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Everything posted by IMEDICx90

  1. Yes it is so you will need a 510 cartomizer to go inside of it that acts like the coil.
  2. I believe that's a carto tank. Don't quote me but I'm pretty that's what it is.
  3. You should be fine. Sometimes you just get a bum coil. I have had 2 duds out of the 20 I bought last week. Now big deal ill just pull them apart and rewick them.
  4. It is way better then jaeger. It's absinthe but not sweet or sour. Just pure delicious absinthe.
  5. It's an easy flavor to make. I make and sell it to my coworkers for about $10 for 30ml. you just gotta get the DIY stuff.
  6. You are gonna love the KTS! It's an awesome little mech.
  7. my plant actually encourages people to switch over. me and a few other guys always come in a half hour early and swap juice or PVs and let people who smoke try them. we have over 45 people who smoke and now 20 of us have our own set ups with a few more that join the ranks every week!
  8. its a very complex flavor grant. if you can get me a glass bottle of say 10ml and send it to me (unfortunately i dont have ANY spare glass bottles) ill be glad to send you some of it to try as long as your have a glass tank and rixter yeah mine has numbed the crap out of my tongue lol but i can put it down! i have vaped 3 tanks of it so far.
  9. you know what uma i have not gotten any kiwi. I did find a subtle tone of apple but i have yet to find it again. but otherwise i like it alot!
  10. the flooding is where your wick stops preventing excess liquid inside the coil and the coil cant keep up with the extra liquid. Sometimes jarring the coil can cause it to flood temporarily and then straighten itself out. Me personally i leave all my tanks on their side or upright or slanted... whichever way they fall. LOL but your problem is just replace the coil. you should be able to leave them on their side.
  11. r Your battery is fine. Look at the clearo bases. That is your problem. The second one is too wide and doesn't appear to even have threads.
  12. Change your coil. It's flooding and sometimes the coils just get worn out and can't burn the liquid fast enough to stop it from flooding. So change it and see if it fixes your gurgling issue.
  13. patricia... thats a european plug style charger... it doesnt work over here
  14. so far i love the pluid.... am definitely not crazy about 710.... i think that one might need to steep. so... i have tried and smoked half a tank of both... and i have satisfied my craving for them. so i will put them in a closet and let them sit for a few weeks and see if they get any better as time goes on.
  15. some one who ships drops... lol idk patricia thats a good question
  16. ok as promised! This is the 115ml bottle: and this is in my davide glassomizer: its on my KTS right now. Will try it on my eVic soon. So first impression is holy crap this taste just like absinthe! I love the flavor of absinthe and this is pretty damn close to the real thing. It has a very strong anise flavor. So Im not noticing all of the subtle differences that Uma has told me about but i have pulled like 4 hits off of this tank so far and couldnt wait to start the review here.
  17. i actually have some of your tiramisu flavoring here kit.
  18. Well I just got my order from Vaping Watch of Mad Murdocks Radiator Pluid and the 710! I will be filling a tank and vaping here shortly. A review to follow!
  19. it very well could have been the nic. was the tank clean? or did you change on the fly?
  20. nah.... it would never leave my house... in the glass case.... its more of a show piece then an actual PV
  21. mine does... its a neat little thing to see 6 different streams of air leaving the bottom of my tank... LOL
  22. that... and a Z-atty-PRO also one last little thing... a poldiac. but thats a drop in the bucket compared to the $3000 mod i posted first! lol
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