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Everything posted by Bradb2014

  1. I got on the site to check the warranty information which states only 21 days...conveniently. Wouldn't really be any point in reading another seller reply "I thank you for your patronage but unfortunately your battery is no longer in warranty". I did go down to the local vape shop and pick up a smaller emergency backup battery and ordered a new main Vision Spinner VV from sweet-vapes.com. Hopefully this one last longer but then later I seen it had only a 14 day warranty so that got me thinking...why are these warranties so short lol...no confidence in these products and the supposed "500" charges? I'll cross my fingers this next one lasts alot longer.
  2. Cant say for sure...but I tried the old battery on a family members charger and it still wouldnt charge. The charger is just as old..are they likely to fail? Same one that came with the ego kit from Veteran Vapor. The charger's light is also still on red...also to note I have the 2 part charger...wall plug and then usb straight (no cord) plug.
  3. Well I can say my Ego was great for about 38 days then it fried or something...wont charge..just sits there and blinks...clicking 5 times doesnt turn off..clicking 10 times doesnt do anything...but it does flash...3 flashes and thats it. Not sure if this is fixable..still checking around. I was using 1.8ohm single coil cartomizers...but I do love long drawn out hits. Is that what happened? Should I switch back up to 2.5 or 2.2 and run lower volts if I want long drawn out hits? Or just switch over to a better style/manufacturer of battery?
  4. unfortunately my ego 1300 mah battery only lasted around 38 days before it failed. I used it every day for about 18 hours (about 2ml/day)...it was suppose to last around "500 charges".
  5. yep a live nerd is better then a dead macho man any day imo lol...my ex always cared so much about what people thought...so much she would hardly stand up for herself in public...wouldnt take a wrong order back through the drive-thru, that sort of thing. Got to ask yourself, what kind of life is that to go around worrying about what others think...truth be told when were all 6 ft under it will hardly matter and as generation after generation passes we will all be forgotten unless we do something as great as Abe Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr. lol...so nerd on with your healthy vaping, live long and prosper *does the Vulcan sign*
  6. well now the story on mcdonalds was that many many MANY people complained for many many months/years that mcdonalds coffee was too hot and they never did anything about it...no warning cups, no signs thru the drive through...so after enough complaints/failed lawsuits and the fact that the lady (who ended up actually winning the first lawsuit) had vaginal burns(and will never be the same down there) they used her to set an example for mcdonalds...they had months if not years of complaining about no warning signs and too hot of coffee...just saying, mcdonalds being sued was the right move there...only to set an example of how customers need to be safely served anywhere they go. -kind of off topic but just needed to put that out there lol
  7. It has arrived...this gear is hopefully going to last at least 6 months...still have to check most of it for any defects but after reading reviews of places and checking forums im pretty confident in choosing RTS vapes and sweet-vapes for my first big orders. Heres what I got... Sweet vapes: 1 T3S Coil 1.8 ohm (Qty: 5 Pack; ) 1 T3S Coil 2.2 ohm (Qty: 5 Pack; ) 1 EVOD & ProTank Coil 1.8 ohm (Qty: 5 Pack; ) 1 Vanilla (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg PG/VG Mix: 80pg/20vg) 1 Vanilla (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg PG/VG Mix: 20pg/80vg_can_be_40%_PG_due_to_flavor_options) 1 French Vanilla Coffee (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg PG/VG Mix: 80pg/20vg) 1 French Vanilla Coffee (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg PG/VG Mix: 20pg/80vg_can_be_40%_PG_due_to_flavor_options) 1 VG French Vanilla (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg) 1 Bubblegum (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg PG/VG Mix: 80pg/20vg) 1 Bubblegum (Size: 6ML; Flavor Strength: Regular Strength mg/ml: 12mg PG/VG Mix: 20pg/80vg_can_be_40%_PG_due_to_flavor_options) 2 2.0 ohm Debridged 510 Atomizer Black & Stainless (Finish: Black) 1 Drip Shield (color: Black; ) 1 Transparent Vase DT (Color: Black/Smokey; ) 1 Short 510-510 Adapter 1 eGo Airflow Controller 1 510 - eGo Adapter 4 Kanger T3S (-: Black 1.8 ohm; ) RTSVAPES: 30ml Cobalt Blue Glass Dropper Bottle 4 6mm X 250mm Glass Mixing Rod 1 50 ml Low Beaker - Borosilicate Glass 1 50 mm Funnel - Borosilicate Glass 1 30cc Luer Slip Syringe w/ cap 1 20ga x 1½" Hypodermic Needle 1 10 ml Chocolate Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml French Vanilla (TFA) 1 10 ml Cappuccino Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Menthol Liquid (PG) (TFA) 1 10 ml