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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Currently? That mix of RY4 and 555 that I accidentally mixed up last night. It wasn't enough RY4 to affect the taste too much, but enough to allow me to vape it at a higher wattage, as the 555 likes to be vaped at a cooler temperature. It's actually fairly good, lol. I may "accidentally" mix them together again!
  2. Ah, I just read her note there. Yes, there are a couple that I would even like to use on the second page, but she doesn't do tank drip tips, just cartos, and it seems soooo fragile. So yes, if I ordered, it would be to sit there and look pretty on my desk.
  3. So I went to essentially refill my RY4 tank in preparation for going to bed....which we STILL haven't done yet. Took my RY4 tank off the MVP, it was sitting next to my 555 tank. Now, they are both in clear tanks, but the RY4 tank has a TOTALLY different drip tip, I just wasn't paying attention, just picked up a tank and turned it upside down, took the base off and topped it off. Was wondering why it filled so quick. That's because I topped off my 555 tank!!!!!! I tasted it immediately after - again, not looking, just automatically put it on my MVP, and that's when I realized my mistake, when I tasted the 555. Don't think the two juices had really mixed yet. Wonder what it will taste like in the morning.
  4. I DO like the shape (gotten used to the box mod shape now) and the firing button placement. Much better than thumb activated - especially after this surgery. Stupid me, surgery on my dominant thumb, and still using (most of the time) the same hand/thumb to fire the MVP hasn't exactly helped my recovery. I only remember to use my left hand for it when I actually THINK about it.
  5. I won't go back to top coils, either. I don't like the long wicks, and the problem with keeping the tanks so much fuller so the wicks stay wet, and well, the mess changing the coils. But I've had my first taste of a dual coil, and I'm not sure I like it, even at 1.8 resistance and 6 watts, it's a lot warmer than I like, this Aspire. I'm wondering if it's just the larger tank, or if the smaller tank is the same way, but I'm going to give it time to try it out. I DO know that the Aspire keeps pushing my center pin down on my MVP. Either that or it has a shorter center pin, because while I don't have problems with my KPT2s or my Davide, every time I've tried to use the Aspire on my MVP, I've had to have my SO pull the center pin up - but it doesn't have that problem on my Winder, and I'm not sure why. But I do know that on my MVP, it's been the first time I've gotten a NON reading for resistance when the coil wasn't bad (and the tank wouldn't fire because it wasn't reaching the firing pin). As for heavy, how does it compare to the VTR (nearly a pound by itself, a pound with a full tank attached)? Getting my VTR probably Thursday in priority mail. Unfortunately, where I ordered from doesn't mail out on Mondays unless it was ordered on Friday after 2 pm.
  6. If I could afford to vape unlimited flavors, I would love to find a good banana nut bread that was, again, affordable on my budget. My if I can find one, that will be one of my rotating "sometimes" flavors that I have, like chocolate banana that I can only taste the banana, or cinnamon, or hazelnut, or whatever. My go-to B&M has a banana nut bread flavor, but just like their pumpkin bread flavor (which, pumpkin bread is something I could sit down and GORGE on, and eat a whole loaf, which are smallish anyway, in one sitting), misses the mark.
  7. Supposedly, a certain number of years after you quit, your chances of developing cancer from smoking drop by more than 50%. Unfortunately, though, I've seen first hand cancer from smoking, and emphysema from smoking. Okay, the cancer from smoking was a person's grandfather before I met him, but he smoked until they removed his lung. My sister's mother in law had a recurrence of her breast cancer. She wouldn't quit smoking this time - so they refused to treat the cancer other than palliative care. So she voluntarily took a death sentence rather than give up cigarettes - wouldn't even go on e-cigs. It's not that she tried to quit smoking this time and failed, she just flat out refused. Her husband drank a lot before, but seeing her go through that death sent him down the spiral into full blown alcoholism and being three sheets to the wind by noon shortly after her death - well, within six months of her death. Well, maybe even before, because I think before she died, one of her other kids was living with them "helping them out", supposedly. But that's another family drama, one we are no longer a part of.
  8. Not to be nosy, would this be a significant other, or something like a representative payee, or something like that? You can always explain that while the upfront cost is more expensive, in the long run it not only evens out, but SAVES money.
