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Everything posted by spydre

  1. I want to replace my metal drip tips as well. I was out walking about two weeks ago and it was snowing, and well, a cold drip tip does not make for a comfortable vaping experience. But I'm picky about my drip tips. I've actually only found one other type that I like, and that's off Empire Mods, I think. Pretty sure I'm going to be emptying most of my tanks except for three, so I'll just use the tips I've already gotten from them.
  2. I had some 618 that I bought close to a year before (this was back when I was really having trouble with juices I used to vape still tasting "right" or tasting "good" to me because I had slight taste change after seizures). I had gotten a, I think 50 ml bottle before I went off the taste. My SO was running out of his 618, so I gave him this older bottle (he goes through ALMOST as much juice as I do on a monthly basis, but I'm pretty sure I go through more - I used to, and now I'm going through even more since I got the Zmax V5 this week because it's easier to just sit and hold in my hand, but I'm going off topic). Anyway, the bottle was between 9 - 11 months old (I can't remember how long ago I gave it to him). It was nice and steeped. It was strong, wasn't bad at all. It had been sitting closed up in my vape case all that time. Then again, it may have STARTED with the seizure that started putting me off the 618, but I ended up kind of going off every one of the flavors of juice of purchased from that B&M (sadly, because they are so affordable), ironically, one of them after finishing just half of a 120 ml bottle that I purchased. Come to think of it, I have, frankly, a butt ton of juices that are sitting in box, some over a year old, that I need to get rid of, that I don't like the taste of anymore.
  3. Currently? Cactus Juice from Juice Mafia - extra flavor. YUMMM.
  4. Hi! Remember me? Ha! Just bought a new Sigelei Zmax V 5, along with a holster to wear around my neck. I guess it came in the middle of the week? Something like that. So much lighter than carrying around the VTR! Anyway, so that's that.
  5. Okay, after NUMEROUS discussions with the vape shop, who assured me they've been selling them that way for some time, and tried it out themselves with nary a problem, and not one complaint and no one saying, "it doesn't work with this tank," I tried it on ONE of my tanks that needed new coils. It worked. Go figure. Juice tastes slightly different, too. Not sure if it's because this last coil made it taste burned all the way from the time I put it in (therefore I didn't vape it much for the two weeks) or if because the previous coil, no matter what, just didn't have any oomph to it, but it's working. Been a full 24 hours.
  6. Okay, was at my "usual" B&M this weekend, although the trips there are usually limited to once a month, and since I was down to 1 coil, I figured I'd bite the bullet and get coils there rather than ordering. So I got one five pack. Except she says, "We don't have 2.5, we have 2.4 resistance." No box, just a card with 5 packs blistered on to it, with Smok branded across the foil on the back. I asked again, are you SURE you can use these in KPTs, and I was assured, yes, yes, yes, you could. And the price for a five pack was the same as if I had ordered from my go-to coil supply site (including shipping) - which should have tipped me off because all the other shops in the area carry the Kanger coil packs for $10 (which is $2 more than this Smok pack cost me). Later that day, (Saturday), when I was thinking about changing a coil, I hesitated, and started looking up, and on Smok's retail online store, the 2.4 coils are specifically for AROs, GBCs, and some others, but not Kangers. I did some further looking on the site, and yes, they have Smoke branded coils that specifically fit the Kanger products - WITH the Kanger resistance levels. I've left a message for the shop to get back to me, asking if this is indeed the product that is not made for Kangers, and if they have any Kanger compatible coil heads in the shop (I'm going to be pissed if I have to make another drive to Jerseyville to exchange these.). I didn't want to "try one out", because I was afraid if it was the wrong coil, they wouldn't take it back because I had opened it. Generally I get coil packs in groups of three, because either the coils start going out on all the tanks I'm vaping on at the same time (or I start vaping on older flavors that now need their coils changed after sitting in it for a couple months) (or sometimes, I end up getting a pack where it seems like every coil in that pack is bad, gives me a burned taste no matter what voltage or power setting, no matter how long they've had to sit and soak up juice - overnight, usually - and I have to replace them all), but if I'm vaping the same two or three juices every day (which out of all the juices I own, is ABOUT what I'm down to right now, at least until I get paid when I can order another bottle of another juice I haven't wanted to vape in MONTHS, but now I want desperately and just ran out of), but again, I get paid at um, a week from tomorrow, and we were there, so I figured one five pack would be good until I got paid, and that was only because I'm down to one bloody coil. And wow, I didn't realize I'd been away for so long again this time. Somehow, between exhaustion and all the other stuff (physically been bad) I don't have as much time for forums, or even social media anymore. So am I right in thinking these coils aren't going to work with Pro Tanks? I'm not even looking at coil replacement on my Evods yet, although that's coming on at least a few of them.
