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  1. I love the ease of pro tank. Once they got rid of the glue, why change it? I have more trouble with one of my newer larger pro tanks than the old ones. I love the ease of changing the coils myself and try to keep spare five packs . I hope Kanger didn't do that so we'd buy more stuff for our pro tanks. I love mine. I've got two minis and three of the larger. Protank One, (two of those) and pro tank 2 (one of those) and two protank mini's. I like ordering one thing that works with various clearomizers. I tried one of the older ce4 type and the flavor in comparison is vastly different. I have two kanger mt somethings and I've no clue what to get them. They didn't have any diagrams. So they sit in a box.
  2. If I could I'd have my own shop and sell at a reasonable rate. I get that people need to prosper.. but to charge 5.99 for just over 1.6 mils drives people away. I'll stick to what I like on the net. I can save a significant amount . If I could I'd also buy up some e cigs , freebies and hand them out to people I know who struggle with second hand smoke by giving one to the smoker. Then I would obviously hand out cards I've received from the nendors over the past two years. I know that putting anything but air in the lungs is risky. But I think the benefits outway the risks at the end of the day. I do love to give people stuff and see a change in what they do! I missed my door of opportunity of selling when I could have bought in for 400.00 min. I'd have easily tripled if not more that amount. considering my spouse spends 300.00 a month on cigs. That's a car payment. I can't make soap anymore as it will take in the scent of smoke if its around so I do handmill and have a customized blend that is glycerin . It was funny to see some of the ingredients considering I'd been using everything but nic in some of my stuff LOL. drat drat drat. Never again will I not go with my intuition. I simply love to meet people and hopefully make a friend and show them a way to decide to keep the nic in the body or quit smoking. Win Win right? I'f I'd known , I might have just have kept the 400.00 minimum LOL..I'd be set for a very long time. Think about it.
  3. I was able to get a nice ego kit , two e cigs with clearos for 29.99 and I've had them almost a year now. On the analog type, I use the V2 and refill the carts. I prefer a protank or nice clearo for all of my vaping paraphernalia but I do think you need to have at least one analog kit. That's when I take one to the doctors office . Sometimes price is not equal to quality. Sometimes it is. That's the hard part of being a newbie and I've done this for almost a year and I'm STILL newbie. I'm seeing more and more sites take pay pal now so that should really raise some sales.
  4. I love the glass tank. My issue is I got thru a lot of e juice LOL. I like to see all the clouds of vapor......I'm wondering if I'm not using too much nic at the end of the day. usually, 50 mls of French vanilla lasted me a month and a half with 1.6 ml mouth pieces.....with the protank type products I can go thru a 50 ml bottle in no time. I LOVE the bottom coil vs the strings /wicks in other products but then again, in the other 1.6 clear's I don't over vape and I can vape as long as I want and use less e liquid....I DUNNO, I LOVE THEM ALL.
  5. You might be allergic to pg. I am. So I have a big bottle of lozenges a doc prescribed and ;use those and all VG and then go back and vape my beloved sahara , get a sore tongue and then back to VG....I can tho use a combo if its about 20 pg to 80 vg
  6. THATS MY ISSUE. I have six ego's. I have MORE clearomizers. Now I have to figure out which clearo will work with what ego...????????? I gave up on tanks. I've not had one NOT leak. it looks stupid to vape holding your ego with an old sock on your hand.......I discovered a brand that looks like more of an analog and the ones I tried before simply didn't work....this one did....so I think it prudent to have some good egos and a couple of manual e cigs that use flavored carts.....now, how do we find that ONE manual analog looking e cig that stays charged for a long time.....????????
  7. Too much pg gives me thrush.....so I vape all VG. Now I've discovered some carto's that are all pg and despite the issue, I LOVE the flavor....I did discover that I can use a LOT less nic with this particular product and hubby is finally going to go the vaping way...he has to or he'll die.....a 6 mg 'Red' gave him as much satisfaction than full flavored cigarettes.....I have to admit. I took one cart and thought I had a Marlboro lite...so now I'm thinking perhaps I should go lower myself....and then get zero nic as I tend to vape a lot with flavored juices in my egos LOL. Sahara is one I love....now, to find a place that makes that same flavor with some vg......this was all pg. . I'm thinking of getting the ingredients for vaping and making my own juice. My friend is a pharmacist and can crunch the numbers for me but I vape at the moment all organic Kosher vanilla with the diactyl (sp) removed and without sweetner. I am rationalizing that I need the ego type products (no tanks, they all leak) and then the look alike analog's . I did get a manual e cig and love it. I simply put on that cart and I'm good to go. I don't find that the puffs they say they'll give off come close or.....I'm over vaping......thus the need for zero nic right?
  8. I'm finding myself wanting to collect various things that I probably wouldn't use LOL.....but why is it that my clearomizers are picky and will not work on any ONE ego....I have to go thru about five before it will work and my egos are getting long in the tooth. I'm afraid I charged them before I should have......oops. Now I have a box of clearomizers and have to go thru each one until I find one that fits....gr I'm a nar nar so basically what I posted is who I am.....I r slo LOL. Nice to see every body. Selkie
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