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  1. I dunno why people make such a big fuss over companies with their experiences. Who knows, could've been a bad battery, bad juice, bad anything, and the next one be perfect. Makes no sense to me. I use a variety of products from v2, smokesation, and a ton of others and they all work about the same give or take a little extra mileage. The only important factor is where the products are manufactured BEFORE they are branded, because they are ALL pretty much the SAME products. I learned to go direct and it's saved me a lot of money, and I can even get custom and ndeicer designs than those of the well-known companies. If your going to accept a review on a product, accept your own. Try it, and if you like it keep buying it. If not... well at least you'll know.
  2. The thing I like most is the flavors! It's great when you can sit back ANYWHERE and vape at anytime, get the same feel, and it not technically be smoke. Although I'm still resepectful of others whom don't want second-hand FLAVOR in their face so I only vape when it's convenient and not a bother to anyone. More often than not though, people will ask me... hey, wtf is that? It smells GREAT !!! And I explain to them it's more of a water vapor than a smoke.
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