Peppermint Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Spearmint Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Bubblegum (TFA) 1 10 ml Marshmallow Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Caramel (Original) Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Whipped Cream Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Strawberries & Cream (TFA) 1 10 ml Apple Flavor (TFA) 1 10 ml Banana Cream Flavor (TFA) 1 500 ml Low Beaker - Borosilicate Glass 1 250 ml Low Beaker - Borosilicate Glass 2 500 ml of Propylene Glycol USP Grade 1 500 ml Vegetable Glycerin USP Grade Kosher Certified 1 250 ml of 36 mg Flavorless Nicotine Liquid - Vegetable Glycerin USP Grade Kosher 1 18ga x 1½" Hypodermic Needle 1 10 ml Watermelon Flavor (TFA) 1 1cc Luer Slip Syringe w/ cap 1 10 ml LDPE Cylinder Bottle With Childproof Cap 10 5 ml LDPE Cylinder Bottle With Childproof Cap 10 30 ml LDPE Cylinder Bottle With Childproof Cap 10 Ebay: PG VG Nicotine Test Kit Bromothymol Blue .12N Sulfuric Acid The only thing I can see I'll need in the foreseeable future is some coil wire, wick and voltmeter for my own coil building that i'll be starting soon (as I need to lol)
  8. so one month later do you regret it yet? still debating on one of these...i dont like the fact that a 5 pack of cartos is $60 bucks...just seems like price gouging to me.
  9. well honestly there isnt going to be a way to stop them completely from regulating it...they are losing too many tax dollars now from the 14-20% of smokers that switched over in the nation (and that number grows daily). The only thing we can try to stop is how much they tax it and how much they regulate it...please understand asking your congressmen/senator to stop trying to regulate it period will only fall upon deaf ears...they need their 100k yearly bonuses and 300k yearly salaries and will not get it if all our tax dollars go to these online shops and everybody quits buying big tobacco products.
  10. Hey thanks for all the replies...i have a pro tank but I just dont like all the airy draws or fact that I cant take it out in public without looking like a crackhead(it cracks and pops more then other tanks so far imo) the evod bcc's arent bad but i got 4 ts3's coming in the mail...i'll try those out, and I also have 2 debridged atomizers coming with a drip tip/shield to start drip testing homemade e liquid flavors. Again though, thx for the tips...very useful information here.
  11. all i know is that I heard the phillip morris owner altria is starting e liquid production and they are probably going to try to make where only the few and rich can produce it...when this happens i'll be done when i run out of my own supplies...I couldnt even begin to imagine all the chemicals and addictive elements they'll start throwing into those juices like cigs..it would all be just to try and get you to spend as much money on e liquid as currently on cigs. This greedy country is getting worse and worse...as of right now I feel no addiction to e cigs...ya i jones for nicotine but once i take a few puffs off vapors im fine...think of cigarettes, I'd light one up every 30 mins just because my brain thought i needed to...why you think that was? nicotine? no...reinforcement chemicals...**** big tobacco companies and **** the government officials trying to regulate it back to that.
  12. I just got it about 9 days ago when i switched over fully...it maybe some kind of human error, though im pretty sure I dont get the liquid in the middle hole and it has something to do with those seals..but not 100%.
  13. no id actually be buying a 36mg 240ml bottle of nicquid then diluting that down 12mg (it will probably be around 14-15mg until flavor is added for further 20% dilution)
  14. alright so the only thing this list doesnt contain is the distilled water to make AG and nicotine test kit ($15) that i'll be picking up elsewhere.. and keep in mind i already have plenty of latex gloves and well vented room with exhaust fan. I just cant seem to hit the checkout button without getting some thought on this list. So any kind of criticism is welcome to help...i've been researching for a week or so on the process/supplies that I think I need to get started and also think i can do decent enough to make some good juices for friends/family and myself. *see attached shopping cart* $123 doesnt seem to bad to make around 750 ml of non flavored 12mg nic juice to be flavored later. *On a side note I could spend that 123 locally for already mixed flavors but it would only get me around 150 ml's. and most of that $123 was for the start up supplies/flavors...even cheaper to make 600 ml's more next time. What do you think? Shopping Cart.htm
  15. thx for shedding some light on the topic
  16. Please vote...im trying to decide which ones to stock up on, for me so far the evods from trying those and the pro tank but I havent tried the mt3's or ts3's and was wondering which one you prefer..the evods seem to be "gurgling" more and more but maybe the mt3/ts3's do the same thing? Enlighten me please by voting for your favorite.
