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Everything posted by spydre

  1. The Nitecore i4 Charger is awesome! It's the one I have. Charges quickly, too.
  2. spydre

    Mech mods

    My starter set came with CE4s. Two of them. And the stupid clerk, I wanted to punch him after I found out that you couldn't CHANGE the flavor on a CE4, he filled BOTH of my clearomizers up with the juice that came free with our purchase. So rather than having a tank with 618 in it, and a tank ready for the next flavor I/we bought, I had two disposable tanks with 618 in them. That's how I ended up buying my first Evod. Bought another flavor, needed another tank. Liked the look of the Evod better than the others, and they told me that the coils were replaceable. That was good enough for me, lol.
  3. My dog is having an absolute BLAST in the snow, except now it's gotten so cold out that he spends literally two minutes (I've timed him each time he's gone out) outside. This morning, refused to go out, refused to go near the door. I'm wondering how we're going to get him to go out at bedtime, it's already back to four below. This morning it was 7 below. And I'm sure by the time we go to bed, it will probably drop down closer to that. At least tomorrow, it's going to be up into the 20's (it's a heat wave). School is still off tomorrow because of the speed of the wind, the wind chill, and the roads will refreeze overnight (heck, they still haven't hit our street a second time, they are so busy on the main roads fighting the drifting snow). I feel sorry for the mail lady, because some people won't shovel any of their walkways - my neighbor, the city fireman being the worst of the bunch. She's knocked on his door after several snowfalls and asked him to shovel because while she can walk across our yard and his in a straight line to get to his mailbox, she has to go back down to the street side sidewalk to get to the next house, and if he doesn't shovel, many times it's dangerous for her to do it. Last time she threatened to stop dropping his mail off if it didn't get done. Had something weird happen with my furnace today. I was chilly, so I looked at the thermostat. Set on 71, but it was only 69 degrees in here. I don't know why, but I didn't even realize the furnace wasn't running. Half an hour later, 67 degrees in here....well, in the dining room, which is the warmest room on the first floor. So I go upstairs and start layering, tried calling the other's cell phone.....which got left at home. Since he and the boys were shoveling at his folks' house, I decided to try an experiment (and by this time I was wearing gloves, don't do cold hands very well). Turned the furnace off. Waited a couple minutes, turned it back on. Then the darned thing kicked back on! By the time he got home 45 minutes later, it had risen up to a whole 68 in the house. He got mad because I should have called earlier, but I didn't actually REALIZE the furnace wasn't running until I discovered it was down to 67, and then I put on my shirts and then did my experiment (and I'm always wearing a jacket in the house, too, so three layers on top), and the furnace started working, so there was no reason to call him, right?
  4. *does the happy dance* Good day to be vape mail me! Except, well, no one knew the mail came, the dog didn't go nuts, so juice was sitting out in my mailbox at temperatures below zero outside for a few hours. First, from Vapor Beast. My yummy Kick Ash Tobacco, and Cool Beans (not mine). Opening the package 2 hours ago it was soooo thick. But it's warmed up to room temperature now, so I'm getting ready to make my tank of Kick Ash. I've missed this flavor. Instead of finding a substitute for it with the 555, I just ADDED another flavor to my list, lol. Second, from, uh, the other place, can't remember the name right now. Two packages of Kanger coils, plus two five packs of the top and bottom o rings and the base o ring for the KPT 2. First class shipping was only $2 from this place, and I got $1 because I liked them on Facebook, so woo-hoo! I got the drip tip o-ring the other day from a local shop, so once I get the smell out of the steel and glass, I'll be good to fill that tank up again! Plus, it's good to have extras for my other tanks. I have six KPT2s, and the o rings come five in a package. And I got two packages of each. The top and bottom o ring is identical and interchangeable. Then I have the base o rings, 10 of them as well, which I BELIEVE also fits the base of the Davide - I'm assuming so because they are identical and you can actually put the PT base on the Davide and vice versa. I was able to get all the o rings off myself tonight except for the drip tip o ring, since it's exceptionally tight and I'm having tremors. So I'll wait until tomorrow, and see if I can get it off when my hands are steadier, or ask if my SO will do it. There's no rush, yet, but I just want to get the o rings off so I can soak it more/possibly boil it and get that darned smell out. My new atomizers and drip tips SHOULD be getting here tomorrow. I got the shipping notification, and it's first class shipping, but there was no tracking. So, figuring the holiday mail rush is over, give it the same amount of time that my other two packages, that were tracked, but still first class, took, it should be here tomorrow.
  5. First thing I would suggest is try vaping it without taking out a flavor wick. I heard on these forums you may have to take one of the two flavor wicks out with Boba's as well, but I haven't had any problems. You may want to vape slower, if you think about it, when you are vaping that flavor, give the flavor wicks more time to soak up the (I assume) thicker, heavily VG fluid. If you start to feel like you HAVE to get one of the flavor wicks out, go back to the shop, see if he can help you. I successfully separated the two flavor wicks with a toothpick on my Kanger coils, but I've not tried just taking 1 wick out, and I've not had good luck (50/50) getting the flavor wicks back in when I take them out for dry burning (which is why I just leave them in to dry burn now, they are silica, you won't burn them).
  6. Is that a genuine coil that you purchased, or a "generic"/knock off coil? I'm betting it's a knock off?
  7. The same way you deal with people firmly entrenched in their religious beliefs when you are an atheist. You don't bring it up, unless you know you can have a calm, rational discussion (and you know you won't get kicked out of the house for it. Sadly, I know of some even minor atheists that were kicked out of their homes when they told their parents they don't believe in any god.). IF the topic comes up again, and the whole flavor thing comes up again, ask your grandfather this. If they were aimed at getting kids back on analogs (which kid use of analogs has DECREASED), why the flavors? Analogs don't have flavors, so, well, no one who ENJOYS flavors, like I'm assuming kids would, and most adults do, would have even LESS reason to smoke analogs. Straight tobacco taste is nasty to me now. Ten to 15 years ago there used to be a buttload of "artificial flavorings", very subtle added to analogs, until the FDA took control of tobacco products and outlawed any analog flavoring other than menthol. Any time they pass a law requiring someone be over 18 to purchase e-cigs or e-cig paraphernalia, I'm in favor it. Luckily, even my local news stations are getting the message that people don't lose their tastebuds at 18, and they enjoy the flavors now more than ever because they can actually TASTE better - and the purpose is to have a vape that tastes better than the analog, right? But your best bet is to avoid the topic. If it comes up because you both see a news story on it at the same time, or he brings up an article he read, just say, "It's best that we agree to disagree, all right?" Just because you are related and living together doesn't mean you can't have differing opinions, and grandparents, well, they aren't likely to change their opinion. I have a family member who quit by using the patch when they were still by prescription - it took twice as long as it normally would, but it worked - and he sees vaping as just a substitute for smoking, so technically that person is still smoking.....even if a person works their way down to zero nic, he's sure that person would pick up an analog if he/she stopped vaping. He wasn't happy when I told him that the numbers show more people successfully put analogs downs from vaping than by any other method, although we did agree the chemical methods - Wellbutrin and Chantix - are dangerous. Just keep your head down, and keep telling yourself that it won't be long until you have your own place. And don't talk about subjects that cause arguments.
  8. I prefer not to choke on babies, TYVM, but I'll take the cake. It looks very yummy.
  9. spydre

