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Everything posted by HarleyMom

  1. SickDripzz Thank you. Having lived in MX for 3 years, you could be right. I guess the only thing I can do is order new antomizers and see what happens. I miss my e-cig. There seems to be a lot of knowledge in this forum. If anyone has recommendations for antomizers other than Gamucci, I would appreciate the help. I need to order from the UK to get genuine Gamucci. Thanks. again.
  2. I have used a Gamucci Classic for months and am very satisfied. I also purchased two additional antomizers and batteries from ecigaretteschoice.com and their "compatible" cartridges. Everything worked great, even on vacation in Mexico. When I came home, a month ago, nothing worked. I have tried each antomizer, even the new ones. I have no taste or vapor. I searched the Internet for how antomizers work and also how to clean an antomizer so cleaned it. No help. I saw a post on how to store antomizers but can no longer find it. The only thing I did differently is send them through xray at the airport. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've gone back to cigarettes and don't like it. Thanks so much.
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