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Everything posted by Hellecat

  1. Finish Carpenter here, specifically working in a cabinet shop. I love my job!
  2. THIS IS GREAT!!! Now my Mom and Sister bought themselves e-cigs too!
  3. I got my grandma! My 75 year old pack a day for 50 years GRANDMA, chronic bronchitis and asthma suffering GRANDMA to start vaping!! Got her a pretty purple e-smart starter kit =) I am ecstatic!
  4. *le sigh* yes...that skirt may be a bit tight when I am sitting.
  5. These are my e-smart, and the little shelf I made for them.
  6. Let's see if this works...
  7. When I figure out why the picture uploaded isn't working on my phone or iPad.
  8. I got a new pack of clearomizers and a new battery for my cig, this time I got purple. It's super pretty and bright! And I got the new NiQuid flavor, Pom Beach. I assume it's supposed to be pomagranate and like a screwdriver flavor? Whatever it is it's delicious! Might be a new all day vape for me. Oh and I made a hobby box/shelfy thingy for my vapor stuff. I used maple and alder in various colors, I haven't stained it yet. Might just use linseed. I was going for that "crazy quilt" sort of look.
  9. Going over more reviews of my esmart. Apparently, going with the advice from the cashier at the b&m store was great. I only vape about .6mls a day, and my batteries last anywhere from 1-2 days on single one hour charge. I don't.... really need anything else unless I start like super vaping the clearomizers for the esmart are some of the best out there (according to lots of youtube reviews and and other reviews on various websites)
  10. I was talking to the boyfriend while I was filling my clearo up, he told me a joke and I laughed really hard and reflexively squeezed my hand and lost a good .5 ml of juice all over my lap.
  11. Arg! I can't upload on the mobile version.
  12. Just my starter rig, but this is the infamous E-Smart from Kangar.
  13. I'm not even sure sweet basil could be a flavor for ejuice?
  14. A copy of my favorite cocktail, The Farmer's Daughter. Its mix is three fresh strawberries, three sweet basil leaves muddled together with a dash of simple syrup , squeezed with a quarter of a lemon and a shot of top shelf vodka. Well I can't taste the vodka, but if someone could come up with a reasonably similar vape ... I would buy a sample first obviously and then most likely a 30ml bottle. Repeatedly if it would be as good as I want it to be, that would be an all day vape .
  15. Well that answered that. No they are not rebuildable. They make a cool shattering effect though when you try to pull/unscre the metal bits. (Don't worry, still have plenty of new ones left, that was an used one)
  16. Yeah I am pretty positive the tierimisu and green apple would totally take over any clearo they were put in. I'll fiddle with them and see what I can do.
  17. Yeah I was thinking that, but since I would use the same flavors that were in them already, I'm not sure if it would be less of a hassle or not to actually vodka clean them.
  18. My response is so technically accurate.... don't be intimidated by my massive knowledge on the subject! =D
  19. Duh......the ones made for my kanger e-smart ( says clearomizers for esmart in the box) 1.3ml and I unscrew the mouth piece to fill them, and there is a little space between that and...the ...I don't know, its a bitty little tube they tell me to not get liquid in. A syringe tip would fit between the tube dealer and the actual part where the wicks are.
  20. Okay, basically, I'm wondering if since my juice in my clearomizers starts going dark by the third day or so using them. It does effect the taste a bit. I have three flavors in my weekly rotation, so that's three of the five clearomizers in the pack of 5 I buy at the B&M store. Is it possible using a syringe to remove the dark juices to refill them with clean juice of the same flavor? I know it would only get a few more days use out of them, but..eh. It would be less of a hassle to only buy the packs of clearomizers bimonthly.
  21. I camp for a week straight once a year in April. We actually have a hold in the bottom of the pirate ship we build and perform on at the Norman medieval favor. Tricked out just like a real ships hold with 10 hammocks hung inside. All our cooking is done on the fire pit too. Its a blast.
  22. The same as I did when I smoked. If I am in public and I see children about to walk by, I palm the CIG and blow the smoke or vapor away from them. Not the childrens choice to imbibe my habit. As for pets, mine always stayed away when I smoked. The cats think the vapor is fun to bat at.
  23. On the trail, track or dance floor that is.
  24. Been sitting on the wrong side of 25 foe a minute now. Its not really THAT big of a deal, but I have noticed any guy I meet who was born after '89 has no clue what to do outside of an Xbox or PS3. I mean hell, I love to go dancing or biking or jogging (I completed two 5ks this year both in at sub 20 min miles...pretty good for a first timer), or motorcycling or....all kinds of things. I have never had a man I dated who was under 25 that can/could keep up with me.
  25. Increase your liquid intake by..like ten fold. I'd say have a constant supply of juice (as in fruit. Not smoke) and water. I'm no doctor, but I think what I said is a good cya scenario.
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