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Everything posted by spydre

  1. You may find that a lot of people on the forums use juices from a few different vendors. I know I do. And with nic level, you may have to go up or down a few mg (like, for example with me, anywhere between 8 - 12 depending on the vendor).
  2. I prefer VW mode myself as well. I have a Smoke Tech Winder that I got for Christmas while I was still using my MVP, and the MVP would go down for charging time. The only time I really use that is if I'm direct dripping, since I don't have any drip shields yet. Granted, my VTR is a monster, but it usually fits in my pocket decently. I don't know about the size of the Vamo vs. the size of the Sigelei Zmax, but when I had the Zmax, THAT would fit in my pocket extended to use 18650 batteries, except for one pair of jeans I have with really shallow pockets.
  3. Did you mail order it, or buy it at a B&M? If you've only had it for a couple days, contact the vendor, they should let you return it and give you a refund if they can reproduce the problem.
  4. When I get the tracking number, I pull it up, and then leave the page up so all I have to do is refresh!
  5. So, how do you test Nic mixes? I mean, is there something you use to test how much nic/ml there is, or a % of nic?
  6. Mixing ammonia and bleach = bad, too. I never knew it before this, but for some reason, one of the cooks put AMMONIA in the mop bucket at closing one night when I worked at KFC (20 years ago). Standard mopping procedure was bleach + the mop soap packet that we had to use (and bleach evidently eats grout, BTW). So, the other front counter girl went to make up the bucket to mop the front line and and the dining room, she added her bleach, and the soap stuff, and all of the sudden you heard Curt (the cook) scream "NO!" He dumped it down the floor drain and we had to evacuate the building for an hour.
  7. Just a thought, and I doubt it has anything to do with the newest round of gurgling (could you have gotten juice in the center tube?), but some colas can be tank crackers. Is the PT3 glass or plastic?
  8. crazy wizard (okay, I can see this getting seriously freaky - as if it's not freaky enough)
  9. Woo hoo! They FINALLY sent it to the right sorting center (Hazelwood, MO), so I should have my coils tomorrow!
  10. Today was MOSTLY a VT Store Caramel day (man, I love that stuff, I've gone through 1/2 the bottle already - I can see when I order it, since it's not going to be available in 30 ml, I'm going to have to order 15 ml bottles), but now I'm switching it up. Right now, it's evidently a mix of RY4, and the Kick Ash I got from Vapor Beast - must not have been paying attention when I was filling bottles, and I've been doing it a lot lately.
  11. I've kept my ashtray - with butts in them - for the same reason. One in my bedroom, one on my desk.
  12. Guys, are you not listening to the OP? It's NOT the tank if it's doing this whenever anything metal touches the connector. At least, MY stick batteries don't do this.
  13. PRETTY sure my VTR does that....weighing in at a pound if I put a full sized tank on it.
  14. to Medic, since I can't like his posts (ya'll need to fix that somehow). I liked the Provari, I just didn't like it's price tag. Even my SO only got the mini Provari. And as klutzy as I am, I didn't want to put out that kind of money on an APV and then have it go belly up because my hand decided to stop working and let go of it (it happens). But I wanted something variable wattage that I could set on one setting and leave it (I've since gotten into some juices that require adjusting the wattage anyway), but I don't want to have to think about voltage. But ALSO, a big one to me was finding a device that had both eGo and 510 threading, that I wouldn't need an adapter for. But that was just me. BTW, what is the voltage range of the Provari?
  15. I'm not sure if I should be afraid to be around this many amateur chemists or not.
  16. Sorry for double quoting you on this, but I started my response before I left for two hours, and then came back to it and forgot what I was meaning to say. The thing is, and while I am FIRMLY in e-cigs are harm reduction camp, "we" have only had e-cigs for 5 1/2 years - and two years of that were in a legal battle to keep them from being classified as drug delivery devices by the FDA and made illegal until testing could be done. They are young enough, we still don't know the long term affects of inhaling vapor, even if IS made out of glycerine, nicotine, and flavoring. Not to mention not knowing the effects of a six year old inhaling ANY of this, even WITHOUT the nicotine. But we are adults, we can make that INFORMED decision about that, and that poor little girl can't. Granted, I doubt you could teach a six year old how to take a lung hit, and if she did, IMO (I'm sorry), she should be shot. You know, I take full responsibility for the stuff I'm inhaling. As for what I exhale, it's water vapor, and it dissipates, unlike smoke. Someone's not going to be harmed by being in the same room with me while I'm vaping, unlike smoking, so I'm not responsible for MY lungs by my choice - so 20 years down the road, if it turns out inhaling this stuff over 20 years has some sort of consequence, I'm affecting only me, and I made the choice KNOWING that we don't know what happens in the long run. I'm rambling, I guess, and a bit off point, but do you know what I mean? EDIT: And in the effort of full disclosure, I wasn't the BEST parent when it comes to smoking around my kids. We have a history of going back and forth between smoking inside and outside - mostly inside after they were say, five or six.
  17. Truthfully, between the Spinner, the Twist, and the Smoke Winder, I WANTED the Spinner - because of exactly what was said - the Twist may last a few months longer (you'll only get so many charges out of it), but for me, it's easier to read the markings on the Spinner. Heck, with my Winder that hubby got me for Christmas, it's so shiny on the bottom, I have to make sure it's OUT of the light so I can even tell where the red indicator is.
  18. I THINK there is, I think I remember seeing a top coil glass tank, but I dismissed it as, it was a top coil. Or, I could be wrong. I get plenty of warm vape with a bcc. Not as warm as with, say, a dual coil, but probably around the same temp as I get from dripping from the attys I use for dripping, and generally, is one flavor that won't really "warm up" if the coil is starting to go bad on me - that's how I know the coil is doomed. That's one of them that I really can't pump the power/voltage up that far, either, so it's a cooler vape to begin with. IIRC, you are using a VV stick battery, correct?
  19. Oh, dear, she actually called it a "cigarette" to her daughter? Oh, dear. That's bad.
  20. I know what you mean about the smell of smoke disgusting you. Not too long ago, my mother in law took me to the grocery store to get a few things, and then she went into Goodwill next door. Well, I had to wait for her when I got out. The only bench was where people would congregate to smoke, because in this state, you have to be 15 feet from the door to smoke, and that's where the ash tray is, plus, that's the bus stop. Just the smell of stale smoke coming off the PEOPLE nearly choked me, but the cigarettes didn't bother me so much. At Thanksgiving, when people started lighting up, it was almost too much to handle. My son went outside, it bothered me, but not "get out" bothered me, and it made my SO actually nauseated.
  21. Yeah, naturally, (and this has proven out), Hawaii and Alaska are two of the most expensive states to live in, cost of living wise, BECAUSE of how the goods have to be transported there. I also should have quoted the post I was commenting on, as they have a walk in store, and a mail order business (which I assume just Hawaiians use). There are other states listed as being "expensive" to live in (say New York, because of the cost of living in NYC, and I think Connecticut, but there is a higher income in that state, thus a higher tax base to charge from), but AL and HI are the only ones that have actual GEOGRAPHIC reasons for the cost of living being so high.
  22. But what happens if she leaves the room, there's juice in there with nicotine in it, and the kid goes for it because she remembers it was yummy?
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