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Hellecat last won the day on August 20 2013

Hellecat had the most liked content!

About Hellecat

  • Birthday 03/19/1986

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Finish Carpenter here, specifically working in a cabinet shop. I love my job!
  2. THIS IS GREAT!!! Now my Mom and Sister bought themselves e-cigs too!
  3. I got my grandma! My 75 year old pack a day for 50 years GRANDMA, chronic bronchitis and asthma suffering GRANDMA to start vaping!! Got her a pretty purple e-smart starter kit =) I am ecstatic!
  4. *le sigh* yes...that skirt may be a bit tight when I am sitting.
  5. These are my e-smart, and the little shelf I made for them.
  6. Let's see if this works...
  7. When I figure out why the picture uploaded isn't working on my phone or iPad.
  8. I got a new pack of clearomizers and a new battery for my cig, this time I got purple. It's super pretty and bright! And I got the new NiQuid flavor, Pom Beach. I assume it's supposed to be pomagranate and like a screwdriver flavor? Whatever it is it's delicious! Might be a new all day vape for me. Oh and I made a hobby box/shelfy thingy for my vapor stuff. I used maple and alder in various colors, I haven't stained it yet. Might just use linseed. I was going for that "crazy quilt" sort of look.
  9. Going over more reviews of my esmart. Apparently, going with the advice from the cashier at the b&m store was great. I only vape about .6mls a day, and my batteries last anywhere from 1-2 days on single one hour charge. I don't.... really need anything else unless I start like super vaping the clearomizers for the esmart are some of the best out there (according to lots of youtube reviews and and other reviews on various websites)
  10. I was talking to the boyfriend while I was filling my clearo up, he told me a joke and I laughed really hard and reflexively squeezed my hand and lost a good .5 ml of juice all over my lap.
  11. Arg! I can't upload on the mobile version.
  12. Just my starter rig, but this is the infamous E-Smart from Kangar.
  13. I'm not even sure sweet basil could be a flavor for ejuice?
  14. A copy of my favorite cocktail, The Farmer's Daughter. Its mix is three fresh strawberries, three sweet basil leaves muddled together with a dash of simple syrup , squeezed with a quarter of a lemon and a shot of top shelf vodka. Well I can't taste the vodka, but if someone could come up with a reasonably similar vape ... I would buy a sample first obviously and then most likely a 30ml bottle. Repeatedly if it would be as good as I want it to be, that would be an all day vape .
  15. Well that answered that. No they are not rebuildable. They make a cool shattering effect though when you try to pull/unscre the metal bits. (Don't worry, still have plenty of new ones left, that was an used one)
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