  9. I should also say I order from Vape Dudes, EC Blends, and um, well, I've tried Alien Vision's Boba's Bounty, but it is REALLY similar to my 555, and I like my 555 better. Oh, and Chi-Town Vapors, but I only get one flavor from them. EC Blends juices should be steeped as well, and I don't know about Alien Vision's other flavors, Boba's should be, but I bought it from a storefront shop (turns out, they pay RETAIL to get their juices, how can they not work out a price with juice vendors not to pay retail? It seems ALL the other B&Ms in the area know the finances of that store.....maybe they converse), so it was essentially pre-steeped, as most of the people in the area I've talked to like Cloud 9's juices, they just don't want to pay Cloud 9's prices, they'd rather get the ones they can online, but they'll take the bite on the prices for the ones they can only get in store.
  10. Bapple? Erm, is that BACON apple, or something else? The B&M I go to has a bacon vape, and I've not tasted it. I like bacon, but not as much my men like bacon, but even my SO hasn't tried the bacon flavored juice. Currently vaping RY4 from Better Vapes, but was vaping their 555 for the better part of the day.
  11. Dragon, I think you said you work offshore, right? At any rate, you may want to contact the vendor of the 91% and let them know your situation - ie, that you'll need to send it back, but you can't until you are stateside again since it's at home (heck, can you even get postal delivery there?), so that if it's past the return period when you get back, you've notified them, and there shouldn't be any issues.
  12. Heck, I should have pulled up the forums before I ordered drip tips. The drip tips I WANTED from MyFreedomSmokes.com were out of stock, totally. And for some reason I was thinking you got the drip tips at Empire Mods, so I went there, and I had a hard time coming up with long drip tips that I liked. Ended up with three - one of them was more because rather than anodized aluminum (which they only had 2 of the five colors in stock), it was stainless. Yay! Problem was on Polish end of the mailing, right? Today in Vape mail: 3 dripping attys to replace the three that died (not doing the RDA thing - speaking of which, on RDAs, what do you use as a wicking material?). Two shorter drip tips I ordered before I realized that if I got the VTR and put my tank down in the socket, my mouth would be so close to the device. But I needed something to differentiate the flavors in my clear KPT2s (2 of them), since they were similarly colored, and I used the other colored drip tip to differentiate between my purple and red KPT2s, since they look so similar in the horrid den lighting and with juice in them.
  13. I can say the main reason I went with the VTR over the SVD was the single button adjustment, instead of having to hold down two buttons.
  14. I do have to say something about calling a dog by the "right" name. My dog, Dodger, is a rescue. He was tied out most of his first eight months, until the police officer next door had finally seen enough to get probable cause to seize him. It wasn't long after that in which he was dropped off at pound rescue. They first named him Dodger because at first they couldn't get near him unless he was sleeping, if he was loose in the yard or in the run, he would run away, and he loved to run. Then, as he calmed down, they renamed him "Panda" because he's black and white (and brown/brindle). His first two adoptions ended up returning him. They called him Panda. But the real reason was he wouldn't stay where he was "supposed" to sleep (not in the bedrooms, and in the living room behind a gate). But he has separation issues. Also, in one home, he may have run near a toddler and accidentally knocked her over. The first home, they left him out in the living room the first night, he woke them up at 7 am the next morning by jumping on them (he needed out). The second night, they put the baby gate up, and he jumped the gate and they found him the next morning sleeping with their two year old in the toddler bed. Second home....all the dogs slept in the living room, again, behind a baby gate. Dodger didn't conform to this, and they didn't make an effort to train him to this, either. Back he went to rescue. So he comes to us. He has his own bed, nice and long, two feet from our bed. It took MAYBE two weeks to train him to GET on the bed and get off our bed and stay off our bed. If he wasn't so darned big, he could have slept in bed with us. Our previous dog, Loth did, but she was only 40 pounds, not 90. For the first few weeks, on the weekends, he would still wake me up by jumping on me, licking me awake, paws on my shoulders, because he needed to go out at 6 - 7 am, until he adjusted to cockamamie schedules. By the time a month rolled around, at the words, "it's time," he would automatically get off the bed. He just needed his own space, near his owner, Paul, from Pound Rescue, credits him to adapting to our home so well because WANTED to be called Dodger, and not Panda, but I think it was adjusting for his separation issues. He still has separation issues. It was only this semester when SO was gone until 9:30 EVERY Thursday night that he would eat a full dinner when SO wasn't home, unless he was starved, like the time we were gone on an overnight retreat. He still won't even start eating if both of us aren't home and it's just the kids unless it's fairly late - like 7 or so. He has to eat dinner in the same room we eat dinner in, which is the living room. If we put his bowl in the kitchen, he stopped eating his dinner in there. He just recently started eating his breakfast in there again, and we've had him for years. If we leave him a treat, like a rawhide chewie when we leave, he still won't eat it while we are gone if we are both gone, but he will devour his peanut butter Kongs when we are gone because he can't resist peanut butter....or chocolate.....or salami.
