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    Tijuana Mexico

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  1. Hi im new to this forum and i purchased an EGO Clearomizer starter kit its basically this one https://www.allaboutvapor.com/vaporshop3/images/P/ego1000stardust01.jpg Except it doesn't have the joyteck logo on it or the EGO logo on it, the first 3 days it was amazing in flavor then after about 1 week BURNT flavor on every 3rd or 4th hit, bought another tank and that SAME DAY burnt flavor again... Am i doing something wrong? also FULL BLOWN NEWB HERE so ANY advise no matter how stupid you might think it could be its probably usefull for me. as far as juice i use the LUSH tobacco flavor with Med 12MG of nicotine. and some lush chocolate for flavor. uhhmm oh yeah and also i don't know how to prime and such Thanx for your help.
  2. Hey all wassup My Name is Ruben and i live in Tijuana Mexico where its illegal to sell e-cigs BUT NOT to use them soooo i purchased my e-cig on line in the states and all is good. and we are slowly but steadily getting new sellers here trough a loophole thanx to Marlboro creating the're own e-cig. anywho i bought my Joyteck clearomizer and its been working out pretty good so far, but more than likely i will have some retarded *** questions for you guys and i will post them if i dont find anything related to them. looking forward to talking to you guys. Latez
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