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Everything posted by egoc

  1. Sorry for double post. But forgot to add whether I should buy a mini Davide or a mini vivi nova
  2. Bcarter been think I might pick a Davide it mini Davide. Not sure just yet. I own a KPT, which I love. Also ordered some T3S. First one I owned leaked. But they were on sale so I figured what the heck. Not a big fan of plastic tanks that came with my egoc kit.
  3. Hey guys. Been analog free for nearly three weeks now. Feels great! My bro is about to jump on board. He said he needs a free week trial. Haha. Anyway wondering how long you guys hold down button on either egoc or vision spinner. Usually I take long slow vapes until button flashes blue. Is this normal? Read somewhere should only hold for five seconds.
  4. Anyone know where I can buy some Tea-flavored samplers? I am interested in tea flavors and/or good tobacco flavor. Any suggestions.
  5. Thanks. Yeah it would appear I lost the rubber band. Probably wasn't taking good care of it. Switching it too often. I will purchase a 5 pack and see how they go.
  6. Okay so I was using my KangerTech T3S since I received my Vision Spinner and ego-c. I abandoned the refillable cartridges that came with my ego-c. Apparently, that was a major problem. Recently, I noticed the silver piece that is unscrewable. The part that is branded. Hope you guys know what I am talking about. Anyway, that piece now seems to be shifting to where I can now see through it. In other words when I screw on adapter or whatever it brings it up off ground. Hence air leaking and likely ejuice leaking. Any suggestions? I was about to purchase 5 more from The Vapor Room but now I am skeptical. Might go with Mini Viva Nova now. Who knows. Thoughts?
  7. I haven't ordered a drip tip yet. Like I said in past, I am still a newbie when it comes to vaping. Looks like I'll be picking up some more T2s and possibly a Vivi Nova or Mini Vivi Nova. So many different juices to try. Best just pick a few and place an order. I'll let you guys know how it turns out. Thanks
  8. Thanks, I'll look into Vision Victory. There are so many juices out there, I'm not even sure where to start. Might pick up some Sweet Tea or Peach flavors. Not sure. Looking for best deal in sample packs most likely. Definitely need to pick up some new juices. Thanks
  9. Hey guys, I am looking to upgrade my setup for both my 1300mah Vision Spinner and my 650mah ego c. For some reason, I am not a big fan of the ego cartridges. Wish should have waited before I purchased the starter kit. That's a different story. Right now, I am using a Kanger TC3 that came with my Spinner. Waiting on a replace Kanger Pro Tech. Definitely need to get some more clearomizer, glassomizers, etc so I am not constantly swapping them in and out. Any ideas on the best set for both my batts? Suggested websites would be helpful too. Any on sale? I am leaning toward Kanger since that is what I am most familiar with but I support it doesn't matter much. I would like like to get some more tanks. I read The Vapor Room gives free 15ML liquid with first purchase so I will likely go that way. Anyone have experience with them?
  10. Sorry Sonofzell, I am no longer selling or trading these 1300mah Spinners. Used them all weekend and just love them now. You guys were right. They grew on me and it didn't take long. Still smoking an analog every now and then. About 1-2 a day. Which isn't bad in my opinion. Haven't bought a new pack so that's good. Hoping I can stop smoking them by this weekend. Wish me luck. Any advice would be appreciated.
  11. Thanks for the info. I need to purchase a 60ml bottle first. The vendor told me to keep refrigerated. Thought it was a little weird as I had read other places that said to keep in cool dry place. Now I am not sure what do to?
  12. Hey Mike, wondering if you can help me out. I am still a new vapor so I am not sure what my desired PG/VG ratio is. Right now, I am 50/50 or 60/40. Can't tell much a difference really. Anyway my main question is this: I purchased a much stronger nic level than I should have. It's just too harsh and I don't like it. It's 20mg/ml. I'd prefer to get it down to 12mg/ml or close to it. Planning to pick up another bottle of same flavor, probably 0mg/ml. Can you tell me what nic level would have after mixing. Right now the bottle I have is 30ml. So I imagine get 30ml of 0mg? Also the vender I purchased original eliquid from said to store it in the fridge. Is this something you guys do?
