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Everything posted by Burn

  1. HAHAHAH Phillip Morris pays Rush Limbaugh 15 Million to become a spokesperson..... for e-cigs!!
  2. Burn


    I am sure it will not come as a surprise that my take will include regulated voltage at a minimum and a pot to provide variable would be optimum. I toyed with the idea of an acrylic mod using clear PVC. That would be for the look. I think you saw this link in chat one night but if you didn't a preview of a "future" mod is in this video. (yes, I already have one reserved) http://theprecious.ro/home/the-new-precious-l-and-u/
  3. yeah, fun review, enjoyed it but there are much easier ways to change voltage. Doc Vapor really slammed the device for the rebuild issues.
  4. The Joker comes in "Ninja Black" Just sayin....
  5. For me, I can't think of one reason, besides being offered dirt cheap anyone seeking higher voltage wouldn't get a variable mod. Consistent performance over a battery charge cycle is the big feature for me but most seem to love the ability to change voltage to match the situation or their mood. Buying a static voltage device would be like a monogamous relationship with a person that wore the same thing to bed every night and would only utilize one position. (sorry, was that over the line for VT???)
  6. In hindsight, me too but I was at first trying to locate the cause, didnt think it would be permanent condition and the last battery, I was just furious and knew I would have to buy some more anyways. $14 each from TW (5 pack) is reasonable, I guess. Pretty big loss that a $2 carto caused.
  7. I didnt see his nevermind post until I posted. Put alot of thought into it so I left it. Did feel kinda bad though. I was careful not to single out presidents and I think your father was on to the same thought. The issue is far deeper than the top position. Lobbies rule the true lawmaking body and they are influenced more by campaign donations than the will of the people. We knew all along that senators and reps were puppets but the puppet masters we supposed to be the will of the people, not the will of the business. You can see it in a small scale with the electronic cigarette posturing but it was really exposed on a large scale when Haliburton had their massive lobby dollars pay off with the largest and best defense contracts to support the war. This can NOT be what the founding fathers had in mind. It just can't. We have perverted a logical system and we are now forcing this system on the countries we invade. We don't even make good products anymore. At least we are the world leaders in porn, drug consumption and obesity.
  8. wife beaters come in blue? who knew? g/j hound I agree, they are unique and superior craftsmanship. The best part is that you can not buy them. I have long felt that this mod is simply a treasure of the vaping community. I like mine so much, I rarely use it. It stays locked up and in a protection case and it never leaves my house.
  9. I think the best place to get them is Luke Skywalker's and Captain Kirk's favorite e-cig shop, Vapor Galaxy www.vaporgalaxy.com Sorry, I am embarrassed to have made that lame joke but not enough to keep be from hitting the post button.
  10. I would have called out Sbarros for charging so much for their crappy pizza and showed the patrons a real slice of pizza from an actual pizzaria at a better price!! I dont have anything against Sbarros but I am pointing out what it looks like to interfere in another merchant's sale, even if it is clearly inferior. The dude has a right to sell that stuff without a peanut gallery interfering with his business. Now, I do have a strong distaste for the vermin that peddle these devices but I think you have to respect their right to free enterprise. Props to your wife. (lucky for you, your daughter looks like her!) =) Now, if the slimeball was selling to a minor, which is the real huge issue with Mall kiosk sales, then GAME ON!!! don't EVEN get me started about Pizzaria Uno or Pizza Hut.....
  11. Surprised you lot havent picked up on this line yet... "there is no tar, no nicotine, there is no nothing" Besides the obvious grammatical foible from a communications professional, well.......yes, there is nicotine, that is the POINT!!! I know, I know, he could have 0 nic but that is clearly not what he meant....
  12. O.k. done, should have thought of that first. I will bring them.
  13. I dont have their number but I can confirm that I have received email from them (yahoo account) this week. (Monday and Tuesday)
  14. Oh..ok....sorry....disregard my response then. =)
  15. Afghanistan is far worse than Iraq ever was, it just isnt being reported mainstream. Independent (read: non commercial) new sources tell a far different story; NPR, PBS, BBC, HDNET news magazines, for examples. I never supported going into Iraq in the first place and still consider it a very large mistake for the U.S., most countries view this as an illegal occupation and I agree with that perspective. We didnt have the proper support to invade a country, regardless of our justifications, we were not being attacked or really affected by IRAQ therefore we should have had greater world support, IMHO. It wasnt right for Russia to invade Georgia and it wasnt right for us to invade Iraq. Both for the same reasons, they were not sanctioned by the order of nations. What's the point in even having these organizations, like the U.N. when they only seem to be leveraged at convenience? Besides the use of flammable labels, I don't see the correlation between "*** the towelheads*" and then listing other racial terms, what was the point of this sentence? You really lost me here: "Anyone who says well **** those towel headed bastards(I.E. 50% of this country)is idiotic. Come on, that's like saying everyone who is black is a gangbanger, or saying every japanese person is going to suicide bomb us, or saying every mexican is lazy. It's racist and uncalled for and I believe the Bush administration kind of pushed this through to people. " Other than quoting the tools of the ignorant, I am not sure what you are trying to say here. "I actually hate everyone who says that our troops had to be pulled a year, 2 years, 3 years after this war started" You HATE these people? HATE??? going out on a limb here but Do you listen to Toby Keith, per chance? Didn't you say in your last line that you don't hate or judge anyone who doesn't agree? While I certainly agree that oppressed countries should be given relief, I do not believe that this war was started for the liberation of Iraq. The WMD did NOT exist, which was the official cause for war. The torture may have stopped (for now) but Iraq is in no way or shape better off as a country now, their infrastructure is still messed up. We trashed the party to remove the one goon and wound up trashing the entire house, I think this war hurt Iraq as much or more than it helped them. From 2006: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/05/24/earlyshow/main1649689.shtml Recent debate about whether Iraq is better off, it really shows both sides of the debate well. I think it is a must listen for those who are interested. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=125065169 Sometimes an impartial 3rd party observer can provide the most balanced insight, this is from a Tanzanian columnist. http://www.thecitizen.co.tz/editorial-analysis/47-columnists/3591-is-present-day-iraq-better-off-than-saddams-iraq Do not confuse disenchantment with leadership for disenchantment with our troops. That is NOT what I am saying at all. I believe this county deserves better leadership and has not had quality leadership for quite some time. (it's far deeper than just the head of the table) I also know I am in the minority in disagreeing with the invasion of Iraq, at that particular time without world support. My comments are meant to be respectful, I do love my country but today is a bittersweet day. I am happy for those who are no longer in danger but for me, it is another reminder or the "quick war" that lasted 7 years, cost 62,000 lives, injured even more. Was originally estimated to cost 10 Billion and is now closer to 1 TRILLION. At least the Iraqi soccer players testicles were safe from electrocution when they didn't qualify for the world cup..... Most costly assassination of a world leader, ever.
