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irwink last won the day on October 15 2013

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    Norfolk, VA

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  1. Got an eVic Supreme a few days ago. Using it right now with a kfl at 18w. Nice vape. Only complaint is the usb port cover. Took it off and tossed it. No more complaints.
  2. Absolutely not true. I have about 50 years of electronics experience starting as a kid and 43 years in the electrical industry. Am currently the sole electrical safety guy for an industrial manufacturer with several remote sites nationwide in case you want to argue. Avoid cheap knockoff products and the odds are in your favor. Even given that there will always be a chance of a catastrophic failure in electrical/electronic components of the highest quality. That risk is all around us every day.
  3. I flew into Newark, NJ today for work. I fly frequently and vape the entire way. 3 30 ml bottles in carry on. Batteries one each in snack size ziplocks. Fixed voltage eGo in my shirt pocket topped with a mini protank that I fill after going through security. This is what I stealth vape the whole way. Never had a problem.
  4. Another contender for the 2014 Darwin Awards.
  5. I've seen them on Madvape's site but haven't tried 'em.
  6. I used to sweat things when I left for work but have dependable gear now that I've gotten comfortable with. I carry 2 18650 devices with fresh batteries and a full tank apiece for driving and at my desk, an eGo with kpt mini for walking around. For just in case I keep an empty kpt and some juice in my laptop bag.
  7. I can only speak for the kfl+. I'm very happy with mine, have no issues and it's an easy platform to build coils for.
  8. I own a Provari, 2 Semovars, an eVic, Vamo, Sigelei Zmax and other stuff. To be honest I wouldn't lose a whole lot of sleep if I learned all I could use were the Vamo or Zmax for the rest of my life. The Semovars and Provari to me perform marginally better but not night and day better. For me their main advantages are not strict vape performance. I'm very pleased strictly with the performance of all of the above. As with other products there's a lot of hype and people merely wanting to believe their device performs head and shoulders better than the rest. I have no doubt they have convinced themselves that they are right. By nature people always want to convince themselves they've made the better choice and seek justification. Reinforcement via other enthusiasts via internet forums seeking reinforcement themselves just build on it. For me the belief that 33 mhz device vape performance is drastically inferior is flawed. Its power output may not be as pretty on an oscilloscope but I personally don't watch an oscilloscope while vaping. I do often think about the old story of the emperor's new clothes...
  9. I've had a couple of 120V wall adapters without enough output to adequately supply an eGo usb charger. Same symptoms - the batteries would never come to full charge. When I charge an eGo batt now I just use a usb port on my ups or computer.
  10. Agreed. I still carry a fixed voltage eGo around at work because it fits nicely in my shirt pocket with a mini pt. 1.8Ω is just right for me.
  11. If you came to a vape forum to ask that question you probably have no business even thinking about opening a retail business of any kind. No offense but it's not something one just jumps into.
  12. Cool stuff. I'm starting to feel that tinkering itch... I need another mod like a hole in the head but wth.
  13. Do some research and choose the one with the features you want coupled with some degree of reliability over time. From my experience people will often tell you to get what is their own personal favorite. Their's may not necessarily wind up being your favorite. That's true for a whole host of products beside e-cig stuff.
  14. Yeah I buy mostly 1.8Ω Kanger coils and they always read somewhere around 2Ω. No big deal as far as I'm concerned. I use vw exclusively in the 7-8 watt range so my pv's auto adjust to varying resistances.
  15. The link I supplied is in the USA. Vaperev is in LA. That's where I bought both of mine.
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