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  1. Thanks Patricia! Cyan is like one of my favorites!
  2. I love this color of blue.. but I dont know if it goes with the whole set up? What do you guys think?
  3. I have a tank also but I was looking at clearomizers but my friend said that the local vape shop doesnt have them in stock alot.. and I refuse to order online.
  4. IMEDIC, I just put in whatever flavor I figure ill be using then let it drip out
  5. I have Mountain Dew flavor.. put about 30 drops in the cartomizer, and it just tastes terrible.. it almost burns.. but it doesnt taste burnt?
  6. New Mountain Dew PREMIUM Liquid!
  7. Thanks Uma! Its very nice now that I got some Mountain Dew Flavor!! YUM!
  8. I agree, the way I said it was ignorant.. I could not figure out a way to say that some people would rather believe these are worse for you than real cigarettes.
  9. One really weird thing, is that certain flavors after just a couple of hits, makes my stomach suuuuuper upset..
  10. Haha! Alright!
  11. I wouldnt mind getting some of this cake batter on my hands! But I tried buttered rum too... its uh... quite accurate on the taste.. I just dont like buttered rum..
  12. Dang! Sounds like it!
  13. I actually tried it! It is pretty good! I think I might be getting that next.. I need to go to the shop soon considering I am on my last carto!
  14. There are just some flavors I dont think could work.. at all. I am curious to how Dr Pepper and Cola are..
  15. EWW! That sounds worse than peanut butter!
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