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Everything posted by Vaporchick1

  1. basic stater ego is what i have now
  2. Congrats and welcome! You got started with a pretty good system. I did the same thing when I quit. I finished my pack, and moved on to vaping. I'll tell you, I was a pack a day type person, and my first two days I vaped like crazy, and you may as well. Remember its all a transistion at first. I have sinced tested myself with cigs and I couldnt stand it! Just stick with it, it will be well worth it. BTW I feel your pain about welbutrin, the doc put me on that stuff too, and I literally felt like I was going insane while was on it and instantly angry. I quit the pills and went back to smoking. Good luck!
  3. Hey guys! So I'm going to buy my new mod on tuesday, but I keep going between two different ones that my local vape shop has available. I'm looking at getting either the Lavatube v4 or a k100. I like that they are both vv and vw, but im not sure if one is better than the other. I'm trying to get a more permenant set-up. Any suggestions or opinions on them? Thanks in advance.
  4. Sorry, I also want to know about the site Aqua Vapor.
  5. I currently have your basic Ego-t system. It does the job, but I want a good system that will last a while. I'm looking at the Variable Voltage eGo-V V2 Mega Battery with the Smoktech 5ml Pyrex DCT (Dual Coil Tank Kit) with Pyrex Glass Tank. Does anyone have an opinion on these two items?
  6. I've heard that this can happen from too much nicotine. Which I could easily happening if you vaped to much over the last couple of days. It's also easy to do when you first get started, because you vape more than you normally would when you are transistioning from cig to vapor.
  7. Thanks alot for all of the advice you guys! Thanks to your posts, links, and youtube (haha). I have learned a ton. This stuff is confusing though! I wonder, is the ego twist a good system? I'm not sure why, but I'm not very comfortable with the idea of dripping right now, but I do want to switch cartridges.
  8. I'm going to sound really dumb, but firstly, what is the difference between a cartomizer and an atomizer? Also, I get confused on the whole dripping and cartridge thing. I'm currently using the ego-t. Lastly (for now) sometimes when I vape, it kinda tastes burnt, even with a new cartridge. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Sorry, like i said I'm very new to it.
  9. I've been vaping for about a month and I love it. However, the more I get into vaping, the more questions I have. So, I decided to join so that I could learn more. lol, I want to be able to answer all of the questions people ask me when they see me vaping!
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