  13. Yes. I will wait until I hear back from Sweet-Vapes and see what they say. I mean I haven't used it yet. It arrived today so. If they don't want to do the exchange, I'll try the classifieds.
  14. I don't think so. Is there a section on vaportalk to where I can try to sell or trade this two batteries should Sweet-Vapes not do the exchange?
  15. Thanks. Didn't realize they will a brick and mortar store. I emailed them to see what they say. I guess I could also give them a call. Definitely won't be upset if they don't allow the exchange. I'd be disappointed but it is what it is. It's just I'd have to find a way to sell those or trade them for a smaller battery. That's probably gonna be difficult.
  16. Yes. The length isn't so much the issue as the sheer size of the 1300mah so I have no issues going with the 900mah. I just don't see myself using 1300mah and really hope the guys at Sweet-Vapes will consider an exchange. The package just arrive and I did not see it whatsoever. Site says no returns but does lists a 14-day warranty. Who knows.
  17. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had experience returning or exchanging items from Sweet-Vapes.com. Reason I ask is because my Vision Spinner Kit arrived today. Turns out the 2 1300mah batteries are much bigger than I had anticipated and rather uncomfortable to use. I was hoping they could possibly exchange the 2 1300mah batteries for 2 650 mah batteries. I think I am going to email them to see if they will. Maybe pick up another clearomizer and some e-liquid if they do let me make the exchange. If not, would anyone here want to make a trade or know a reputable site that would be willing to make such an exchange. I really just don't see myself using the 1300mah batteries. I know they last a lot longer the 650mah, but they are just too big. Thanks in advance.
  18. Thanks guys. I know it's different for everyone. I am still getting used to vaping. I mean it's not that I'm gonna toss the 20mg, like I said, I just don't want to get more nicotine than I normally would. I suppose it's not a big deal, since I am no longer getting those other carcinogens. After purchasing a cheap mall brand several years ago, I picked it up recently. It was helpful so then I decided to go all in with ecigs. Picked up an egoc kit at my local vapor store while I was waiting for my online order to come in. Wouldn't have even ordered online, had I known this place was nearby. Either way, I am still waiting for my Spinner T3 1300mah. Pro Tank Clearomizer. I am thinking I may see if I can return that but I highly doubt the peeps at sweet-vapes would go for it. I see when it comes. I may like to have a couple around. Worse comes to worse, I can sell one to my bro.
  19. Forgot to ask, wonderring how many of you continued to smoke analogs every once in a while when you first go your ecig? I realize it's not a big deal, But I would like to know everyone else's experience and when they were finally able to kick analogs completely and eventually the ecig. Wish me luck.
  20. Ok guys so I decided its time for me to quit analogs. Been smoking for 10+ years. I picked up an ego-c kit a few days ago. I have been vaping on it ever since. Although I have limit my use analogs, I still smoke one every now and then. Guess I am waiting for this last pack to be gone. I usually smoked around half a pack a day. I used to smoke half, butt out, smoke half again. Pall Mall Lights 100s. With my ego c, I am vaping 20mg. I think it might be a little too high. I am not getting sick or anything, I feel like it should be lower since I didn't smoke as much. I don't want to be getting more nicotine than I was with my analogs. I realize I am not getting any of other chemicals but still. Anyway, I looked into DIY, but not ready for that yet obviously. Hence, I ordered some more e-liquid, this time 12mg 50/50 pg/vg. My goal is to get down to 0mg and then quit the ecig. I am not vaping constantly. I am not vaping at work. I take a couple vapes in the morning. Go to work. Take a couple vapes on my breaks and during lunch. Then when I get home I vape some more. It's really difficult during work. That's when I need a cig the most. For some reason, I can't focus as good as I used too. Do you guys recommend I stick with the 20mg or vape the 12mg exclusively? And when should I go to a lower dosage? If I am able to quit that would be fantastic. I am attempting to get my bro on the ecig too. He said he'd give it a shot once his carton is done.
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