    Mech mods

    What are the differences between the various mech mods, or rather clones of them. I mean, I know a lot of you have multiple kinds of mods, so are they for multiple kinds of things? Also, would kicking the mod negate those difference? With the bonus, I have the green light to expand my collection by one, so I was thinking in two directions, either kicked mech mod, or an APV, but I'm not sure yet. I've never seen ANYTHING in descriptions that says what makes a mod different from another mod.
  10. Today is crock pot chili day. The men are going to need it after all the shoveling here AND at my in-laws'. There is a lot of it needing to be done here, plus the in laws' LARGE two plus car driveway, and "potty path" for their mini dachshund.
  11. Haven't had a problem with my KPT2s. Only way I would go RBA would be if my SO would agree to do the building/rebuilding to my specs (no sub ohm, since I don't do mech mods).
  12. Does hemp not have the drying out issue that cotton has? And do you still have to boil it first?
  13. Just wondering Proteus, I'm assuming since you got the mini you AREN'T planning on using the 18650 battery? Because if you were, why not just go for the full sized one so you don't have go through the switching out and you just have the telescoping ability? By the way, I'm stalking the mail lady, expecting two packages today. But I expect her to be late today.
  14. ROFLMAO. It does make a good point, though. Quitting smoking (or switching to vaping), isn't something that you can be forced into doing. You won't manage it until you are ready, and you are doing it for your own reasons, not for other people's reasons.
  15. Pho? Poor dog. I'm sure he needs a trip outside badly, but as our house (especially the kitchen door) is so drafty, he can feel how cold it is from across the room. Except when he ate breakfast, the closest he came to the backdoor was the doorway from the dining room.
  16. How on earth do you keep from getting sick/sinus issues with all that bouncing around temperature wise?
  17. New profile pic? I like it. I'm not fond, I don't think, of the drip tip. But drip tips are replaceable. I can't remember, is this going to be a plastic or Pyrex tank? And I know you can adjust it for more airflow, but can you adjust it for a tighter draw?
  18. Didn't think there was any nicotine left in the vapor by the time we exhale. EDIT: But they HAVE found that for the most part, nicotine isn't harmful, and in some instances, may be beneficial. It's also a bit of stimulant, so it has some of the same effects as caffeine.
  19. Pro Tank 2 is probably the best you can get (well, it's a toss up between the Pro Tank 2 and the full sized Davide, but most of us here have the Pro Tank 2, it's easier to fill) without going RBA - rebuildable, which takes time, effort, knowledge, and patience, IMO. There are Pro Tank 3s out there, which are dual coil, but the coils haven't quite been perfected yet, as far as I know. Well, no, I guess the next step up would be a cartomizer/tank combo, such as this: From what I understand, that's one of the smaller ones. Although that's the first I've seen a cartomizer with three holes pre-punched. I've only seen single hole and 2 holes pre-punched before. At any rate, if you go with a cartomizer/tank combination, you'll still want to stay with glass, just so you don't have to worry about juices being tank crackers, and because there is still a risk of plastic-y taste with plastic tanks rather than glass, and IMO, glass last longer and outperforms plastic. I'm not sure how easy carto/tanks are to fill and change cartos (where the coil is located and wicking material) as opposed to the bottom coils like the Pro Tank.
  20. Sorry, hit post before I typed anything. With RBAs, you only have to change the wicking out when you change flavors, correct? Right now, he's still experimenting with building his own. I think the RDA was for practice building anyway. But he's thinking about rebuilding the kanger coils, which will save a lot of money, combined with me learning how to dry burn between uses. After a couple of bad attempts where I screwed up the flavor wicks taking them off, I've got it down now, except I don't take the flavor wicks off, so that I don't screw it up.
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