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Everything posted by Kragax

  1. Hi Folks, I haven't been on the forums in a long time so this is a good place to break back in I guess. Someone finally open a vape store here so I had to go check it out. I ended up walking out with an ITaste 134. Wow ! adjustable wattage from 6.5 - 12.5 great hits, lots of vapor and battery life of several days. The down size is the size and weight. There are times Ill still carry my vypr. Anyone else try one of these?
  2. I recently had a problem with identity theft with an online experience.
  3. Thanks for that Im going to give it a go.
  4. Been awhile, but I have a question. Has anyone tried to adapt the tank system to a mod like the Joker or Viper?
  5. Me dat! (had to)
  6. I have written senators and their ilk many times now. It all boils down to the money. They tried to tax cigarette sale on the indian resevations and the indians told them to shove it, they would hold back any revenues to the state from the casinos. Now this state is in severe money trouble so they want you to buy smokes at almost 10.00 a pack. I live 5 miles from the state line so Ill get a post office box there and screw em. New York sucks. I came here for the work and when I retire in four years Im gone.
  7. I can see that happening in one way or another. Hmmmmm, wet work for a corp., wonder what salary grade that is?
  8. Yup, wears glove all the time...phobia, something about 'Nam
  9. He's quite the cat. Pops up from time to time, then back to the "hospital"
  10. All I have ever used are the gold/brass ones. I get them from Word-up. never had an issue or a DOA.
  11. My Joker came with a holster.
  12. #3 with extreme prejudice
  13. I don't see the need for me to continue in this thred anymore as I really don't have anymore to say than this. Regardless of what your opinions are, the midterms are coming up. In my opinion, if you don't vote you don't have a right to ***** one way OR the other. Get out and vote.
  14. Violence may not be the best option,....but it's still an option.
  15. Tax is a necessary evil. That is how we pay the armed forces that protect us. That is where a lot of the money for public education comes from. Unless we went back to the stone age there isn't a way around it. The figures that I heard were that a flat 10% tax across the board would float the boat nicely and even generate surplus. That means everyone, rich, poor, corps. and any and all income, period, no loopholes at all, for many of the average workers this would actually mean lower taxes because the major corporate BS would not be able to wiggle around and save billions of dollar in taxes they should be paying. That allows the sucessful to reap the rewards of thier sucess and let the rest of us have a chance at becoming sucessful as well. If we didn't pay out so much for welfare your tax base could be even lower. We need to create jobs. For example there were no food stamps before the 1960s. Now it has become an American staple, this drives up taxes. If you could give the guy a job that would reduce his expenditure of tax money and add him to the taxpayer list, a double win. There is so much that needs to be repaired from the country I grew up in, but the huge huge .gov that we have will trip over a dollar to pick up a dime. The red tape, interagency BS and total lack of accountability has allowed this thing sprial out of control and unfortunatly downward as well. Im fearful for the futre of my children, and have no hope for my grandchildren. Guess Ill take a prozac and lay down for awhile.
  16. