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Everything posted by spydre

  1. It's a balmy 6 below here.....which, like I said before, it darned strange. I remember around the last time it got CLOSE to this temperature, it was before the district had the policy of closing school based on temperature and winds, and I remember my mom (a nurse) lecturing me to make sure as much of my skin was covered up as possible because what happens to exposed skin after a certain amount of time exposed to the temperatures. I was also ordered NOT to leave for the bus stop until I absolutely had to. And I think that was for 2 below. Or maybe even a wind chill thing. I DO remember snow this bad ABOUT 19 years ago, maybe it was a little worse. I was going to a "business college" (Sanford Brown, pretty sure they are just local), and if the school district for the city the school was in was off, we were off. So we were off the entire week of finals - they had to set the whole program back a week so we could finish up our finals week. I feel bad for the Chicago kids though. The school district said they are still holding classes, and if the parents feel that it's too cold to go to school, they'll keep their kids home. And their snow and cold situation is worse than ours, and it hit sooner, too. And there will be some parents who say that since school is open, then the kid is going anyway, even if he/she has to wait on a bus in this dangerous cold weather. I know Chicago is naturally colder than us with the Lake Effect, but still, even Chicago kids aren't accustomed to cold like this, every year has been warmer and warmer for the past 20 years. EDIT: Oh, and they just shut down part of Highway 70 (Interstate 70) due to icy conditions. That's a new one. Wizard, the police are actually arresting/ticketing people for driving in this - I guess because of all the snow? What if they have to be out for some type of emergency, like say, a woman in labor? Would they get an escort to the hospital?
  2. There are two things I use, depending on where I'm at, if I'm using my Twist type battery instead of my MVP (because I set by watts - which automatically takes into consideration your resistance rating). Generally, 7 watts is a good starting point, and you can work your way up or down depending on how it tastes. I find, for me at least, wattage is easier to set by than voltage. http://www.ohmslawcalculator.com/ohms_law_calculator.php And for your cell phone, I don't know about Windows phones, but if you have iPhone or an Android phone, just search the apps for Ohm's Law Calculator. I have the one for Android on my phone. I have an app (vape) that keeps track of things like how many cigarettes I've NOT smoked, how much money I've saved, how many days, and it has a slide bar that I can use on whichever field I know, but it's inexact, it doesn't like to stop where you want it to.
  3. Yeah, I got a LITTLE BIT of the flavor out of the second hit, but not a lot. Like you said, I was choking the crap out of myself on vapor. I'm not exactly sure why he got the RDA, since his interest has been in RBAs, and experimenting with a juice that's twice the nic level that he's worked down to (a juice I just gave him because I didn't like the taste anymore). But I don't think he INTENDED to sub ohm yet. It came with a preliminary set up inside, with a .8 ohm coil. Or maybe he wants to start sub ohming, I don't know. Either way, if he wants to ME to taste out of an RDA, he'd better cut the nic level. Hell, I wouldn't mind the RDA, but I can't do the rebuilding.
  4. Some places, it's best not to ask - like chain sit down restaurants. Just do it, and if they mention it, explain that it's a vaporizer, not a cigarette, it just makes you feel like you are smoking. Otherwise they will feel the need (if you ask with the phrase e-cigarette) to say they haven't yet received a policy from corporate - and they'll never receive a policy from corporate unless a customer specifically contacts corporate to inquire, and generally the answer - for chain restaurants - would be no, because it would make other patrons think you were smoking (kind of like the New York City ban, right?). I've just done it, kept my pulls small and therefore smaller vapor exhalations. Oh yeah, and stealthing in the bathrooms, where I can take a bigger hit if I'm alone.
  5. I wouldn't be so sure to jump on this as the cause of your wheezing. The first hit in the morning is likely coincidental - you haven't had a chance to get up and clear crap out of your lungs yet, and lying down is the most common position to wheeze (family member is so severely asthmatic that she was disabled more than 20 years ago). How long have you been wheezing, and are you showing any signs of sinus problems, a cold, or even bronchitis (which can all cause wheezing). Sinus drainage has been known to cause wheezing not only in my lungs, but in my throat as well. I knock on wood that the problems I had started to have went away within weeks of putting down the analogs.
