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Everything posted by spydre

  1. Yeah, and he's considering it, since I reminded him of it last night. Especially since he doesn't like having a bottle of juice sitting there that he's not touching. Well, he purchased it when he was vaping 18 nic, so 20 nic wasn't a stretch for him. But that was a few months ago, and, I'm assuming, as vaping increased, the need for a lower nic level was a must - at least that was my reasoning. Not sure about my SO's reasoning. The 10 nic would be fine for him now, as I don't see him dropping to a lower nic level anytime soon.
  2. Well, if we did, it would be for him, not for me. Like I said, it's too strong for me.
  3. Just to start out, have you tried it with a different tank?
  4. But McQuinn, on Alibaba, you have to buy in bulk. Then again, this is SmokeFree's website: http://www.smokefree.in/ If you put the same search terms into google it works quite well, as well.
  5. I JUST replied to your post in "What's Everyone's Set Up Today" thread talking about Kanger Pro Tank 2s and Anyvape Davides. Bottom coil tanks, so fewer, if any dry hits than top coil long wick tanks like you are using, easier, and definitely less messy to change. Also, both tanks come apart completely (like the iClear), INCLUDING being able to replace the drip tip, for cleaning. My preference is the Kanger Pro Tank 2 over the Davide, it's easier to fill, and unless you use the "beauty ring" that comes with the Davide, the Davide is more airy than the Kanger, and I prefer not a super tight draw, but not an airy draw, either.
  6. For those of us that use tanks we don't rebuild, we usually use Kanger Pro Tank 2s (bottom coil tank, much easier to change coils and deal with than a top coil long wicked tank). At least a chunk of us do. I'm semi sort of trying out an Aspire, which is a bottom coil, dual coil tank, but I have a lot to get used to before I can make a ruling on it. But at first, I would definitely recommend either the Kanger Pro Tank 2 or the Anyvape Davide - almost essentially the same thing, it's just the Kanger is easier to fill, at least to me, and not as airy as the Davide, and they both use the same coils. At least, that's what I would recommend.
  7. B&M not far from here carries it now. But it's too strong by far for me. And after the trouble I had getting it out of this KPT2, I don't think I'll be investing in it. At any rate, SO has a bottle of nic level 20. He's since halved his nic level, so maybe he'll just cut it to nic level 10, thus cutting the flavor in half as well, and vape it that way.
  8. Yeah, sometimes you just need to let them sit for a while and, well, "age".
  9. Comp, that is awesome looking. If it worked with box mods, I'd be looking into it.
  10. Oh, oh, oh, just noticed, one of the drip tips I bought this weekend, the plastic ones, the one I'm using on my RY4 tank is probably about as long as those drip tips I ordered - it's longer than standard drip tips, almost by double the length.....so I won't have to take my drip tips off to put them in my carrying case. How long will that last you?
  11. Okay, here are the longer drip tips that I ordered from Empire Mods, or at least links to them: https://www.empiremods.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DRIPTXXXL One of those http://www.empiremods.com/product_p/driptaxxxl.htm?1=1&CartID=0 And a silver and a grey one of this. Seems they don't have the other NINE colors in stock. I may very well hit madvapes where Tam got her drip tips and get some of those as well. I never take my drip tips off my tanks, unless I'm putting it on a dripping atty, or my SO is tasting from my tank, and he uses his own drip tip. But on the removable drip tips, I have, um one plastic, and all the rest metal (the ones that came with the KPT2s and the Davide, or two that I bought, plus the three that just shipped today from Empire Mods). With the longer drip tips, I may have to actually take put the tanks in my carrying case (because they are sideways, not sure if it would run into the zipper area or not) - I'm not ENTIRELY sure how much longer they are than the standard drip tips.
  12. Yeah, definitely would be nice to have if you are working where carrying a normal juice bottle to refill your tank would be dangerous for the bottle.
  13. I've seen suggestions to steep it at least week, if not two or more. I didn't have the steeping problem because I got mine at a B&M, and it doesn't sell a lot of the Boba's because of the mark up, so it was essentially pre-steeped. But if you look at the reviews for Boba's on the ave site, some people can't stand it before it's steeped, while other's love it straight out of the mail. How long have you had it? In other words, did you steep it at all?
