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Everything posted by IMEDICx90

  1. Well I have fitted the board just fine, only problem is, I seem to have misplaced the screws to put it together. So, I will have to hunt for them once I catch a break here
  2. I didn't do anything but sand down the finish. It's copper plated steel. Then it's chromed over the copper. I just sanded down the chrome to the copper for a steampunk type look. And I haven't been able to work on it much lately, life's been a bit busy. Hahaha! But this week sometime I'm sure I'll finish it, at least to the point where I can make the button cover later on spare time and have it function for now.
  3. Yep I just started with 400 grit, then moved to 600 and finished it with wet 800. and I'll be adding photos as soon as I get a little further. Don't worry I'm taking pictures all along the way.
  4. Well here is how I looked at it. I didn't use it because I never use protanks anymore, and the extension looked stupid with a 22mm atty. So I could either let it sit there, try and fix it, or sell it. As I'm reluctant to let go of my mods in general, the third wasn't an option, and I was craving a DNA30. so it made it pretty easy!
  5. You are the ******* man!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!'
  6. Well I have been slacking! I haven't touched it since last week. I just got my hands on a real Dremel, so I'm gonna try the channel down the tube, if that fails, I have a fabricator who said he would make me a plate for the front out of aluminum, which would be ultimately easiest, and I could remove said plate for any defects, but, I'll try it my way first for no body modifications.
  7. This is going to sound wrong and really really inappropriate but, f your sitting around, your boxers, bra, or panties will speed it up. The heat helps vastly and even just 15 mins for a few days will help drastically if you don't have an ultrasonic cleaner. You can also do the warm water steep, but I don't like how much it darkens the juice personally.
  8. Nice can I request flat tops? I have button tops, but they don't fit everything.
  9. Those are my nemesis and my origin, they were torched and I love them. Lol. Both are clones and cheap!
  10. Ah the beloved poldiac UMA. Was my first authentic mod. that's the 18500 mode though. I have the 350 pants and tube, but alas no batteries for it. I need some 500 and 350 batteries, comp! You gonna sell them sizes?!?!
  11. I have heard that same voice come through far too many times lol!
  12. Bebop any of these strike your fancy?
  13. Comp that akuma is sexy!!! Just got this in and the brass monkee RDA on top of it.
  14. Meh maybe. I'm gonna have to fabricate a new switch cover so I can use a different switch it has 28g wire on it now and it's not nearly long enough, so unless I can actually run some 24 from it(replace the 28g and have it work right) I'll need a new switch which means a new housing or a bigger cover. Since there isn't enough room to widen the housing, I have to fabricate a cover. Will be doing it out of thin aluminum or possibly brass if I can find it(might ask my dad if ford has any scrap thin thin aluminum, or if a tinner can make me a new cover altogether.
  15. Alright so it's gonna be a bit before this is finished. Either way I have to remove some existing stock in the mod itself(not structurally or electrically important, but just in my way for the dna30) and with it being stainless steel it's not gonna be quick or fun. I'm now realizing this project is NOT for anyone with just basic hand tools. I have most of the equipment at work, and if all else fails someone offered to mill it out for me so it's more of an extreme mod For no given reason lol.
  16. Well I got it torn apart, and fried the current board and forgot my soldering iron at work, so it's gonna be until tomorrow, and I need to pick up some extra wire for extensions as it's a pretty tight fit. Thinking about adding regular up and down voltage buttons to the side as well.
  17. Well I'm gonna start a thread on my build/conversion. It's not a build from scratch but it's gonna be a first time thing from what I can tell through my google search. So I'm taking my vtr and I'm chopping the ring to make it usable with a 22mm atty, and I'm gonna install a DNA30 board in place of the original one. The plan is to use the existing screen as a screen cradle, aka I'm cutting the screen for the DNA screen lol. Here is the finish on it I did, still needs one more light sand down and a buffing wheel but it's going to look generally how you see it: Well that's as far as I have gotten, but I will be installing the board today.
  18. Just double stack em. One on top of the other.
  19. What if I said I intend on making a "door" to swap out the batteries and not use a charge feature at all? Would that be a no no?
  20. Hey pro did you use braided or solid wire? I just wanna make sure I buy the right stuff, and do I have to have different colors? Or does it just make it easier to differentiate/follow?
  21. Well that's good to know. I'm gonna try it, and if it's successful, I'll just grab a third board to use on my enclosures.
  22. I want a vtr because I like the feel, just wanna see if I can do this really. If I can do it once, it will be easy to replicate. And I would essentially have all the stuff there, but then I would be able to basically get a crash course in the modding realm of dna's as a whole.
  23. Congrats sir! they are a blessing to have.
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