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Everything posted by Chris205

  1. As a new vaper I was looking for a good beginner mod so I got the mvp v1 and I loved it I didn't need all the features it came with but it was good to know they were there if I needed them but the only thing I didn't like it didn't have a ohm meter built in like most mods but I could deal with it I used it a lot and loved it then two months later the mvp v2 arrived and I was excited to hear it is vv and vw with a ohm meter it goes from 3.3v to 5 and 6w to 11 it works well some more experienced vapers may not be impressed with it but I think it is a good device so far and it is a good mod for beginners to I wish it went to 6v and 15w but that's ok its all metal and seems to be well made and the battery life is amazing.
  2. Im drippin some vape dudes blueberry pie
  3. Clear water by up stomp is good its like a candy bubble gum like flavor but its great lj's e smokes has it
  4. I tried voltages between 3.7 to 4.5 it seemed like it was not wicking and other juices are fine that's why I think I got a bad batch the flavor was great just a slight burnt taste at the end it wasn't a overwhelming taste but I could tell kinda like it had a lot of water in the juice
  5. I got gummy blood and unicorn blood and they were great and could have been my all day vape but I had a problem I kept getting a burnt taste no matter what I put it in I tried a protank 2 , 510 bridgeless attys and 306 bridgeless attys even taste burnt in a iclear 16 and the juice just simply would not work In my attys and my protank was brand new did I get a bad batch or is the juice always likie this I know its not my set up so what could it be I really want to give them another shot.
  6. Ive been looking into juices from these guys does anyone recommend them ?
  7. I have recently purchased Amandas love potion, wintergreen and candy cane. The Amandas love potion 50/50 PG/VG 18mg.To me this juice taste like a strawberry watermelon, right out of the box it had a alchohol aftertaste but with 3 days of steeping it went away the flavor is good but to me it had no throat hit but it produces a lot of vapor. Flavor 5/5-Vapor 5/5-Throathit 0/5. Wintergreen.50/50 pg/vg 24mg This juice was lite on flavor and throathit but it produces good vapor. Flavor 3/5 Vapor 5/5 Throathit 0/5. Candycane 50/50 pg.vg 24mg This juice had a little more flavor than the wintergreen but still lite this also produced good vapor and still no throathit. Flavor 3/5 Vapor 5/5 Throathit 0/5. I tried all these juices on different devices a iclear 16 a kangar protank 2 and Igo L and still no throathit I also steeped these juices for 3 days like I do all my juice when I receive them. I added the oxygen option they have to see what that was about but I cant really tell what difference it had maybe that was the reason I had no throathit.
  8. The atty still works and with other juice its fine that's whats crazy and one of the attys was a cisco spec bridgeless it wasn't a aero or 357 and the other one was a joye 306 that this happened with but I put some mr goodvape juice on them and they both worked fine it was just the fusion juice that's whats got me puzzled I thought the coil popped but it still works fine with other juice and I tried my boge and joye 510 and the same thing just without the pop it was like vaping a dry coil it wouldn't produce any vapor I tried all my attys the same thing just the popping on two this crap is just weird all my attys work with other juice just not the fusion. Im gonna take good advice and get a 357.
  9. the burst of air was the coil made a pop and there was a small force of pressure behind it this was at 4v on a mvp
  10. I know what you mean speedy Im 4 months in and I learned by youtube and late night research stick with it man it gets easier take a look at halo that's where I started and I recommend them their kits are really good but juices are a little pricey the halo triton is good for a start and now I got an itatse mvp vari volt box mod that's a good beginner mod in my opinion the kanger protank 2 is a good tank just some things to check out I know what its like to be overwhelmed with all this just keep researching you will get there like me Im learning something new every day.
  11. They are broken in that's why I find it weird the gummy blood and unicorn is great in a tank its just the attys I blew it out and put another juice in and it worked well with the fusion juices it acts like trying to vape a atty with water in the wick but it was completely dry and primed and the burst of air when I took a drag really freaked me out.
  12. I have Gummy blood and unicorn blood and they don't want to work in a bridgeless atty the juice taste burned no matter what voltage and the atty when I take a draw sometimes I feel like a burst of air pressure come up that's the only way I can explain it it does that on different ohms and brand of atty but in a tank its fine all my other juices work fine its just those two can someone tell me why this happens.
  13. Has anyone tried RX Vapers yet and what is the deal with the add oxygen option?
  14. Thanks to Beautiful Disaster for recommending strawberry fields it is awesome.
  15. Im vapin on blueberry pie from ms t with vape dudes straight blueberry added to it on a mvp at 5v 3.0 boge
  16. anyone know where to get a good blueberry and strawberry pie juice
  17. I store my juice in a oak mini casket jewelry box my dad made me
  18. Im thinking of getting the MVP but not sure I want to use tanks and use drip attys would this be a good device to get? And its some what affordable but is it worth the money and will it last?
  19. I got my order in from vape dudes I got strawberry fields, apple pie, chocolate candycane, chocolate tobacco,chocolate covered strawberry, all extra flavor except apple pie 70/30 pg/vg 24mg all were amazing vape dudes is my number 1 go to now.
  20. I agree ghirardeli is awesome
  21. Do all chocolate vapes taste like tootsie rolls? Ive heard chocolate is a difficult flavor and I do like tootsie rolls but I was just wondering if all chocolate vapes were that way.
  22. I think manual and auto both have their place manual does give a better vape and the auto like Bebop said hands free always comes in handy.
  23. I got it from juicy vapor I haven't had it but two days so I figured to let it sit. Its 24mg reduced pg option on their site.
  24. I was on Goodprophets site and I saw they were having a close out sale 2.99 for 10 ml and 7.49 for 30 ml I just thought I would let everybody know.
  25. Is vape dudes strawberry fields and chocolate covered strawberry any good ?
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