  7. I SWEAR by Vapor Talk's Poppin Pineapple, but it's 80/20, the 80 being PG. You could check out Fadora Vapors, they let you customize your ratio, even with mostly VG. I'm fond of the Apple Cider Signature flavor.
  8. Yay! New coils on Monday, and my VT juices today. Been waiting two weeks before I could order those (and up until that, Poppin Pineapple was about ALL I was vaping). But the last five days or so, I've been STUCK on RY4, so tasting the pineapple was a meh moment for me, I think just because I was still wanting the RY4.
  9. Well, I guess I just know how the people in my podunk area will take it. Yeah, they know kids tend to start smoking in high school (and studies are showing later in high school), but they have deluded themselves into believing since the numbers have gone down, that it's no a problem here. PLUS, the Police Department the last few years has stepped up it's enforcement efforts as far as undercover attempts to buy cigarettes as a minor - not as much as liquor sales, since the Mayor ultimately controls the liquor licenses, but they do go in about once a quarter to about 20 shops (usually gas stations or places like Walgreen's, and usually the Sheriff's Dept. so they can hit more than one town) and send a "more mature" looking high school age person in to attempt to buy. Granted, 20+ years ago, but you could buy cigarettes underage practically ANYWHERE. There were a few exceptions - I mean, I wouldn't attempt to buy from the little convenience store right outside my neighborhood, because they KNEW me, they watched me grow up. But JUST ABOUT any other gas station or convenience store (with the exception of the ones right near the high school, they weren't stupid), you could buy without getting carded, although, ironically enough, I was carded for a carton of smokes when I was 22. Had a toddler in my arms, heavily pregnant, dressed professionally, and I got carded at a gas station that I was buying smokes at when I was 16. But people around here, unless they have a kid that smokes, or know a kid that smokes, stick their head in the sand and pretend it doesn't happen, and then immediately, their first thought is, what about the kid's parents (and then they make assumptions on the socio-economic status of the parents, even if MOST of the people around here are of the same essential circumstances). The exceptions would be the ones that smoked before age limits were put in place.
  10. For me, the past two days it's been RY4. Which is why I went ahead and resupplied myself with it today. I've gone through three KPT2 tanks of it already today.
  11. Problem I've found, at least in my area, if you buy above a certain size, they AREN'T in childproof containers. It's a lid with a flip nozzle, kinda. Plus, a lot of shops around here also sell juice from online vendors. Almost all of them are in glass bottles, and none of them are childproof. You think the makers of Boba's, or any other company that utilizes glass bottles is going to allow a B&M to repackage their product to meet state standards? They'll just pull the product from the store.
  12. Okay, one, maybe two weeks ago, I was reading the local paper online, and they had a second story about the newest vape shop, NiMa Vapes, in the area to open up. Not sure why they got the second article. Anyway, so I'm reading it, and I guess they interviewed the ONE customer that was enjoying the "and lounge" atmosphere that day. He was freaking 18! And the idiot actually TOLD them he STARTED smoking in high school. Was a track "star", went to state in one of his race lengths, and then he started smoking, he basically added 10 seconds to him time because his lungs weren't in the right shape anymore. So now he's switched to vaping, and he's breathing much better (or as he put it, he has much better endurance). Okay, so yeah, he's old enough to smoke NOW, but he told his story to this journalist, and the journalist HAD to know that he was underage when he was talking about smoking in high school, how his performance differed from one year to the next, and I think it was irresponsible that they printed ANYTHING about him smoking as a high school student. They didn't come out and say he was under 18 at the time, and I guess it's not unheard of to not start smoking until your senior year of high school, but I doubt it. And would smoking for less than one year really affect his lungs to the point where he added 10 seconds to his time, or would it take more time than that? I just....feel like they shouldn't be publishing stories from people who give the impression that they smoked when they were under 18. Am I the only one?
  13. Um, let's see. Wednesday is 21 ml of Better Vapes Hazelnut Yesterday ordered 15 ml more of Popping Pineapple and Caramel from the VT store Today, ordered some coils, and then picked up 30 more mls of RY4 from Better Vapes. Those should last me a while.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/CASAAmedia/posts/10152453731382868 Basically saying the IL Department of Health has to establish "special packaging" and standards, etc., for all e-juice packaging. Also, from the date of the law going into effect, until the such a time as when the Dept of Health can implement and design such packaging, and put such regulations in place (a process that could take up to two years, just for a child-proof bottle and some regulations for using such), e-juice sales would be BANNED in the state of Illinois until then. WTF???? First off, the Dept of Health has NO knowledge of what the legislature would be asking them to step in to do. I have no problems with having the state require the health department come up with "special packaging" and regulations about the use of said packaging, but it's just STUPID to ban the sales of juice in the state for as long as that process takes. It's cutting off tax dollars, for one, and people can still buy online. As far as the legislation in the first place, well, requiring child proof containers is all well and good, but I've yet to see a bottle that can hold 120 mls that is child-proofed. Also, what about juices the REQUIRE glass bottles because they are tank crackers, and what about the shops that sell the juices from out of state vendors, or online vendors, that use glass bottles? I can't see the vendors approving that the shop repackage their item into the state's "approved child-proof packaging" to sell in their shop. Heck, that would KILL the business of one local shop - they ONLY carry the juices from online vendors, and they are ONLY in glass bottles. What I see is if the local retailers ask for permission to repackage into the state's "approved type packaging", the vendors will pull just pull their product from the retailer. And that's not even getting into whether the Dept of Health knows enough about e-juice to address the issue, or knows ANYTHING about packaging.
