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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Okay, an Evod and a T3 are NOT the same thing. Haven't heard either of them called a unitank, and Kanger actually makes a Unitank (I think it's called a Pro Tank Unitank). As far as whether you are using an Evod or a T3 - well, the easiest way to tell is the color and viewability of the inside of the tank. Is the tank clear, possibly with graduated markings so you know how many mls or whatever of juice is in there? Or is the tank a painted metal with only thin small plastic windows to see into the tank and judge the juice level? As far as I know, that's the easiest way to tell the difference between the two. This is the T3 S: http://www.vaporbeast.com/Kanger-T3S-Clearomizer-Tank-p/64-0196-000.htm This is the Evod: http://www.vaporbeast.com/Kanger-Evod-Clearomizer-Tank-p/64-0213-000.htm
  2. That reminds me, I got a 12 ml bottle of Boba's Bounty yesterday (no PG added). I guess I should consider myself lucky, as so far I've had no wicking issues. But that MAY be because I'm vaping slower a bit since I got it - not just with that, with almost all vape flavors. Well, okay, last night I was so sleepy for a good chunk of the evening I barely vaped at all....and then around 10 pm, I could hardly taste anything. Tasting a bit better today, but I've noticed, at least with me, after a couple of hours of vaping Boba's, I seem to lose the flavor.
  3. Okay, just had to bring this thread back from the dead, because Mizzou won the Cotton Bowl last night! Their first year in the SEC and they win the darned Cotton Bowl!
  4. Let me know how those turn out? If I start replacing my evods with mini KPT2s or mini Davides, I'll need different drip tips to tell them apart, and while I like the looks of the belled drip tips, if the flaring is too close to where you would put your lips - or even worse, if it's bumped out there - I don't find it comfortable. Which is why I ended up purchasing two drip tips yesterday. I should have compared the first one to the one that broke, but I didn't think it would make that much of a difference. It did.
  5. I've heard horror stories about UltraFire batteries as well. On Discount Vapors, Eric even recommends NOT using UltraFire batteries in most of the APVs they sell, IIRC. Don't know about the mods, I never looked at the information on those.
  6. spydre


    Okay, I'm confused by the term "bottom fed". Does that mean you put the juice in and take the coil area out of the bottom to rebuild it, ala bottom coil clearomizers?
  7. Just look at the, I think video or article that someone posted the other day. Forty percent of doctors in Britain thought that NICOTINE was the carcinogen found in cigarettes. I guess they don't read much research, since there are over 40 carcinogens found in cigarettes, but some of them aren't carcinogenic unless combusted - in other words, they have to be set on fire, as in smoking, in order to be carcinogenic. Newer studies have pointed out that nicotine alone (as in vaping) is ABOUT on the level as caffeine is. There may be some cardiac issues involved, but they are already to comparative studies between analogs and vaping, and so far they've found that the cardiac blood vessels loose elasticity for a time after smoking an analog, whereas vaping the same amount of nicotine, no elasticity is lost.
  8. Oh, those look nice. Which three did you get? If I hadn't already purchased four drip tips, I'd be all over those, lol.
  9. Toxic level of nicotine is 60 - 100 ml, taken up in the space of up to 2 hours (that's how long it takes for nicotine to be metabolized), but there's a reason you almost never hear of someone dying of nicotine toxicity. It's high enough, it's almost impossible to get as an adult, unless you EAT a nicotine patch, or spill a whole bunch on yourself (it can be absorbed through the skin) or something like that. As a matter of fact, that's the only nicotine overdose deaths I've heard about - usually kids getting a hold of the previous day's patch and mouthing it, or a pet getting into it, something like that.
  10. I don't know what you mean by Evod being the unitank. But the tank can actually make an impact in how you taste the flavors. Especially if you are using plastic over glass.
  11. Okay, today was PAYDAY Bought in person: 12 ml Boba's Bounty! At a bit of an inflated price 1 drip tip o ring for the drip tip of the KPT2 that smells like Pluid 1 5 pack of Kanger coils, 2.5 ohms. A drip tip at one store. Didn't like the way it felt in my mouth, so I got another drip tip at a different store that gives more area for my lip before flaring out into the bell. New library card Groceries ONLINE: From Vapor Beast, Cool Beans for the other half, and Kick Ash tobacco for me. All the necessary OTHER o rings for KPT2 tank, as well as 2 packs of coils Um, thee more dripping attys, and two more drip tips (dropped my tank in the middle of the night, it landed on top of the drip tip, shearing it off IN the KPT and I had to pry it out this morning. EDIT: Wow, I just realized in all three of my mini pro tank originals......they are all pretty much the same darned color. I should have thought about that more before dropping the BB into a mini pro tank.
