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Everything posted by Christie

  1. yes ER right away! it could KILL a baby! considering you dont know if or how much!
  2. THANK YOU !!! still vaping today and no cigarettes yet!!!! I think its time to get him a twist! or maybe a spinner ,( he wears glasses now to read )
  3. well, theres one way to know for sure ,...........................
  4. I just got finished hooking him up with a pro tank 2 and mini davide for him to take to work tomorrow on his evod batteries ,not because Im Pushing him but because he asked me to (and a short lesson in inhaling lol ) Im so happy !!!
  5. wham-o! youre using this AFTER a vivi nova arent you ? mine does this too! I cant believe I didnt catch it ! those novas push the post down a bit in the battery! Good call Mr waylon!
  6. youre gonna laugh BUT http://www.amazon.com/Groomer-Bow-Rubber-Bands-bands/dp/B0041KVKJU
  7. WAIT-you put the daivide together by placing the glASS TUBE into the bottom then place the top onto the glass then the top screws into the metal tube inthe center the pressure holds the tube into place because the center is what is screwed together not the glass tube -to the top and bottom . and mine is glass I know because ive broken it already lol .
  8. You will need a glass tank for cinnamon, citrus , and Ive heard some mints but have no experience with that myself. the evod is plastic inside so it will crack and cloud . kanger proank protank 2 ,anyvape davide mini davide ,purritank, are all glass . you can also use vivi nova with the aluminum tank tube .and any aluminum tank for those flavors .
  9. Dog groomer -I vape when ever I want I keep my twist in my scrub pockets and vape at will .
  10. kinda like the kids chomping into my bakers chocolate lol (it has no sugar ) they now read packages well !
  11. kudos on the not inhaling -I just think it has to be bad if it does that to plastic . My lungs have been through enough at this point in my life lol
  12. water!!!! drink only water!!!!! do this for a few days maybe a little lemon - your tastes will even out ! the darkening -rinse your coil out everyday sometimes twice i think that when I vape at over 4.0 volts it darkens quicker .thats why I rinse out my coil so much .
  13. Ive decided im done with it myself- mine melted and clouded a ce4 within an hour ! I initially bought my glass because I loved it so much but I havent used it in them lol I can live without i t. its also hard getting off it .nothing else tasted right so you end up on a month long CINNAMON bender lol . I did vape it at lower voltage then everything else though probably under 4.0.
  14. thats terrible !!! I actually helped a guy push his car yesterday- well I didnt push I steered for him and the and the guy behind me helped him ! then another guy gets out and directed traffic ! It was nice to see everyone pitch in and just get it done . I wish it happened more often! im sorry no-one was around to help that really sucks! dont beat yourself up about the cigar -one is not the end of the world!
  15. actual glass! couldnt tell the difference from the original !
  16. Got my glass today!!!!! everything was great with this compan EXCEPT they mailed my 2 loose davide glass tubes in a bubble mailer no box -that didnt impress me but nothing broke . get the insurance thats like 25 cents . when you order
  17. with the day its been better make it something stronger lol !
  18. youre gonna have to cut your tongue out ....im sorry.
  19. couldnt hve said it better myself . actually, Yes I could have because I would have added
  20. ordering through amazon in general is fine -and Id think youd have better than average luck with e cig stuff because amazon has a better than average return policy especially gift card returns they put that back on your card right away.id roll the dice the worse that could happen is you have to return something.
  21. Close your bank account ,Just go in to the bank explain what happened and they should close it and open a new one on the spot for you .Im sorry that happened those scams suck. If you need help getting a starter kit together please come here ,were here to help and possibly save you a lot of money .
  22. ok- I personally dont like my vivi novas after using my glass tanks . swear I can taste either the plastic or the wicks, either way , you dont get that with the bottom feeder tanks.I have a vivi mega bcc by any vape that is a plastic tank and the kanger pro tank 2 that one is glass and the daivde mini by any vape ,aso a glasstank . love them ! I mean I will use the vivi novas when I have to .I just prefer the bcc tanks thats all
  23. Just a thought dont know if you tried it or not but I read ginger is good for cleansing the pallet - I have a juicer and got a book with it and they said that .
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