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Everything posted by IMEDICx90

  1. They pop bc that's the juices heating. It's a beautiful sound. my rba's sound like rice crispies.
  2. It's an awesome APV!!! I loved mine just not a vv/vw kid anymore. Strictly mechanicals and rba's.
  3. Yeah I was back and forth and forgot to charge them. I had a lot on my mind those few days. :/ but to their credit they lasted over 2 days each. Lol.
  4. And it's a bottom button mod... So it could be your button isn't screwed in all the way? They actually push the battery up to make the connection. Could that be it?
  5. Not at all. I bought a SS and a brass one from fast tech. Sorry I know I said vaportekusa but that's who I bought the natural from and that's what was in my hand when I typed the last reply. Haha. I paid 60 for both one was 32 and one 27 with the vaporjoe coupon.
  6. no just placed the order lol. bought it from vaportek.
  7. yeah definitely sounds like a coil issue. its an easy fix and relatively cheap.
  8. I smoked a single cigarette when my grandmother passed away. I don't consider it a set back or a failure. My batteries were dead in my mods and I had a high stress level. I'm not ashamed of it and neither am I going to reset my counter. We have all been there. your doing just fine!
  9. Resistance will change indefinitely. The older the coil the lower the resistance gets in my experience. If it starts dropping drastically I know it's time to Change the coil. I have never tried to measure the resistance drop on a clearomizer. But you would have to touch the center post and the outer ring and fire the battery to get your drop.
  10. Raw cinnamon? B if you want I can try and doctor them up. And if that's not to your liking ill buy them from you. always wanted to replicate a vape dudes product. I got gumball and some red water I'm working on now.
  11. Tapout! You have got to be reading my mind sir..... I just bought one too.....
  12. Typically at 2.2 anywhere from 3.8 to 4.4 is an alright voltage setting to push the coil. You can go damn near over 5 on a 2.5. A 1.8 I would stick with about 3.5 to 4.0. And Spyder I'm not trying to demean you or anything I'm just trying to help you figure out the issues. The davides and the kpt2 and the evod and the mt3s are all going to pull the same way that they did when you first opened them regardless of the flavor because that's the airflow. I personally prefer a airy draw so to speak but that just me. You are more then likely noticing a flavor difference since its not your custom mix. I personally think you need to slow down just a tad and just read up on some of the devices. Don't get in a tisy because something doesn't make sense or it doesn't seem like its working the way you want. That is more then half the battle. I have found that when I have an issue... Someone else has had it too and fixed it or explained what I was doing wrong. The search function in this forum is awesome compared to most forums I have been a part of. Just a little friendly advise is all.
  13. The flavor won't have anything to do with the draw on the tank. It will have more flavor but the draw will be the same.
  14. Cake batter and English toffee are great.
  15. there is no way to partially fire a coil. either i fires or it doesnt. If its a partial fire you have a short. so your talking about devices that are meant to have an airy draw. thats what they were designed for. i prefer the draw of a davide over a KPT2 but i like it airy. and you will get used to the draw... but switching between an EVOD and a Davide or KPT is going to be night and day. Unless you completely switch to one or the other your gonna have to either tape holes or bore out the EVOD. they are all great devices but i just think you should understand they were built for different reasons.
  16. Is it sad that I'm giddy to get this?! Lol. I have a few mods on their way.... But this is the most exciting purchase ever!
  17. Be op my drip tips fit perfectly fine. If you have an issue with loose drip tips Home Depot sells a gasket kit that you can replace those o rings with one and it fits perfectly.
  18. Got my natural clone in from vaportekusa! God I love that sight. Just as reasonable as fast tech but so much faster and right here in the states.
  19. that shelf would probably do just fine... why couldnt you just put the 100ml bottles on top of it? especially if you're gonna wall mount the SOB!
  20. honestly im making shelves that have recessed holes for the bottles and such to sit on. Im getting a mod holder from mark and maybe an extra atty stand for rebuilding. thats about it.
  21. Christie you could put it in the PIF thread or the classifieds. I know I would take it off your hands if your wanting to sell it.
  22. I make a crown and creme vape. it's delicious. I really want to find a Johnny walker though. That would be fantastic.
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