  14. Okay, I see. Strange that he actually SQUEEZED the whole bottle of juice in there rather than just removing the nozzle and pouring it in, lol. Good for if you need to carry your juice in something tough, but prohibitively expensive if you are just looking for an easier way to fill your tanks (like precision tip bottles, bottles with droppers, or blunt tip syringes).
  15. Well, in the note, she claims it will NOT fit a Kanger Pro Tank - even though it's a 510 drip tip, she said she has to trim the glass shorter to fit Pro Tanks (or I guess anything other than cartos?). You could always try. But I would still be too, um, worried, myself, to use them. They aren't Pyrex, they are soft soda glass, so they are fragile - she said if you try to put them in the wrong way you can break it.
  16. Well, here's the thing. Most of us are going to be familiar with US vendors, US sites, etc., and I don't know if any of us have any knowledge of how the Indian currency works (I thought it was rupees?). About the only two sites outside of the US I've heard of that you don't have to mass order from are Fast Tech and Health Cabin. I don't know if they detect your IP address and automatically display prices in your currency or not. Some US vendors will not ship internationally, I do know that. As for import costs, I have no clue. I haven't even ordered from Fast Tech, so I don't know if we in the US have to worry about that on mail order stuff. You'd be best looking for a vendor specifically from India, googling it, or finding someone in your area with more knowledge of it.
  17. I'm not even sure they MAKE filtered drip tips, but again, why do you feel you need one? The only reason I can think of is if you are getting juice in your mouth when you vape, and that is most often times the result of flooding or getting juice in the center tube.
  18. Like Tam said - learning to drip is a learning curve all it's own, and then I believe the .357 custom is a whole other animal, not to mention RDAs as well (from what I understand, the .357 is not user rebuildable). The Boge 510 atomizer (which is essentially disposable - you can't change the coil on it, so you use it until the coil goes bad, however, you CAN clean it), is a good place to start, and what I'm currently using.
  19. This is true. The only flavors you can get from Alien Visions with PG in them have PG in the name - and I don't believe on ANY of their juices can you customize the ratios. That being said, Boba's at no PG is still nice and flavorful. I've not had wicking issues with it, but I don't know if it's because I'm more careful about vaping it slower, or rather, more time between hits to allow it to wick, or if I'm genuinely just not getting any problems with it. EDIT: Just checked. Even their PG flavors, you can't customize the ratio you get into it.
  20. Very cool. I just wish, frankly, that more Hollywood types would move to the more PV types rather than the cigalikes, but then again, if they showed them using one of those on TV, it might be mistaken for something else, so maybe they just use the cigalikes on TV?
  21. Could almost use that as a CB antenna! Either the shorter coiled ones on the hand held CB's, or the great big long whips they put on cars! LOL, btw.
  22. Yeah, you'd have to lower your vaping point (you use a spinner, right, so voltage only) or you may burn your juice, and yes, you'll run through your battery quicker (less ohms, more battery usage, and my SO finally explained it to me in a way I understand, I just can't explain it to anyone else so THEY understand), although the difference between 1.8 and 1.5 won't be TOO great, and may not be noticeable or appreciable, unless you log the actual amount of time (down to the minute) of how often you have to change batteries. Personally, I'm not fond of even 1.8 ohms, at least on Kanger coils. But that's personal preference, probably because my 555 seems to prefer a lower vaping temperature than my other flavors, I don't know why, but it makes it difficult to adjust the for the 555 on a 1.8 ohm coil.
  23. I'm intrigued by it, but since I'm not usually away from home THAT much, I don't need to take an extra supply with me (except extra flavors I may want to switch to). I was looking at it, and the needle tip would be right up my alley with my hand problems, but how do you actually START the filling process. I mean, you can't squeeze it like the plastic bottles, or the eye droppers that come with glass bottles (have three of those on the way, since I'm having difficulties with my 50 ml bottles, and I now have two 120 ml bottles), so how does it work? Even at home, I'd be willing to refill it every 10 ml if it made filling easier on my hands.
  24. Currently? Um, 555. But it's taken me two hours to settle on this, and up until now I've hardly vaped this morning, as I have a sinus mess going on (don't THINK it's at the infection point yet, but I've got the dizziness and the stomach upset going on), and for a while, vaping was triggering both the dizziness and the stomach upset. And frankly, nothing tasted decent enough to make me WANT to vape it.
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