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Everything posted by spydre

  1. We don't have enough outlets in our house to lose a plug in slot. Heck, a couple of the outlets don't work, and with original wiring, I'm not letting my SO touch it until we can afford and electrician (all on the same line, it seems, and the current stops mid line, according to the voltmeter).
  2. The only no PG juice I've vaped is Boba's Bounty, and although I like it, and am not having problems getting it to wick, I'll not likely be getting it again, as it tastes very similar to another juice I vape, and that juice is better. But you can tell is thicker than a 50/50 mix just by moving the bottle around a bit so the juice moves.
  3. Actually, if it weren't for the fact of leaving family behind, and well, cost, I'd love to move. I would imagine being from NOLA you can imagine the humidity we get here in the summer, and heat and humidity are bad for my MS, and summers are just getting hotter. But I don't want to go someplace that's a crap ton colder, either. Plus, well, $$. Hell, we've been talking about moving from here for 17 years, at least (so wayyyy before MS). I do have to say, this is only the second time in my LIFE I've had a frozen pipe. Once was at my parents house, hell, I can't remember what that pipe was going up to, come to think of it, it was on the wrong wall to be going to the kitchen sink or to the bathroom, so I guess it crossed in the floor, and we had to cut a section of the drywall out and we took turns standing there with a blowdryer. It would have been around when I was 15 because my sister and her husband lived there, and it was her first marriage. And then we heard the ice blockage whoooshing up. And then yesterday - which is a miracle in this old house. Son used the blowdryer on it for about 5 minutes, hubby had hooked up a hose to where it would have hooked into the washer, and he just opened the valve until the water started running. I just can't believe it happened YESTERDAY of all days. Old stone foundation, not the best in keeping out drafts (or leaks), and on the first day it was ABOVE zero, we had a frozen pipe, lol. By the way, talk to me about liking living in Illinois in July. I pretty much don't leave my house during the summer.
  4. Tam, on the VTR, on one of the vendor websites, it said you had to use the beauty ring provided by innokin for any tank OTHER than the iClear 30's. Have you found that to be true?
  5. Okay, a few questions brought on by the responses here so far, plus another question. As far as the SVD, and other ROUND APVs, I found a mod ring clip here http://stormysvaporcellar.com/oc_1/index.php?route=product/product&path=100_74&product_id=739 and was wondering if it would fit around most APVs. I know it's designed to fit around mech mods, but if it could get that on it, and get it on a lanyard of some sort while I'm using it, it would prevent all the klutziness drops and rolling off my desk. I know there are other things you can to carry round mods in, but some of them, frankly, are ugly as sin. So Wizard, you don't use the beauty ring from your KPT2 with it? Tam, now that I'm looking at the VTR more closely, I see that the trigger is on the side. What do you use to carry it in - when you are moving room to room and have an armload of stuff, or when you go out? Again, thinking of my klutziness factor here. Joe, does the SID have an LED or OLED screen? To be truthful, that one wasn't even on my radar. I know I had problems with the last Zmax I had, but I talked to Grimm Green about it - he and his wife have the same model with no problems and love it - and he said something about tightening the battery chamber down too tight can screw with the electronics. So I was considering another Zmax as well, I guess sort of the whole you never forget your first love type of thing? The only reason I was even looking at v5 is because it comes in gun metal. BUT I'm still a little gun shy about the button thing. Wizard is the SVD a one button device? You go through a menu on the single button, or are there other buttons as well? I couldn't find a good close up shot with it. Carter, and other Vamo owners, I see that the Vamo is a mutli-button device, but how stiff are the menu buttons, for lack of a better term. Still having problems with my hands, so everything is a consideration, and with my MVP, I generally have to operate the menu buttons with my left hand, since I'm still post op on my surgery on the 19th (baby it for a couple more weeks, the doctor said when he took the stitches out. Does he freaking KNOW how hard it is to avoid doing stuff with the THUMB of your dominant hand????). So, like I said, everything is a consideration. Have I missed any other major APVs? I know the Cool Fire 2 is just out, but with no track record to look up, I'm not really willing to take a jump there.
  6. Got this link last night, didn't have time to look at it until today. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/07/weird-frozen-things_n_4555414.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009 BTW, Tam, your "anatomically correct" snowman in the front yard? Someone did you one better. There is a pic going around facebook of a very large snow, ahem, member and balls draped over the back of a parked car. I'm ASUMMING it's photoshopped, because it appears to have been done in a parking lot.
  7. Okay, we get a bonus in mid to late this month. I've been cleared to get another APV or mod,, to start my collection. I was thinking of either a kicked mod, but I don't want to get into sub ohm, and if I want variable wattage, why not an APV? And if I don't kick it,, it' just a more powerful, essentially stick battery, right? And I still don't understand the difference between different mods, other than design. But I was looking at APVs at the same time. First question would be do the SVD, the VTR, the SID, etc., have a display or option to show whether you are in voltage or wattage mode. The Zmax had this, and I was very dissapointed that the MVP does not have this option. Oh, and add in the Vamo to that question I was sort of considering the VTR, but I'm worried about the thumb action, like the MVP, I'm assuming, a little bit stiffer, which,, over time, especially since my surgery, has been giving mr trouble with my hands (I've been over doing it eith my surgery hand). Sort of like the MVP? Wizard, you had both the Sigelei and the SVD. What are your impressions of both? I know the SVD is much taller than other APVs, but what about - for lack of a better term - girth? I'm sure I have a million other questions, but it's late, and my sunuses combined with a migrane are kicking my arse. I actually had most of this post typed out on my Nook from last night and I figured I'd get it out, maybemaybe get some esrly answers, before I remembered the other questions hopefully in the am when hopefully my brain is functioning again.
  8. spydre