  6. Wow, we only got a hair over 12 inches, but everything is SHUT DOWN. It took until about 5 pm (when it started snowing at 4 am) for the plows to even hit our street, and even then they barely made a dent. We haven't gotten anything this bad in YEARS, and the temps we are getting hit with now for the next couple of days are the lowest it's been in 15 - 20 YEARS. Wind chill of -35 tonight. BRRRR. That hasn't happened, like I said, in 20 years. Businesses all over are shut down, cities are shutting down. Every school in the area is shut down, possibly through Tuesday, although Tuesday will be warmer. By 3:00 pm, the Metro-East closings list on Channel 5's website was 500 closings. Now that list is over 1,000. Urgent care centers are shutting down and telling people to go to the ER instead. Okay, maybe the plowing did do SOME good the one pass they made down the street, before it stopped snowing. But it's this light, fluffy, blowing snow that's just getting blown around and piling back up into drifts.....which of course the dog HAS to jump into. One of the kids has a "can't miss" appointment tomorrow in Granite City, or they won't write his scripts anymore - except, I have a feeling the office will be closed, and even if it isn't, we can't get out of our driveway, as it stands now. They'll have to make an exception. But that will give more time for his new insurance to kick in - he couldn't apply until 1/1 because he had coverage until 12/31. Two days ago after about a three inch snowfall, a man had a heart attack after using a snowblower to clear his driveway. His brother was informed literally as he was planning the funeral of their mother - a neighbor tracked him down at the funeral home. With as bad as this new stuff is, I hope no one else has something like that happen. I worry about the homeless, especially in St. Louis. Some of them, no matter what the conditions, refuse to go to a shelter. And there aren't enough shelter beds in St. Louis, and especially not here (plus, if you miss curfew at the only shelter here, you are banned - nice policy, right? Be the only homeless shelter, and if the homeless person can't make it back to the building by 8 pm, they can't stay there anymore, ever).
  7. Are you still able to skip the flavor wick if you use 3 mm kanthal rather than 3.5?
  8. Oh, okay, so they are like eGo or Evod batteries?
  9. Okay, so here I was yesterday peacefully sleeping off a dose of Benedryl, when someone comes and wakes me up. He has a flavor in his RDA, and he says he can't really taste it, and wants me to try it. He assumes it's okay for me to try that flavor because it used to mine, and I gave it to him.....but it's an older flavor, 18 mgs nic, he really shouldn't be dripping it, but he essentially puts enough in there to hold him for a while, and then puts it on his Nemisis clone because it came with a sub ohm coil. So he hands me the set up - and you know how you take several puffs (the first puffs are mouth draws for me, usually), before taking the long lung hit (again, that's how I do it)? Well, I mentioned before I wasn't even sure what throat hit felt like it, but with this, I don't know if it's all the vapor it was spitting out, but the throat hit was bad enough it darn well choked me, even on the mouth draws, and I came up coughing. I could "barely" taste the juice, for one because it's not much of a flavor to begin with, and number two, the throat hit was soooo immense that I couldn't get past it. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it from the massive vapor cloud or the face that he's dripping an 18 nic juice? And to be fair, I know it was an 18650 battery, and I assume it was close to the beginning of it's charge cycle, so it should have been putting out between 4.2 and 3.7 volts, so that's a lot of wattage behind it.
  10. I was going to say, this is definitely deserving of a sticky or pin (I know different boards use different terms). I have a couple questions. I mentioned before, I think about a week ago, we purchased a Helios clone RDA. Now that seems to hold enough juice to vape on for a while, are all RDAs like that? And, for example, I know with some drippers, leakage can be a problem - which is why the whole drip shield thing was invented. Does this happen with RDAs? And on RDAs, when do you need to rebuild them? I'll ask the same question about RBAs - do you rebuild them if you change the flavor in the tank? Also, I heard from someone's conversation with a shop owner on Friday that if you cotton as a wicking material rather than silica on RBA's, they feel it's superior, but you can't let it dry it out, because it will burn up, is that right?
  11. I THINK some other places may carry the clone, at least I'm pretty sure my go to B&M here does, but of course, marked up. Very interesting history lesson. Were they both released under the name Kayfun? Or did they both have different names? If so, do you know the name of the second one?
  12. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Auburn beat 'Bama. I have a soft spot for them because I was a high school marching band mom before my son graduated, and one of the saxaphone players from the "100" got a full academic ride to 'Bama and is in the Million Dollar Band (so his mom regularly posts videos of their shows, that's one proud momma!). Naturally, in addition to getting Facebook updates on the Million Dollar Band, we get regular updates on how the football team is actually doing, Momma is following the football team and has all the Alabama swag all over her cubicle at work, from pics I've seen!
