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Everything posted by fusiontech357

  1. Yeah should be out next week I have the beta lol
  2. Think it looks cool , although I feel as joye tech is pumping out to many different style and will not be able ot focus on a mod/ ecigg that has the wow factor and technical advancement as the ego . I say stay focused
  3. anyone having problems with the ego-c drooling? i cant seem to keep any juice beit thick or thin ,in the tank , hhhhmmmmmmmm ??????
  4. Ive recently noticed that alot of new reviewers have popped up everywhere. i guess cause i am unable to follow the vaping community like i used too. It seams that everyone is new and thats a great thing,this means that alot more people are converting to e-cigs. but where are you? you the original reviewers that helpped me with all my questions and taught my tricks to get the best out of my 510 e-cig wayyyyyyyyyyyy back? the ones that used to hangout latenight in the chatrooms laughing, joking,vaping and starting up this community? i know im not the oldest vet in vaping but just curious to what hsappened? did you transcend to a smokefre/vapefree life? anyway sorry its been something ive been thinking about for a while . just know you are missed
  5. Wow , thanks everyone , i thought since i havent posted in like a year that this post would of just been passed up . i thank everyone for their imput . i too love my 510 and always have tons of them laying around . but i will keep trying the 306 i kinda like the heat, well i have a raised driptip on mine so i guess thats why. anyway you guys here rock , thanks again
  6. Hello everyone , i just wanted to know if anyone has been having a problem with there 306 lrs , ive tryed 4 so far and none seam to hold my juice it leaks like cracy, im using a vg bae so it should be pretty thick , am i doing something wrong?
  7. Hello if your reading this, you think highly of me or are just bored. anyhow im back and this time im stickin to vaping. i might also be launching some stuff but thats still in the works i do have my cnc dialed in finally and might make some one off pv's dont know yet. anyhow hope everyone is ok and see ya on the chats/forum
  8. i love luke . i mean i really love him , i go to his house as he sleeps and just sit by the window and watch him lol j/k
  9. lol that was a topic of convo between me and my wife last week lol she asked why do i do that lol. its so weird , but i totally do it
  10. Yes vt store is very good at what they do .
  11. OMG this is a first tim e i hear of a eGo going sour , but i must be a atty problem try cleaning the threads and blow out the atty and fill with 4 drops , try not to over fill it.good luck
  12. lol this sounds like an attack at rath juice because most people are saying rath juice but i too have bought rath juice i didnot enjoy and sent it on its way in the trash to a better place , i say rath root beer , ooooohhhhhh it was horible.
  13. lol . thus the reason alot of engineers havent dabbled in the e-cig mod world , $5. dollars are to expencive for some people . let alone 300.00 but think of what your getting , tis basicly High tech. i Aplaud the Fusion of High tech into he vaping world , P.s im a bit bias cause i am Developing something Breakthrow aswell . but i stand by my opinion . its High Tech 300.00 ive wasted 80fold on analog's . anywho lets wait till it comes out and see
  14. i vape 24mg in the morning and gradually work my way down to 0 nic at night i give my self a pep me up with some 16 Dulcis and its been going good so far. i also carry a bottle of 20mg just incase i need a hit. and i vape heavy
  15. lol i new i was gonna get that response Mcquinn lol , yeah sorry its like talking about a new vinyard to a vine conneisseur
  16. Alright ben, good to know you are compleately off analog . i hope you stay that way. we will be checkin on you lol. j/k as for the 510 . i love mine and still vape it to date. along with the wetbox and the eGo . just took a toot off my stainless steel 510 with a red l.e.d and mmmmmmmmm love it p.s how are the juices?
  17. I hear good things about the V/T mentha , but for me i have to say clouds of vapors (cloud SMooth) wow its amazing i just bought 2 more bottles cause everyone i know had to try it and loved it and had to send some people some to try it , very very good . a must for a hard menthol lover . every time i toot it, i think of a glazier in antartica lol but thats cause im nuts lol . but def try it out youll love it
  18. HeHe , you have the happy bug , its all good , man think of it as buys health man . my daughter just turned 1 yr old and i was wondering what to get the adults that attended . offcorse most of them smoked so i bought like 6 510 kits and some disposable kits and made goodie bags gfor them , lol just keep at it everyone should do something good like that for people in there life that need the help switching .lol there is a plus to all this . when they get heavy in to the vaping , lol you can go and try there juice and stuf and its like seeing someone grow in to an adult , very cool and makes me happy
  19. ok as for the eGo , what can i say that hasent been said , i guess the only thing is that you'll be more likely to share it . i mean people will see it and ask what it is and youll explain like we always do and they will love the eGo because its so well made and you will have basicly saved the person you are showing about 60- 80 buck. cause they will want to buy that as there first kit and not some cheap e0cig so all points taken , buy the eGo you'll love it and everyone you show will love it . and you'll do a world of good with it
  20. this is a great thread and offcorse there will be alot of answers , basicly its like juice ita all about what you feel more comfortable with , i have attys for carts that are (virgin) i have attys without wicking (somewhat Virgin) and i have attys with out any bridge . each with there perpose . the bridged ones are for carting around , the unwicked iones are for direct dripping and the ones without the wickin are for tailpiping . they all do a great in the tasks i demand from them . again its all what you feel comfortable with . p.s hope this helped
  21. as for cartoz i think they are a great product , but i use them on a wetbox and dont have to refill them so i dont know if it is hard , but i can say this the vapor and ttaste are as burn said better and more pronounced i havent tryed blockin the inlets yet dont see the need atm , but ofcorse i have to try it now cause theres a posability that i can get more vapor lol , thanks burn now i have to try it lol. you rock bro
  22. What can i say lol im late again , anyhow , very very informative. thanks for all the help bro
  23. Oh boy OH boy , i love this its soo mee. Ok Pulse (width) Modulation is very simple and has been around for a long time .. the best way to put it is a perfectly sequenced light switch. basicly pwm works on 1 and 0 mostly used to drop voltage. pulse width modulation is the manipulation of a square wave . not a sine wave thats different a square wave can be streached and squeezed to infinity . i wont get in to zector space modulation and Delta or delta-sigma . but if this is iterestin to you theres a lot of books out there on this subject and there aplications . p.s my breadboard is my best friend lol
  24. Wow those are all nice . i recently Upgraded to a tackle box . its a plano 7271 its amazing i thought i wasnt gonna fit all my juice and it has room for alot more . very well worth the 30.00 bucks i payed
  25. congrats on thinking of making the switch to a healthier life style , but i dont think that the mall has the best answer for you . they are expencive and not the best bang for your buck. hopfully you'll read this and decide on taking the advice. i would recomend a joye 510 pv(personal vaporer) or otherwise known as a e-cig . there are many places to get them online with very fast shipping . good luck
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