    Mech mods

    Remind me to respond to these two statements in the morning, but I've got a nasty headache and bed is calling my name.
  9. Mr. Carter, I know it's pretty much impossible in the KPT2, but the cotton isn't getting dried out, is it? BTW, still HOPING that SO will decide to start rebuilding Kanger coils after more practice. But I'll have to insist that he use silica, which we have plenty of, since I dry burn between uses. Don't want to have to change the wicks out every time I dry burn the crap off the coil.
  10. Everclear will work, too. Think it has a higher alcohol percentage.
  11. While temps are lifting, oddly enough THIS MORNING was the day the cold water line to the washer decided to freeze up. We finally got ourselves dug out, and school is closed AGAIN tomorrow, citing all the same issues - wind chill, sidewalks not cleared, and something new! Evidently the school district hasn't gotten it's parking lots cleared off yet.
  12. Except Kanger doesn't make Vivi Novas, or the replacement coils. If it's genuine, it should say Vision on the front of the box. Go to this page, and compare what you got to what's on the page (which I believe are genuine brand): http://www.sweet-vapes.com/shop?page=shop.browse&category_id=88 To me, it looks like you have a knock off.
  13. Well, I wasn't sure at first what you were talking about. If you purchased a juice that's no PG added, it will be SIGNIFICANTLY thicker. I DOUBT that JC was using water to thin it down, but I could be wrong.
  14. The tank is "Pluid contaminated". There is no hope on this earth of getting the Pluid smell out of the o rings - they are where the smell is strongest, after scrubbing the tank three times, then soaking in vodka, and then scrubbing an additional three times. The rubber is just holding on to the smell. Heck, when I soaked it in vodka, the VODKA came away smelling like Pluid. The one piece of the tank that didn't have an o ring attached - the glass - came away only SLIGHTLY smelling like Pluid, but the pieces with the o rings still smell really strong. So, I need to get rid of the o rings, try again, and when it doesn't smell like Pluid anymore, put the new o rings in place.
  15. So, Medic, I'm assuming in the sample pack, you get a sample of each flavor?
  16. Aren't the Blu cartomizers 510 connections? If they, they should fit.
  17. Um, Danny? I don't think this thread is the appropriate place for that post. Maybe in a thread of it's own?
  18. Settled on Boba's Bounty so far today. Don't want to run through the rest of my 555 and my RY4 before we can get out to the shop, and only want to buy 1 bottle of kick ash a month, if that.
  19. It's on the Science Channel now, but they are putting up new episodes! And then there is the show "How Do they Do It?"
  20. Man, you guys are going to keep wanting me to try juice after juice......and well, that could be a problem, lol.
  21. Try Vapor Beast as well. I've had three flavors there from them that I really like. The B&M here in town used to carry their whole catalog, but now only carries about 1/2 of it as they've added other brands of juices to what they have. Considering I haven't been able to taste chocolate vape since mid-September, I almost consider it a victory that I can barely taste the chocolate in one of their flavors. But my biggest three flavors that I use come from a local B&M, though they were online before they opened the storefront 4th of July. www.bettervapes.com I don't know why they still have 555 listed as out of stock now that they have another workable recipe for it that they are selling in the store.
  22. You know the show"How It's Made"? That's where I saw how one manufacturer makes them at least.
  23. Mmmmm, yummy, my Kick Ash Tobacco that just came in today. I've missed it. I haven't had it in, I think a month and a half ago is when I ran out of it, or so close to out that I started mixing similar flavors into it to make sort of a mash up so I could occasionally hit it and get the main flavor of it. It only comes in 15 and 30 ml sizes, and judging by the price of the 30 ml size, I doubt I could afford a 50 ml (it's not too expensive, standard $16 or 17 for 30 ml, and it's in a glass bottle).
  24. Soooo, does anyone know the exchange rate between 130 Euros and USD?
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