  13. I'll just add my Boba's experience here, where even if it didn't start off talking about the REAL Boba's, it got around to it. I just got Boba's Bounty Friday at our B&M. Their prices are fairly high, so SO said even though he wants to try a small bottle out, he's skipping them, he just wanted to taste it. But since I took up the guy's time tasting it, I figured I would get my "first" bottle there. I got um, an o ring (only place in town I found that carried 510 o rings, and he didn't even charge me for it!) and a drip tip, and bought the 12 ml bottle of Boba's. After having it at home for a day, and vaping it off and on (I admit, parts of last night, and parts of today I've trouble tasting flavors for more than an hour or so consecutively), I had recently taken a hit off the Boba's, and then I set up my 555 and started vaping that, and noticed how similar they tasted....so I went back and I compared them. To me, Boba's tastes kind of nutty. Well, this 555 that I have from Better Vapes, they were kind of trying to clone Jive 555 Nutty Tobacco from Vapor Beast (but a bit different) for me (and now I like their 555 better than the Jive 555 pretty much - sweeter, for one thing). So, the 555 I have has a bit of a nutty note, just not as strong as in Jive 555 from Vapor Beast. But I'm getting VERY similar flavor, but not identical, from my 555 as I do from Boba's. I like BB, but (and this may be just my issues the past two days) after vaping it an hour or so, the flavor starts to fade for me. I'm not having the wicking issues (*knock on wood*), but I think that may be due to the fact that I'm AWARE of wicking issues in full VG juices, even when I "chain vape" like I do in a car (simulating smoking an analog while in the car so you don't have to have the window cracked to let out vapor CONSTANTLY), I think I was still allowing a little more time between hits, because I haven't gotten a dry hit even once. All that said, I'm probably not going to order it again. I'll take this 12 ml bottle about 1/2 way down, as my SO if he'd like to try it out other than a few hits off a sample in a crappy disposable clearomizer in a store, and if he does, give the rest of the bottle to him. If he wants to order it, that's fine, and I don't have a problem with the price, it seems in line with what the good juices are going for now. As for how it's tasted for me today and yesterday, it's good, but I like the 555 better because it has a sweet note to it as well, and I see no reason to pay for two juices that are the same basic flavor, just with one having an additional flavor note.
  14. I think off their web page it's $25 for 30 ml? Medic, how much was the sample pack? Depending on other expenses, I MIGHT want to try a sample pack, but there's no way I could afford to vape that even a bottle a month without giving up two other juices that I regularly purchase (and my two ADVs I buy by the 50 ml bottle a month). Part of me wants to try the sample pack to see what I'm missing, and part of me is saying, "No, don't do it, because then if you see how good it is, you'll miss not being able to have it."
  15. Switching back and forth between Boba's bounty and 555 from Better Vapes I discovered that the 555 that Better Vapes attempted to clone after Jive 555 Nutty Tobacco from Vapor Beast taste remarkably similar to me. Possibly because the BB, to me anyway, tastes sort of nutty, and the 555 has a bit of a nut note to it, it's just sweeter than BB. But I'm pretty sure I'm going to settle on 555 for the night for sweeter note. I hope the roads get cleared up soon from this massive snowfall we are going to have tonight/tomorrow, because I don't think I can last out the week on my 555, and RY4 is going to be close, so in a few days, we're going to have to go out to Jerseyville to get refills.
  16. Okay, Proteus, because the picture is there, and I'm an uneducated fool about this, I see the first picture with wicking material just around the coil, but why do you need so much of the extra that you packed in, rather than just running the wick with the coil?
  17. Actually, it was in response to carter saying that he never went for the Evod because they were too small. But then I went on to say why I'm not buying another evod. Oh, and SO information was because he had gotten a T3 when I got the Evod, and preferred the flavor of the Evod over the T3, if I recall correctly - explaining again why I never bought a T3.
  18. I guess our second visit to the first B&M I picked up my first Evod. The clerk didn't tell me anything about the different tanks, just said the price of each "section" (okay, not sections, bowls). I picked the Evod because I liked the way it looked, I think the SO picked a T3, but said later that he preferred the taste out of the Evod, so he switched to Evods before he got his only Pro Tank 2, and before he went to cartomizers/tanks since the Provari only has a 510 connection. So I just kept buying Evods. Then stuck with the Evods because they take the same coil as the Pro Tank. And then I got into the minis to have glass tanks for my new smaller tanks, and they are just slightly less capacity than the mini Pro Tank. But that being said, I'll likely not buy another Evod. I'll either buy a mini pro tank, a mini davide because they are cheaper, or a full sized version of one of them. Hoping to replace my Evods eventually (probably one per month) with glass mini tanks as it is - I just have to get a unique drip tip for every tank so I know what flavor is in what tank. As it is I have three original mini pro tanks (so no removable drip tip), and I oh so wisely put similar colored juice in all of them - /facepalm. Medic, like I said, that's one of the ways to tell, for the T3, clearish container, even though it's colored, with graduated markings.
  19. Uh, Carter, the evods don't say their capacity on them. At least not anywhere that I've seen.
  20. For a "full sized" tank - KPT2 wins hands down, followed by the Davide. For smaller, the mini pro tank 2, and I have Evods as well, I haven't tried the mini Davide yet. I prefer the glass tanks because they taste better.
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