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Everything posted by Kragax

  1. If they use a 510 atty then what is the purpose of the cone. I still haven't figured that one out.
  2. Does the Ego or Tornado use the 510 atty? Looks like it, just wondering.
  3. I just went and checked their site as Im still on a flavor mission. They actually have...............Tuna Flavor. I don't know what to say.
  4. Excellent!! Ill be ordering some of those. Thank you, here at work I can read the forum OK but the store is all crammed together because of my computer. I dont have that problem at home.
  5. I can't read the VT Store here at work, the screen resolution is wrong. What's the price for 510 cartos are they 10.00 each? Seems kinda steep
  6. I can't find a way to express my feelings on this without becoming very rude and vulagr in the presence of the good people here that I have grown to admire and respect. The Ecig underground will prevail!!
  7. I also use the blue foam from Stricly, but I cut about1/3 off. This allows the cart to hold more liquid and the 2/3 holds the juice in fine. After it is washed once it is a bit firmer as well. Works for me.
  8. My Bickfords came in but it took a few days to get to them. This is what I learned so far. They aren't a concentrated as LorAnns, which is the only other I have used. But they come in a 1oz or larger bottle. They are natural flavors suspended in PG. The flavors Ive played with are tasty (grape + cherry) but you do need to use more than with the concentrates. Im using 25% for the grape and still working on the cherry. Making up small batches with no nic for test purposes. I will probably stick with them for awhile just because of the purity. No dyes or artificial flavorings, sugars or oils. With some of the LorAnns although its okay to eat, it may not be so good to vape. Then again Im new to this and still learning and researching contents. Give them a try and see what you think.......Craig
  9. As I promised before I am giving an update on the Vypr. It has been close to 60 days now. I am loving this thing. It works very well and I have only had one issue that was my fault. The switch was acting a little sluggish, not always making full contact so it would fire but not at 100%. I noticed that the side of the unit was sticky so I wiped it down with some vodka and cleaned the area of the switch heavily. No prob, good as new. I have better luck with the red and black batteries than the blue ones, but that isnt the unit. Keep it clean and its a demon. I recommend. And they are good people to deal with as well.
  10. The Bickford flavors are good. They are not as strong as LorAnns. They are all natural no sugars or colorings just natural flavors in PG. Because they are suspended in PG you need to up the concentration. My latest experiment went to 25%. but worked out great.
  11. Trying out my own grape made with Bickford Flavoring
  12. I have a rolltop desk and all those little drawers work quite well.
  13. Found the MSDS here http://www.sciencelab.com/msds.php?msdsId=9926620 wonder how close this is chemically to anti-freeze.
  14. I am not familiar with PEG400. What is it? Its not ethylene by nature is it? Do not want to use Ethyene glycol.
  15. Now that cartomizers have been out a while, what is the general consenus? How long do they last if you fill your own? How is the throat hit? I hear the flavor is good. They are not really expensive, but I get long life from my 510 attys. Always looking for a better throat hit though.
  16. I found the contact info for Bickford and in fact just got off the phone with them. The use all natural flavors diluted to abot 25%. They really couldn't/wouldn't give me a comparison to LorAnns. They use no artifical coloring or dyes and no sugar either. They seem like really great people and do a lot of business with E Smokers and juice manufactuers. They said when you go to their price list to make sure to order the water base flavors only. I will be working up a test order and will report on my progress. "Better living thru chemistry".....Craig
  17. As far as I know the only USA made Ecig is Liberty Sticks out of Cleveland. A friend had one, works good but carts aren't interchangeable with the 510.
  18. Where is a good place to buy bickford flavors
  19. I just dropped from 24 to 18. Wasn't too bad after day one. Now I need to get my ecig supplies to match my store of MREs and ammo.
  20. Nicely done Kitsune. The Wolf Sprit and Dragon are an interesting combination
  21. Holy Smoke Kitsune, thats quite a set up there. It reminds me of my old tattoo studio.
  22. Sugar is bad for the atomizer, the sucralose is recommended to be atty safe. This explains what it is: http://capellaflavordrops.com/capellasimplysweetconcentratedliquidsweetener.aspx There are other suppliers as I said in above post.
  23. Welcome to the club. Vaping becomes almost a hobby in itself.
  24. After a lot of reading and investigation and help from you guys, I found what I was looking for. I got some flavorings and sweetner from Tasty Vapors and had at it. The issue with the Orange Cream was the flavor itself, not recommened for vaping, My Rasberry with some sweetners is pretty good, but the cinnimon is GREAT! Im a happy camper and have enough supplies to last me quite a while. Many thanks to Kitsune, ddavelarsen, GDub,and Burn and all the others for their help. This forum is great. P.S. The sweetner is Sucralose several places handle it but Tasty Vapors sells it cheap.
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