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Everything posted by alpha324

  1. I was using 18 mg nic when I started vaping, After a while I started getting the sick feeling so I cut back to 12mg and felt better. I have continued to cut the nic level now I'm at 8mg and I think that's my optimum level. I will probably eventually go lower but I no longer get the sickotine symptoms.
  2. After vaping for a while using 18mg nic I was starting to feel ill so I looked into nicotine levels if regular cigs and found that most are in the 10-12 mg range. I switched to a 12mg nic level and feel much better.
  3. Vaping is all about finding the right equipment and the right flavor. Once you have that you don't need the cigs anymore.
  4. It's funny that when you smoke you have your brand and that's it. When you vape you have so many other possibilities. I have 2-3 a day and they change a lot, except for spearmint
  5. 3.8-4.3 depending on my mood
  6. Shake it up, it can't hurt
  7. I just prefer made in the USA, its getting harder and harder to find anything made here.
  8. I'm getting an order today that has peanut butter and marshmallow just so I can mix them.
  9. Pretty much everywhere!
  10. Got my Volt spinner yesterday, love it already!
  11. Hello
  12. What are you using to vape. I started with Blu's and they didn't work for me. I switched to a tank system with a 650MaH battery and totally got off the cigs.
  13. Classic rock, country, blues anything with loud guitars and a groovin' rhythm section!!
  14. Great info I've been thinking about DIY and after all these great posts I'm definitely going to give it a try.
  15. I hated menthol cigs, but a little menthol in a bland vape can bring it to life.
  16. Fairly new to vaping. Thought I would never get away from cigs. But its now been 6 weeks without them! My whole family is thrilled!!!
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