  12. See, just had to post here for two reasons. First, I'm not a rebuilder, I'm doing well just sort of taking the coil apart to burn them off after washing them so they can be recycled and useful again. For me, the king would be KPT2s!
  13. I would guess that she's vaping either 24, or what is it, 32, 34, 36? I'm not sure they can sell higher than that. Yeah, if you are on 18, and got hit with 24, it would knock your socks off. When we first started, now, we smoked lights, but the store we went to only had the flavor we wanted in 24 nic and then 12. The maker makes 18, they were just out of it - otherwise they were recommending 18 mg since we smoked lights, even though we smoked a pack and a half to two packs a day. After a little bit, we started feeling the extra nicotine. But then we got used to it. We bought our next bottle at 18 nic, which is where we should have been, but man, I had gotten used to that 24, and I ended up missing the extra hit. But all in all, I think we've both dropped our nic levels down pretty quickly, six months in, and we are both in the 8 - 12 range.
  14. I know the biggest difference between 1 and 3 is a stiffer/stronger spring to hold the battery to the contact. Way too many people were having the issue of the spring "failing" and not being stiff enough on Versions 1 and 2, and they ended up either replacing the spring, or using the existing spring, just putting it ON TOP of something else in order to make it support the battery to the correct height.
  15. That's why we have Netflix, mainly. We can't afford to go to the movies but a couple times a year. So Netflix swoops in and lets us watch movies.
  16. If it's available in your area, I would recommend AT&T's U-Verse over dish. We've had it a year and a half now. Buried fiber optic cables, so your TV doesn't go out during a storm, or if there is snow build up on the dish, and you don't have to worry about a tree impending upon the "southerly" direction the dish itself has to face. When we moved in here, we had no choice but to put it, of course, directed toward where a tree would eventually get in it's way. The installer even said, "You're gonna have problems with that tree in a couple years," but he didn't put it on a pole or anything to get it up higher than the, hell, I think it was the first floor roof over the back porch, but I can't be positive. We had to have them come out a couple years later, get it on a pole, and put the pole up on the second story roof. But our U-Verse package is cheaper than the equivalent of Dish Network, and the other dish company, um, Direct TV (?) tends to raise rates frequently. We won't deal with the cable company here (Charter), and we've found that the net that comes from cable internet pales in comparison to what we get with U-Verse. Frankly, the majority of the shows we watch aren't on network TV, and especially with Doctor Who, I don't know how quickly the episodes show up on Netflix, and well, we generally all like gathering around the TV Saturday nights to watch it. (Except for the Christmas Episode is on Christmas Day, so hardly ever on a Saturday.) And with Doctor Who, I'm plugged into several boards/pages, so spoilers will abound if it isn't IMMEDIATELY available on Netflix.
  17. So what does a mmech mod retain from its umm,, mechiness when you kick it? Sub ohm I'm assumming different ods have different qualities, right?
  18. Okay, so the o rings are ordered. Now the only question is how to get rid of the remainin Pluid smell. Do I scrub it again, annd then soak it in vodka again? I never did the boiling the parts suggestion, so do I scrub them and then boil them? I jusst really don't want to have to write this tank off, but if the smell doesn't completely come off the partsl i'll have to just that. I THINK I've got a flavor that could stand to step down from a full sized Pro Tank to a mini or an evod, since I have a couple empty ones right now.
  19. Would you believe the reason I actually dropped down from 18 mg nic was because I couldn't get my favorite flavor from Vapor Beast in 18 mg nic reliably - they would sell out of the higher mg of nicotine within hours of it being added to the website. So I bit the bullet, and just bought that one flavor in 8 nic. Then I started dropping my other flavors to 12 nic as I replaced the bottles, but I still have some high nic level bottles left that I'm slowly working through.
  20. Yeah, I have another thread up asking what happens when you kick a mech mod.....does it stop being able to do stuff you want it to do? But at 3.7 volts, I mean, so it's just like a longer lasting eGo? I thought people set their mech mods up for specific things? I don't get much out of the other half about mech mods.
  21. Yeah, when I asked about the Evic, I believe you told me you were less than impressed with yours, and basically spent all your time on your K100 as a result (this was obviously before the VTR). How does it compare to how you have your K100 set up?
  22. Well, for one, as a woman, I don't want those to be used to sell me juice. It turns me off. Secondly, while they may be some of your favorite things, some things need to stand on their own merits, IMO, and not be part of the trend of using sex to sell EVERYTHING. And frankly, the website in particular that I'm talking about, I'm guessing they alienated 50% of the heterosexual female POTENTIAL customer base by doing it that way. It was CLEARLY designed for men - big chested women, daisy dukes, lotsa skin, and cars.
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