  16. Ran into a pretty devastating issue yesterday and I am interested to see if anyone else has run into this. I take my eGo on the road with me when traveling, using low res attys. I wanted to switch over to low res cartomizers to leverage my new found worship of cartos. The low res cartos arrived yesterday and performed like a dream until...... eGo Battery #1: The Ego battery stopped shutting off, the light wasnt on so I didnt notice it but I did smell the burning plastic. The button itself was melting due to the heat. O.k. bad battery eGo Battery #2: Once again, started out great but them wouldnt shut off, I could only stop the current by unscrewing the carto eGo Battery #3: grabbed a new regular res carto and worked with it a while, worked great, put on a new low res carto and then the light came on but wouldnt perform. I put the low res carto on a different device (wetbox) and it worked GREAT! The eGo battery still wouldnt work with ANY atty/carto eGo Battery #4 (my last one): I am pi$$ed at this point and then tried another low res atty, great, reg rest atty, terrific, Reg res carto, excellent. New low res carto from a different box.... yup you guessed it, hosed the battery in less than a minute. All 4 of my eGo batteries are now bricked...the low res carto experiment has been a battery slaughter... Anyone have a similar experience? Anyone want 4 dead ego batteries for parts or attempt to repair? You pay postage, they are all yours.....
  17. I know many wont agree but when you consider everything; cost of attys vs cartos/ flavor, maintenance, etc. i just drip into cartos now and will let my collection of 35 or so atomizers just collect dust until i donate them to a vaping museum as evidence of how "we used to vape back in the beginning". Seriously, I cant think of a good reason to use a straight atty unless I am testing out flavor recipes.
  18. I will join but I believe you need a league ID # and not name. Ssytem did not recognize Vapor Talk as a league.
  19. There wasnt enough interest to start a VT/FF league so I did not follow this one up.
  20. 1- If you remove the bridge from the atomizer, you will find that 2 drops are better than 3, it will flood quicker with 3 drops. Really not a big deal, as you find #2 and #3, I think investing in a bottle of PG is very useful. I use it to change flavors and also to clean the atty. I place about 10-15 drops of PG in the atty and blow out of the battery end. This is great for removing juice from the atomizer. I am also in the practice of doing this each night and then storing the atty overnight (or longer) battery side up to drain. I stopped boiling, fussing and messing with the atties a couple months ago once I started using PG as a cleaner.
  21. I have learned to completely avoid the primer taste by taking putting about 15 drops PG into the atty and blowing it through the battery end. (not water or any other substance, you could use e-liquid if you really wanted to). This for me, removes all of it or enough so you really dont taste it. With all that being said. I scrapped attys and now use cartos, it is still a useful trick, I even did it last night as I am traveling this week and I using some LR atties/cart combos while on the plane/taxi/meetings,etc.
  22. the cone does fit over the carto but I found that gave me a really tight draw. I prefer to use them on the ego without the cover. It will work fine without it. Try it both ways and use what you like better. Filling them is very easy, I would suggest watching this video which discusses all of the popular filling methods in addition to a detailed description of what they are and finally a mention about cleaning them. part 2
  23. I was turned off by cartomizers early on due to some negative posts on another forum. I tried them a few months ago and now they are my weapon of choice. I don't think I will buy another regular ATTY again. Then, I found this video on VapeTV which shows how to extend the live of a cartomizer by turning it into an atomizer when the fiber filling starts to give off a bad taste. http://www.vapetv.com/Doctor_Vapor/?video=56 scroll down to see "Tips & Tricks - Episode 5 - Spent Cartomizers"
  24. I think it is as affordable as ever, $90 for an entire kit, including batteries. VT store has them on sale for 62, with discount. Vaprlife will upgrade it for $28.00. If you have VT Store ship it directly to Vaprlife, you can have the entire kit for $90. Not sure how many Chris has left but I guess it in <5, I ordered another one because it was too good to pass up. The DVM also works terrific, I have one as well (be sure to tell them you have a 510 version) it is a good investment for <$20, if you do not have a multimeter to read the voltage. Excellent unit.
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