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Everything posted by kerk

  1. Thanks Tam.
  2. Generic EVOD bottom coil clearomizer tank system, 1.5 mil. Not sure if that describes, but all I got.
  3. A topic probably addressed many time, BUT can anyone recommend a tank that DOES NOT leak for the EVOD setup?? It never fails, mine always eventually leak around the window.
  4. I have had that issue a couple times also. I suspect the juice in my case, but as I say, I just 'suspect'. Buying only U.S. made seemed to eliminate it, BUT may have just been coincidence. ......... Unfortunately I hit the vape more than I did analogs, but then I don't vape clouds of steam that look like smoke screens either.
  5. Added note.......not only did they want a pic of my DL, they also wanted a selfie of me 'holding' my DL.
  6. Thanks Tam, yes, probably 'grandfathered in' elsewhere. ..... Last order was from ECBlend as an 'old custiomer', didn't have to go through all this.
  7. I only order stuff about 4 times a year, but my last order was placed (for the first time) with 'Central Vapors'. ....... I have never had to go through what THEY are requiring to prove date of birth, including a pic of my drivers license. ....... Are they all doing this now, or is it just these guys? If it is just them, I will order elsewhere.
  8. Probably batts, just hard to believe that the whole batch was bad........900 mah acting like 400 mah, in less than a month. They are so bad that it takes 5 of them to vape for 2 hours. LOL Thankfully I've pulled some of my throwaways out of retirement. They are working better than the new ones. Hanging on until the next order (different vendor) arrive.
  9. Can bad new coils drain your batteries? Got some new batts and they sure run down real fast, even with new coils. Been using same size batts for a few years, so pretty used to how much life I should get......but the coils could be the problem too, as they are not hitting that great on my USB pass-through either. It's like the software, and the hardware, pointing fingers at each other saying 'he did it'.
  10. I have an array of unorganized 3.7 batts. If possible, I would like to sort out the weak ones. I don't have a digital multi meter. I do have an analog multi meter, is there a way to check them with it? If so, what setting should I use, and what reading am I looking for? It, like all basic ones, only has a 1.5v and 9v setting on the dial.
  11. Thanks for the input, but you have all 'out teched' me. As far as 'ohms' and 'wattage', I'm still a newb. I settled on 1.8 coils with 3.7v batts quite a while ago. As I said, I like this juice ...... are there any simple changes a simple guy should make to accommodate it? I just use a Kangor T3D tank. That and the standard batts have been good enough for me.
  12. Ordered some juice from Mt. Baker. They post a 'darkness' rating on their juice, but I didn't pay attention to it. Like the juice, but it is really dark, and is destroying coils. Usually I get a week, with this stuff I only get about 3 days. Lesson learned.
  13. Just visited 'Five Pawns' via the link posted in this thread. I would guess that their juice is out of this world. It has to be at $27.50 for 30ml. I have to assume at that price it will fill my tank by itself and sing to me while I vape. Yikes. Went to 'Naturals e-liquids', but I guess you must have to pull hen's teeth to find pricing. If I can't find prices within a minute, I'm outathere. Guess I'll stick with Mt. Baker and EC Blends.
  14. Is it just me, or do 'cleaned coils' always lack the fire power they originally had? I soak them twice in water, let them dry, then let them soak in rubbing alcohol, then let them dry. So they are pretty clean, but using them always gives a pull similar to having a low battery (as compared to a new coil). Also wonder if using them draws more power from my bats, as I find my self lengthening my pull trying to make up for the weak vapor. Thoughts?
  15. Guess I'm out of luck. Provider says can't even get 6mb where I'm at.
  16. So, to use such a device, what speed service would you need? I also wonder, as of today, what taxes you are going to start paying, thanks to the FCC.
  17. Not bad ........ my basic 'Dish' is now over $90 a month (with 3 receivers)
  18. I'm not much of a techy. That said, TV access is getting expensive enough to make me have second thoughts about even having it. Just curious if anyone is utilizing any other options that may now be available, via other technology, for cable access.
  19. What he said.
  20. One of my favorites was a vote option (private Ryan, and probably my favorite fictional), but my other 2, which tie it, were actually docudramas, and one was a mini series: 'The Lost Battalion' (Ricky Schroeder) and 'Band of Brothers', whose interviews with the survivors teared me up many times.
  21. Who says they are? Not me. I haven't seen any comment to that effect on this thread.
  22. As far as myself, I can be 'impressed' with speed, but 'only' with the 'time and sweat' invested in obtaining that ability. As for the 'music' part of it, if it is not 'pleasing' to my ear (which to me, is the 'purpose' of music....as it is not an essential for survival) then 'that' is the only appreciation it will get from me......and that is coming from an ex bar room player, that probably only ranks a 3 on a scale of 10. 'Most' have no idea about the 'time and sweat', so I would expect even less appreciation from them. As for solo's, I find, or believe, many 'speed solos' are done simply to try and impress with that, 'speed'......and they are solos that I would not listen to a second time. Give me melodic, 'ear pleasing' pieces, fast or slow, or I'm not interested......and there are more of them than I even have time to listen too.
  23. Bebop, I'm sure you're familiar with Joe Bonamassa, I just stumbled across him about a year ago. If not, check this out, one of my favorite blues, rock, shuffles.....live. BTW, he's the only guitarist on stage.....ignore the shot of the 'air guitarist' roadies.
  24. If you're talking to me, 63. 'RC' doesn't ring a bell. Was that before 'DC'?
  25. Agree. For instance, in country music, I don't know of anyone faster than Brad Paisley, but I find most of his solos really irritating. 'Speed' only impresses other musicians who are impressed by speed. I'd rather have my 'ears' impressed. Out of hundreds of those I never tire of, one is the simple, almost beginner type solo played on Jefferson Starships 'Nothings Going to Stop Us Now'. And I can always listen to Steve Stevens on 'Rebel Yell'.
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