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    redsonja84 got a reaction from Synther in Just got an Ego-T Kit   
    Hi! I'm new to vaping. I've tried Blu's and Krave e-cigs. Recently I saw a buy in a co-op for Ego kits. So I bought the kit (2 Bats, 2 Ce4 Clearomizers, the wall plug and USB cable with the case), 17 bottles of e-liquid in 18 and 11mgs (mostly 10ml, and 2 30ml's), the lanyard, car charger, extra battery, extra usb cable, and 10 extra clearomizers. Just so you know my set up LOL.

    I have a lot of questions so I'm sure I'll be here a lot!
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    redsonja84 reacted to Thesheepdog in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Redsonja, that sounds like a great buy! My only problem would have been what juices to get! Im so picky for some reason I do not like most juices.
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