  15. Holy smokes, Troy, that guy is for REAL????? And he sells that crap? Commercially? How much does PG and VG usually run? And iMedic and Comp, how much do you actually run through? I ask you two, because I know you guys do/have produced large amounts of juice within shortish periods of time. But now I have to ask - my main B&M, where I get three of my juices now, doesn't say they use USP grade, but like other websites, says their juice is GRAS (generally recognized as safe), and of course, has the thing about being diacetly and gluten free. Does that mean that it may not be USP?
  16. Those are gorgeous! I guess it's a holdover thing from analogs, but I can't do drip tips that aren't round and either the same size or more slender than the opening, though. It doesn't feel comfortable to me. But I would almost like to have one just to look at!
  17. Yup, our rain was going last night pretty good. Ground was still frozen a bit, so there were some areas that had flash flooding, plus we have little creeks running all over the fraking place (found another - of course sy fy produced show - that uses that term!) that can overflow pretty quickly. Luckily, not near us. A one hundred year old leaky stone foundation would be no match for a swollen creek. Most of our snow's gone, though, and since it broke 50 today, now we are mopping mud off the dog's feet instead of snow. But at least the 17 year old will be going to school Monday. The academic year has been pushed back an entire week, but they had literally just finished the 1st semester before Christmas break (finals were the last two days before break), and they shouldn't have to make up any days, they should have 5 extra days built into the calendar.....but I won't complain about him being out of the house during the day an extra week!
  18. Deckyon, let me know how you like it - considered it, but since it was BRAND spanking new, not a revision to a previous product, so no customer reviews behind it or anything, didn't want to risk it. Let's see. Today I spent me some money Mail order VTR Glass bottles with eye droppers Drip tips, drip tips, drip tips (and some more drip tips. Gonna need a long drip tip if I put the KPT2 or the mini KPT in the VTR tank hole rather than on the thingamajig Buncha Nook Books In person Um, Full sized Aspire and smaller Aspire to compare to the KPT (not real sure I like it, though) Walking Dead Daryl figurine for my desk.
  19. Just an FYI, I've never actually LOOKED for DIY flavorings, but the site where I bought my VTR from tonight appears to sell the major three, apart from their own brand. http://www.myfreedomsmokes.com/categories/diy-flavorings.html
  20. Went into one of our B&M's, played with the VTR again, and with the SVD (the B&M we went into the other day with the VTR didn't have batteries in it, and didn't carry the SVD). Played around with them for a good twenty minutes. Then I thought it on it for a few hours. I mean, as far as ease of changing settings and checking settings, VTR was right there, but it's HEAVY, something the SVD's not. BUT there were things I didn't like about the SVD, too. So I ended up going with the VTR, and just when I leave the house, if I don't have big enough pockets, I'm taking the MVP or the Winder with me instead of the VTR.
  21. I loved to believe it COULD have been true, but everyone would have known that it was HIS dog in the pound, and no pound, where they are constantly under fire for not having enough food for the animals, would keep one indefinitely while the owner goes to war......but I WANTED it to be true.
  22. Okay, I really, REALLY hate to break your heart on this, but it's not true. Snopes debunked it a while ago.
  23. I know my MS doc is thrilled, my mom is thrilled, my in laws are thrilled, and I am definitely thrilled.
  24. From Alien Visions, I like Boba's, but it doesn't taste much like tobacco to me. Never tried any Dunhill flavored juices, as I didn't like Dunhill cigarettes. I remember borrowing off my boss when I worked at KFC (I believe he had them imported) and I felt they were harsh then, when I was smoking Marlboro Reds. By the time I switched to vaping, I was vaping generic lights, so I figured Dunhill would kill me.
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