICIALLY opened yet, but you can put in a "pre-order" and get a 5 or 10 ml bottle of whatever flavor you want prior to opening, provided you have a Pay Pal account. You can get the form on the facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/fadoravapor?ref=br_tf
  17. Okay, this brings me to another question. Does that mean it's okay to try to dry burn coils to help the wicks dry? Or does that actually burn the coil? I haven't done it since I "dry burned" one wet coil/wick, and it tasted burned, I assumed I burned the wicks, but now I know I was probably tasting the burned caramel (it was Creme Brulee, and not a very good one, at that).
  18. Man, that's a lot of supplements. Why so much in the multi-vitamin pack? Are your levels really that low?
  19. Okay, I quoted aufin's post because it was easier than quoting the OP and then deleting all but what I wanted to respond to. Just because PG is a long chain combination (don't believe PG is a single molecule, because it has ingredients in it, but I could be wrong), doesn't mean it's bad for you. PG is found in a number of household products you use every day - even more if you are female and use make up. And PG doesn't compare to ANYTHING found in analogs, so the analogy is, well, flawed, as they would say in logic/reasoning and argumentation course. Boba's was going to be a strong recommendation, however, I still think the OP is off the mark when he/she thinks that the PG is causing the bitterness. One would think it's either the flavor itself, or possibly a chemical residue on the tank that wasn't washed off prior to use? After all, taste IS subjective. I've gone through three Irish Cream flavors, all of which are supposed to taste "just like Bailey's", according to reviews. I've found one that's close, but really not close enough.
  20. Rixter, that reminds me, do Genesis RBAs have to have a mesh wick?
  21. The Sigelei Zmax is a good choice. Just be sure not to overtighten it when you put the battery in - it's believed to screw with the electronics. And you can actually still find V3 Zmaxes out there where you wouldn't have to drop as much $$ as the V5. I believe the only difference is, V5 can be used to charge another USB device, and has a puff counter - both features of the MVP. The thing I really liked about the Zmax over my current MVP? You can tell whether it's set to wattage or voltage. With the MVPs, you can't tell.
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