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About Resa

  • Birthday 03/19/1970

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  • Location
    northern Michigan
  • Interests
    my kid, photography, web design, Nascar

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I screwed up. Yep, in the holiday chaos, I didn't realize I needed to order juice. I have placed an order that will be here sometime next week, but I'll be out of juice by Saturday. Can anyone recommend a supplier for an overnight or 2 day shipment? I am usually the queen of thrift, but this time I'm not worried about cost, just speed.
  2. It was time to stock up on supplies so I decided to give Forever Vapor a try. I ordered 4 eGo-T XL batteries, some matching cones, and a couple of new chargers. I placed my order after 7 pm on the 15th, and my stuff was here today. I have NEVER had an order from China show up so fast! Everything was there, my package was in good shape, and my new batteries are happily dangling from their chargers... Great prices + fast shipping = happy me. Nice job Forever Vapor, I will definitely be a repeat customer
  3. I did, but I don't like it. It burns up my cartomizers like crazy, it took me a couple of weeks to figure out what the problem was... I ended up buying some from the health food store I was getting it from before, problem solved. Now I have a gallon of VG and nothing to do with it :/
  4. I did, and got mine in about 10 days.
  5. This year the whole family (21 of us) is going out for Thanksgiving dinner... our first time. Lord help the servers, lol. Then later everyone is bringing a dessert to my mom's so we can pig out some more I'm a vegetarian, so most of my Thanksgiving day consists of guarding my plate from my grandma & aunts, who spend THEIR day trying to convince me that I should "try a bite" of the turkey. I love those women, but if so much as a mince of meat touches my plate, someone's getting a fork in the nose! Hope everyone has a great day with their family, friends, or coworkers...
  6. I use my cartos till they're dead, cuz I'm cheap, lol. BUT... I hate the way the flavor deteriorates, the longer you use the carto, the worst your juice tastes. I have been using vodka to clean them, but I think I stumbled on a better method. I have been simply putting 4 drops of vodka in my carto once a day, usually first thing in the morning. Leave it in there, refill, vape. So far I have experienced very little drop off in the flavor or the vapor. I generally top off once every hour or so, but only use the vodka once a day. Just thought I'd put this up, it might be something that works out for others too...
  7. I alternate between 2 cartos, each on its own tornado battery, & I use them for about a week. I guess that would be roughly 3 1/2 days each. I do that cuz I like to alternate between 2 dif flavors & I hate switching out the carto & between the 2 I don't have to change batteries the whole day. I haven't burnt one up since I first started using them, I make sure not to vape them dry, it only took once, yuck! btw, I popped in here to answer cuz I saw the ? in my twitter feed
  8. I might have to try that, I've been meaning to try some clove juice anyway. When I was a smoker my fav was the Djarum Black imported clove cigs, which aren't even legal in the US anymore.
  9. The apple cider is a little stronger than the other JC juices I've tried but still not as strong as I like. Gonna try the Tasty Vapor out, thanks for the input everyone
  10. Thanks Brian, I'll go check them out
  11. I just vaped the last of my Johnson Creek spiced apple cider, which is only sold seasonally. I have seen several places that carry apple cinnamon but haven't seen any apple cider. Does anyone here know where I can find some? It makes a good sitting-around-the-campfire-drinking-a-cold-one vape.
  12. I'm glad I stumbled on this thread! I wanted to order from the VT store but couldn't so I went ahead & ordered from ENS. 55 cartos, shipped out just hours after I ordered I don't order anything ecig related anymore without checking the forums here first... I love this place.
  13. I must be doing it wrong, cuz the gum seems to blocking all my airflow... abc gum in my carto sounds like a sticky mess waiting to happen, lmao
  14. OH! great idea w/the gum, I'm gonna try that... I love the cartos on my Tornado w/the cone, but on my 510 & passthrough sometimes it's like sucking on air - frustrating when you want a couple of fast nicotine hits between errands or on break.
  15. CreateVapor Rum + StrictlyEjuice PepOmint + a dash of menthol and a few drops of LorAnn's Key Lime... Mojito! yUm
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