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  1. It's really not that hard to be a............. Just stupid people make it so easy. Of course I'm not "from round here". 1000+ post and still posting dumbass "studies"? Right on.
  2. Love this kinda of thing. Just because I have 20 post and stuff. "I'm a noob" haha!!!! Let put all that to the side right quick. I'm new to the forum, but not to vaping. You can have your tight group of people here, that's how it is and it will always be like that. Just because I called you out on one thing doesn't mean your input isn't heard on my end. Maybe you are right, BUT, without any other proof of your "so called study", it gives me the impression that you are bias to a certain batterty.
  3. Read the whole thing twice to make sure I was reading it right. If it wasn't a "non scientific study" then why even post your " non scientific study" of both batteries and calling one battery better then the other with out any other facts? Bias.....Yes. Morning to you to kind sir.
  4. Did you vape both batteries the same volts/watts and at the same with both batteries? Was the batteries under the same conditions? Without doing a "same situation" test to each battery, then I think this thread is pointless and bias. Both my efast and AW IMR batteries both run the same (more or less) the same depending on what ohms I'm running. I can run both batteries at a rest @ 2.0ohms and it will for sure last longer then running the batteries @ .3 ohms.
  5. Ask away. There is a hand full of helpful people here....and welcome to the clan.
  6. Haha, glad you reached what you are looking for. For all the people that are comparing analog smoke (vape) to hookah smoke (vape)......never smoked hookah before. I blow more clouds then any hookah smokers out there. So lung hits is a must.
  7. To be honest, blowing huge clouds is what got me off of smoking cigarettes. Now, I "mostly" vape a Aga-t+ (stock) with a Magneto at 12mg of nic @ 50/50 pg/vg. I blow clouds just to show off.
  8. Any coil that reads under 1.0ohms is "sub-omh". Cloud chasing, is a pursuit to happiness. OP, I run a RSST and a Aga-t+. I also drill my holes to 2mm-3mm and run it at .8-.6 omhs. My jucie is Pear-a-Dice 90vg/10pg at 6 nic. If you want to do stright lung hits, I would recommend you vape a higher VG and less nic in your juice. Also, what % of VG/PG and at what nic do you vape at?
  9. It depends on how much you use it. I change my mesh and wool every two to three weeks depending how much I use it. Mesh wicks, IMO, is good for genesis type tanks. Cotton is great for micro drip RDA/RBA's (tried cotton, but it burns to fast for my liking), But I still like the eko-wool in my drip atoms and mesh in my genesis style tanks. It also depends on what you perfer in vaping wises. I like huge clouds when I vape. You might want flavor, vape and the hit......So, if you are looking for that kind of vape, then I would do a genesis type tank, with a 3mm eko wool sleeve over a 2.5mm ss mesh with a 1.5-2.0mm bigger hole in the genesis style top.
  10. Yes you can, it's a fun little project though. OP, I get 1.3-1.8 omhs useing 28g wire with 12/13 wraps. But as stated before, all coils must be touching. Just look on youtube and look for micro coiling. As for SS mesh wick, I always use a 3mm eko wool as the isolater for my mesh wick.
  11. Agreed. I like to rebuild all the heads, RDA/RBA's....pretty much all the carto's I get a hold of. The best thing for a next up grade is a mech mod with a kick/stomp. Best of both worlds IMO. You should also get a Igo-L and a Igo-W just for kicks.
  12. This is to true.
  13. You will find that if you get a bigger hit (IE more air flow) it will increase your nic fix....Well, that's what happened to me when I went to a vivi nova v2 tank. This was at 24mg of nic. When I when to RBA/RDA's (rebuildables), I nearly dropped to 6mg because the nic and hit was there.
  14. I've must of missed it, but what set of e-cig are you using?
  15. How to I know when to change the wick, coils and atomizer? When you start to taste the "burnt" taste. You can also clean the clearomizer. How long can the liquids sit in the clearomizer without issues like spoiling or damaging anything? Never knew that the liquid could spoil. As for damaging anything, it depends on where you place it....IE car, freezer, toilet bowl...ect. Basically if I wanted a few flavors on hand what is the shelf life inside of the clearomizer? Never knew that the liquid could spoil. Kanger T3 bottom coil clearomizer - This doesn't have a wick? What is the difference or what is better? The wick is inside the metal tube inside the tank. I would go with a Vivi Nova tank. I personally like RDA's (Rebuildable dripping atomizer). Atomizer resistance - 1.8 or 2.8 ohm - what does that even mean? 1.8 ohm and 2.8ohm really doesn't matter for a constent voltage system. Ohm's is just the resistances of the coil. Needle tip bottles - I see them in every kit. Is that just to put the liquid into the clearomizer easier? Yep....
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