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About loneranger721981

  • Birthday 07/02/1981

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    Monaca PA
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. For some reason every coil I build is shorting. I don't know if its my mod or if its the coil itself. Every time it says short. Did 30 coils and every dang one does it.
  2. I was thinking about trying their juice. I know it is made over seas and you get 100ml for 28 bucks including shipping. Maybe someone knows another place to try juices from that are cost effective. I have had medics and still have a supply of it. Just looking to open my horizons. Thanks
  3. Well I took everyone's advise that they graciously gave me. I went back to basics. I took my micro coil build off my rsst and replaced the coil with a 8/7 wrap of 28g kanthal that came out to about 1.2 ohm. Its a little off what i am used to at 1.8, but oh well. It is not a micro coil, just a normal one wrapped around a 5/64 drill bit. I did however take my SS rope and line the top with just a little cotton. When I dry fired it the coil lit up right away at only 3.2v. I put the juice to it and oh my god. the flavor I am getting is nothing compared to the micro coil I was using all this time. I thought you had to use a micro on a rebuildable, but i was wrong. I have very acceptable levels of clouds and juicy flavor. I guess vaping and firefighting have one thing in common now. sometimes to break old habits and realize what you are doing is not always the right way you have to return to the basics. Now if i could only talk my wife into getting me an I taste for christmas lol. When I asked for vaping toys for the holidays she gave me this analogy. "buying you vaping crap for christmas is the equivalent of getting an addict supplies as a gift". Oh well. I guess I will just buy my own stuff. Thanks again everyone for the words of wisdom. It is very much appreciated. Vape On
  4. Thanks for all the replies. It really helps. Maybe ill try to simplify things and not go big. Sometimes you just have to start over at the basics. Maybe ill try a non micro coil in my rsst and see what happens.
  5. I have been vaping for about 3 months I think. I have risen from an ego battery with a vivi nova to an e-vic with a davide and 2 rba's. The thing I am getting discouraged at is I cant seem to get the performance I would like out of my equipment. I dont know if it is something I am doing wrong, or what I have is not capable of doing what I want. All I want is to have huge thick vapor and great flavor. Everything I seem to try starts out well, but falls short really quickly. I have tried cotton wicks, stainless mesh and cable, silica, micro coils, nano coils, and everything between. I just dont seem to get the results that I want. I know im probably basing this off what rip trippers has done because that is where i leaned a lot of my stuff about builds is from. The other problem I think i am facing is that my e-vic is not capable of handling the power needed to get the results that I want. Maybe I will sell it or trade it for a mech or something, who knows. I think another is that my wife tells me I spend too much on vaping and wants me to quit. Sorry to rant on here, but this community actually cares about vaping and the things that relate to it. My friends could care less and tell me to stop sucking on a phallic looking device and get over it.
  6. Figured I would try unicorn blood for fun from fuzion. This tastes really awesome. A little watery for me though. Not sure what the ratio is.
  7. It is the 7x7 cable. Ill get a pic soo
  8. I had some special vape mail today. I received my 50ft length of 1/8 stainless steel FDA approved cable. Let the wicking trials begin.
  9. I found an idea online to use a stainless steel cable as a wick. It rocks the vapor like nothing I have ever experienced before. The flavor that comes from it is better than cotton or a mesh wick. I have it setup in my RSST with a 1/8 inch diameter cable with a 1.8 ohm micro coil that is 5/64 inner diameter and just a little bit of cotton on the top under the coil as an insulator. I cut it with cable cutters to get a nice clean edge and torched the hell out of it. I wanted to make sure they did not send me something with zinc coating on it. I have found thru trial and error that I no longer have to tip the tank to re-wet the wick at all. If I do that I am getting gurgling and it leaks from the air hole. I have to keep it below a 4 o'clock position or it will leak. This by far is the most flavorful vape I have ever had. I am only pushing it with 3.6v thru my evic and it is amazing. I thought I would share this with everyone out there and see what others think.
  10. I completely forgot about a link. Here ya go. Are these something new? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFcAVAl1ZAc
  11. Has anyone had any experience with these? I see they are a bottom coil rba. I was thinking about trying one out.
  12. Anyone have a suggestion for a vendor?
  13. I found these batteries on ebay. They are a good deal and protected it seems. I dont have a micrometer to see the size of my current one. Will these work? http://www.ebay.com/itm/4pcs-Ultra-Fire-18650-3-7V-5000mAH-Lithium-Battery-Yellow-Fit-for-Electronic-/360712561558?pt=US_Rechargeable_Batteries&hash=item53fc24e396
  14. Its great. No more fighting with tweezers. Just grab a lead and torch it.
  15. The way I make the cotton right is to shape it like a cone. Pull 8t thru till you get tension. Yhen back it off just a little. Cut it amd vape away.
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