  15. Yeah, they are, Tam. Standard stick battery.
  16. I take the rubber part off before I dry burn. Well, heck, I take the stem off, too, so I can see that the coil is heating evenly, and what kind of condition the wick is in.
  17. First off, we are WEEKS behind, probably because it's moving so slowly. What's going on with Beth? My son hinted that something "happened" to her, when she showed up as basically a one episode groupie on "The Following" and got killed that same episode. I'm behind because I'm waiting on another housemate to watch it with me....and well, if I sit down to watch TV during the day, it's more than likely I'll fall asleep. Rick, no, they won't kill. I would reference the fact that he's still alive in the comics, but even the creator of the comics, who is part of the team on the TV show, said there is a comic cannon, and a TV cannon. For proof of that that, Darryl and Merle weren't even part of the comics, and then were supposed to be one off arseholes, and look at Darryl now. In the comics, Carl basically becomes a psychopath a little bit into it, but the producers and writers wisely decided that American audiences wouldn't accept Carl as a psychopath - I guess because he's a lead, I mean, they had no trouble making Lizzy a psychopath, but because of her psychopathy, she was put down for it. But, Rick is the leader, and finally stepped up to that, and I don't think they'll kill him now. They went through the crazies with him, they went through his "I'm a farmer and I'm not a figher," phase, I think he's back and ready to kick arse. I've heard varying ideas about the whole "tainted meat" thing. That Terminus could be holding Beth hostage and chopping off appendages as they have a need for food. Or that the reference to tainted meat was Bob, who was bit previously, and lied about it. Or that even Lizzie was the tainted meat, because if she wasn't "put down", her psychopathy would have endangered the whole group. As far as Rick, all I've heard is that MAYBE he finds Carl being physically assaulted (in the comic it was much, much worse) and he loses it and kills the people doing it. Other than that, when he and Carl and Michonne find Terminus, they have a joyous reunion with Judith.
  18. Well, with dripping, the nic hits you harder, if I recall, right? So while you might normally take a 12 or an 18 out of a tank, a 6 would do just fine dripping.
  19. USUALLY, when you see stories on the news from around the country about charging e-cig (stick batteries) blowing up, it's user error - they are being charged incorrectly. Either hooked up to the wrong charger ("well the guy at the store told me I could use any charger" when in reality, the eGo basic stick batteries need to be used with their own chargers), sitting it on bedding or carpet while charging, or charging it in a hot car, or hot environment. If you look up "things not to do while charging an e-cig", just about every one of those stories has someone doing one of those things.
  20. Problem is, when you get someone testing out a lot of flavors, at the higher nic levels, they're hitting juice quicker than they would normally be vaping it at home. Therefore, you start to get the classic signs of having too much nic, too quick. The same signs as smoking too much in a short period of time. The first sign, the sign that would likely show up in the store, would be dizziness. That's why the B&Ms around here only put out testers with 6 nic, although one B&M (the most expensive in the area) has 0 nic samples, and nic samples, but that's because the owner vapes 0 nic, and she assumes other people do, too.
  21. I'm pretty sure we are one episode behind, but I can't WAIT for the different groups to meet up. This whole bits and pieces of people everywhere is FRUSTRATING! But the Darryl and Beth episode was pretty good.
  22. Okay, if the Evod battery is similar to the eGo battery, then NO. Your standard wall wart will put out too much power, and you are supposed to use the charger/plug in that came with it. Don't even connect it to your PC.
  23. Um, L2V, uh, your quote is from some other thread entirely? And five years ago?
  24. I wouldn't recommend 36 for an extended period of time, but you should be fine with 34 mg. The flea market guy didn't do you any favors by dumping out your existing supply and giving you 18 mg. Although I'm not sure what you mean by NET material? I started out (and have MOSTLY stuck with tobacco type flavors - but they are flavored along with the tobacco - I barely register a tobacco taste with them, and more the flavoring.
  25. I'm confused. Could you clarify what you are talking about? RC? Mother's milk?
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