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Everything posted by pdoan2006

  1. I have not try Kanger dual coils. Currently, Aspire has been extremely good. I want the mini Davide with Aspire coil next. Much better than the old top dual coil (iClear and Vision CE). Beat the not so good iClear DBC. For the Aspire, I'm not noticing any different in juice usage. May be more, but really unnoticeable to me.
  2. The owner of my local B&M has 2 or 3 that use 6 15ml or 30ml glass bottles. Looks like a hooka. The "Revolver" is single person use (one flavor at a time). The atomizers are modified IGO-W.Two hole drilled through the base for SS wick then mount on a custom built SS cap for the bottles. VW or by pass the circuit to mechanical with 4800 mAh battery pack built into the base. The other one is not a revolver, but 6 people can vape at the same time. It plug into the wall and only mechanical.
  3. Initially, I didn't like any of the RY variation. Now, I like Halo Tribeca a lot. My new all day vape tobacco flavor. Light, sweet tobacco with very little caramel and vanilla. I will try some RY4 suggested here.
  4. I though it was a hand grenade.
  5. A few pics of my dual nano for T3. 33g with non-resistance lead, 9 wraps on a 1/16 drill bit. 1.6 ohm. Why can't I edit my post from yesterday? I also need some tips on posting pictures.
  6. Separate batteries from others. My batteries and charger arrived after a month and a half. Other stuffs just take 2 weeks at most.
  7. It's not accurate anyway. Every button click counts as one puff.
  8. I build mine for T3 and use it with my APVs. I usually aim at 1.5 ohm (1.3 or lower will read as shorted). I use 30g or 32g depending on the resistance I want. 28g is a bit thick.
  9. I didn't have any luck with my first twist build. Seem too hot for the insulator. Burnt rubber taste always. Similarly, the dual nano build also seems too hot. I got my arc welder up and running again, so I might try one with non-resistance lead this weekend. Edit: For wire, try TEMCo Industrial Power Supply. All kind of resistance and non-resistance wire.
  10. Thanks. I'm looking for one like that. 8 to 9 inches long would be perfect. Currently, I have to stuff 2 iTaztes, 1 Spinner 1300, 1 KGO 1200, 1 Twist 650 and 8-9 clearos into a small eGo case. A reason I still prefer smaller tanks like evod and mini T3s on the go.
  11. I might want to trade my as well. Only 27ml left (10mg).
  12. I'm really not a fan of anise, licorice, clove but I got a little Pluid just to see how it is. It reminds me of my grandfather home made star anise liquor. Both are greenish and the sweet after taste that seems to stick around forever. Not my all day vape. I will probably add some lime. I like 710 more.
  13. I meant to reply to the other post, but got the wrong tab. So, the V3 will add VW feature. That's pretty nice. Because of its higher capacity, it might beat out the iTazte V3.
  14. I got one from Sweet-Vapes to replace my 650mAh. http://www.sweet-vapes.com/shop?page=shop.product_details&flypage=vmj_color_plus.tpl&product_id=2065&category_id=31 Look at the VAMO too. V2 is on sale. http://www.sweet-vapes.com/shop?page=shop.browse&category_id=76
  15. I use both MT3 and EVOD. Like both. Price for capacity, MT3 win. Same for T3S and mini T3S. T3S is larger for the same price. I have both Spinner and Twist. Perform about the same. Spinner has thinner eGo thread (about half the number of thread as compare to the Twist) so it work better with my CE4+. It is harder to read the engraved number on the twist, but the print on the Spinner scratched off and there is nearly nothing to read. 1300mAh Spinner is cheaper than the 1000mAh Twist (23.99 vs 25.99). If you don't mind the 800 mAh capacity, Aqua Vapor currently has the iTazte v3 for 29.95. It's the only small battery that capable of both VV and VW. Also LED display, puff count, read resistance, battery voltage, 3 click lock/unlock, battery life color indicator fire button, pass through capable. Super easy to use. I just ordered another one. http://www.aquavaporcig.com/iTaste_VV_v3_Battery.html
  16. RDAs are designed to use Silica/Fiber/Cotton wick since there is no juice reservoir. SS mesh can not hold much juice. Personally, I have never used only SS mesh for RDAs. I have both IGO-L (single coil) and IGO-W (dual/single coil). They work pretty well. Some people want the larger air holes, but I like the original size. I have 5 RDAs, but currently only use the Nimbus and the Trident clone with cotton ball. Just replace the cotton for new flavor. Don't need to build new coil.
  17. The reason I love telescopic. But currently, I don't have any.
  18. I don't trust super high mAh batteries, especially those made by ultrafire (or trustfire or some other Chinese companies). They are usually not the true mAh (you probably get 5000mAh total from 4 batteries). My highest mAh batteries are Panasonic 3400mAh. My eVic came with Samsung 2600mAh. I also use AW and Efest. Efest is cheap and reliable. All are from myvaporstore and Sweet-Vapes Because of the size problem, I use all unprotected batteries. Protected batteries may not fit into my APVs. I use safety fuse with mechanical mod.
  19. If you don't want to do your own coil, use bridgeless or debridged cartomizers. http://www.discountvapers.com/510-bridgeless-atomizer-stainless-2-0ohm/
  20. iClear 30S uses a new type of coil that looks like a cartomizer. I'm pretty sure that it is top coil with the wick hidden inside the metal tube. http://www.myvaporstore.com/Atomizer_Head_for_Innokin_iClear_30S_Type_S_p/ink-ic30sah.htm In the second picture, you can see a bit of the coil there.
  21. Or Drip Tip Designz http://www.driptipdesignz.com/index.html
  22. Rebuild materials: Wire: - TEMCo (I buy both resistance and non resistance wire here. Have flat ribbon too. Super cheap) http://www.temcoindustrialpower.com/search.html?category=Wire Wick and mesh: - The House of Vapor (best price I have found for Silica wick, good price for SS mesh) http://www.thehouseofvapor.com/Bulk_Silica_Wick_p/bulk-wick.htm - PBDragon https://www.pbdragon.com/lair/26-wick-and-wire
  23. If using a multimeter is too cumbersome for you, Tankometer. Check battery voltage with or without load. Very useful. A genuine Nemesis will be about $200. It's a beautiful mod. My best mod is the Astro. Traded my eVic and some tanks for the Astro and a Nimbus. My first mech is the KTS+ (2 tones). Just ordered from FT: M16, Ithaka, ATTY, Steamboy, Trident, some batteries and jade tips. I really want the brass top cap for the aluminum M16.
  24. I believe so. JoyeTech eGo rapid charger is pretty good with short circuit. A few times I forgot to clean the connector before plugging the battery in. The juice on the connector cause short circuit and the charger die. Both times, there a little bit of burnt smell comes from the small part that looks like the fuse on the circuit board. I often leave the battery charging over night and haven't had any problem. The battery stay cool, so I would think that there is overcharge protection built in. V2 web store says their USB smart charger has overcharge protection. Two problems that I had with charging battery were with using wrong cable type and a cheap eGo charger. The wrong cable cause my KGO VV to heat up and completely drained. It was a 4 conductors cable in stead of proprietary 2 contductors like the one came with the battery. The cheap eGo charger just keep blinking red/green after 4 hours. The battery was fully charged but slightly heat up. Like mentioned above, just check compatibility before use.
  25. PT and Evod use the same coil now.
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