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Everything posted by SouthWestPayDay

  1. Had even more bad luck, had the Riva on the couch and it snapped in half. I went to Artisan Vapors in Plano and got an Ego-C-Twist. I am MUCH happier with this one.
  2. It is my ex brother-in-law's, he sent me a pic of it when I was asking him some questions about mods. He offered to let me come over and check out his stuff and educate me on it. I'm DEFINATLY gonna take him up on the offer. I was just wondering what it was because I forgot to ask him when I was talking to him.
  3. You said eGo's last 6 months or more...how long do RIVA batteries normally last? When this one dies I won't get another RIVA, but it has been a good intro battery into vaping. I am leaning towards a Vamo as my next battery, but the size of it is kind of a turn off, I like the thinner smaller size of the RIVA.
  4. She said 8 to 10 hours before having to recharge it, and I miss understood her. On the very first battery I got she said it had to die completely before recharging it, but on the passthrough it can be charged at anytime. I went in today and showed Wendy the button sticking issue and she gave me a new RIVA passthrough. The Vapor Bar is a good store and good people work there, I recommend going there if you are in the McKinney area. Ask for Wendy.
  5. The new one just plugs straight into the bottom.
  6. That's the charger I got with the original battery that didn't have a pass through.
  7. I went to the Lewisville location yesterday and got a bottle of Mountain Dew. Garrett helped me out. I told him I found out about them on Vapor Talk, he said he never heard of the site. We need to spread the word around about it.. lol
  8. Who makes it, where I can get it or how much it costs?
  9. She also told me the new one she gave me would be good for 18 hours of straight vaping. I got it at 7:00pm and it is now dead at 11:45pm. I'm not a mathematician or anything but it's not 18 hours yet, I'm pretty sure. :-/
  10. The RIVA battery I just bought on July 3rd already died. It would only hold a charge for like 4 or 5 hours. I went back to The Vapor Bar and Wendy was real cool and explained to me why the battery crapped out so soon. A combination of not letting the battery die completely before I charge it and using my cellphone wall plug on the USB cord charger they gave me. Because of bad information her employees gave me when I bought it she gave me a new RIVA battery, this one has a passthrough charger. She also gave me a new cord for the passthrough and a wall plug as well. Now an hour after I get it, the button keeps sticking and I have to keep pushing it in order to get it to stop. I just can't win! :-/
  11. I stopped by DFW Vapor's Lewisville location to get a bottle of this because I read so many good reviews about it. All I can say is, HOLY CRAP I AM VAPING ACTUAL MOUNTAIN DEW!!! This stuff is so close to the real thing it's crazy. Tons of vapor too. This will be my daily juice of choice for real.
  12. Yeah...I am liking it ALOT more than the piece of crap Vision I started out with. They are like night and day.
  13. After some research I found out the clearomizers I got are iClear 16s.....very nice. :-)
  14. I don't do it anymore, but I used to be a rapper in my part time job.
  15. I play Guitar Hero on PS3.
  16. I had just started watching the series, Trailer Park Boys, got through the first season, logged into Netflix this morning...no Trailer Park Boys episodes anymore!...SCREW YOU NETFLIX! :-/
  17. On the cherry limeade I rated it so low because I had high expectations for it, I love cherry limeades from Sonic and I expected it to taste similar to that. Even with the "extra flavor" all I can taste in it is a "hint" of lime and no cherry at all. The No Bake Cake and Blue Cupcake I rated lower because on their own they don't taste very good however, when I mixed No Bake Cake with Strawberry Fields, it boosted my rating to an 11...lol
  18. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best) Strawberry Fields - 10 Blueberry Cheesecake - 8 Blue Cupcake - 6 No Bake Cake - 6 Cherry Limeade - 4
  19. Check out my blog I just started. Then maybe someone besides me will read it....lol http://southwestpayday.wordpress.com/
  20. I bought a 5 pack of vanilla Blu carts on my vacation last week. They fit on my 510 RIVA battery, but only lasted about 20 minutes till they started tasting and smelling burnt. They tasted and vaped ok till the burnt issues arose.
  21. I used to read autobiographies and biographies when I was younger. I just wanted to know how successful people became that way. I took a little bit of knowledge out of everyone's books and tried to use it in my life. Funny thing was though that the spectrum of different personalities was crazy. I would read about, Bill Cosby, then Tupac, then Rush Limbaugh, then Dennis Rodman. You are right about the books becoming movies thing. I am a big fan of all of Max Barry's books and I just found out they made a movie out of his book, Syrup. If Hollywood would look to literature instead of old movies and t.v. Shows from the 80's as source material, the movies out right now would be ALOT better.
  22. My mom used to LOVE V.C. Andrews....and I don't know how I survived before e books. I have a Kindle Keyboard and Kindle Paperwhite, plus the Kindle app on my iPad and phone...I have about 2000 books on my Kindle Keyboard.
  23. I just finished World War Z last week. It was pretty good, kinda dragged at the end though. I have A.D.D. so I am usually reading at least 3 books at the same time, one at a time rarely keeps my focus unless it's REAL good. I love all genres, but as of late I've been on a ScFi kick
  24. All I do is read. Right now I am reading 3 good ones. Lexicon by Max Barry RipTide Ultra-Glide by Tim Dorsey John Dies At The End by David Wong ....so far all 3 are VERY good, I recommend them if you like reading.
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