  17. well i just went down to the local vape supply shop and got to talking about it, according to a few government officials (according to the owner of the shop) even if they did pass anything in Oct. it would take 3-5 years to fully implement...so thats a little positive news for newcomers.
  18. so newb error number 2...first was switching out tank and unscrewing the bottom of the evod bcc and flinging some .xx ml's left of fluid all over my keyboard...next was I just got done cleaning all my products and forgot to wash my hands....rubbed my eye and it burned for a few lol...thats only on 12mg...strongly urge anybody that doesnt think about it to wash your hands after filling/cleaning e liquid...or use latex gloves...especially if you have something like 24-36mg mix. Most probably do but just a reminder
  19. has anyone actually tested the mg's of wizards/rts/ecigexpress/novacig nic base? You know to make sure there actually putting out the correct dosage stated on the labels? I'd like to see some stats on the quality vs "ya its good".
  20. Also could you imagine if the gov. only let a few corps produce nic liquid like phillip morris or current big tobacco companies? lol in just a few years time you'd start seeing more and more addictive "reinforcement" chemicals being dumped into the now light chemically based nic content. I'd hate to see big tobacco companies and gov. regulated e juice..they'd addict you just the same as cigarettes today just to keep their steady flow of income for years to come. NO MATTER IF it was unhealthy...FDA approved today just means FDA paid off.
  21. I too wouldn't go back...i have already dropped from 18 mg 3 ml a day to around 12 mg 2 ml a day in just 9 days. Weening yourself off nicotine altogether would be the best thing if prices continue to be driven to half as much or more of the cost of analogs. The thing i'm noticing as the # of e cig users hits 15-20% of the nation that is 15-20% less for the state taxes on cigarettes. That is why local/state governments are pushing for more "regulation" aka higher taxes. Greed and money run this country...plain and simple, it doesn't matter how better a choice something is obviously if you have enough money to pay off the FDA or high officials then you can get away with anything. SAD but true and our fore fathers would be disgusted that a government "by the people, for the people" turned into a government of "by the rich, for the rich". People say chase your dreams, but if you have to work 40-60 hours a week to scrape by and are tired afterwards then when do you have the time to chase a dream? or even dream? whats a dream lol? I say everyone get involved politically and get these old rich farts all about greed out of the seats...this country relies too much on the dwindling dollar and less on each other...saddens me.
  22. has anybody tested rtsvapes.com nic base yet? I'll be ordering a bottle and posting the results probably sometime next week.
  23. I even heard the altira phillip morris company is getting into the e liquid making...even more scary because we all know they liked to add more addictive chemicals to their analogs...if vaping goes the price/chemicals of analogs I'll quit altogether, the gov. is pissing me off with always trying to decide my life for me.
  24. well whatever you do stock up before Oct. If the big tobacco companies/congressmen and senators have it their way the nic base will be highly regulated/taxed and you'll need to jump through all the government hoops to make it. Seems they will try to make it cost the same as current analogs just to make the switch that much less reasonable. What really scares me is that if only a handful of companies are able to actually make it, it could end up being like cigarettes and they throw in a bunch of addictive chemicals to make vaping that much more unhealthy...of course it will be fda approved because in fact money buys health in this country, obviously...even bad health unfortunately.-IMO
  25. i prefer the Evod bccs to the pro tanks...to airy of a draw for me...i know you can put the evod coils in and block some of the air flow but why bother when the evod bcc does the trick....currently my pro tank has set in a box for the last 4 days unused...not worth the 17 i paid for it unfortunately..and surely not buying a $20 "better" version. My suggestion being as new as it is...pro tank is neat looking but I feel like a crackhead when hitting it because of all the air/cracking noises it makes.
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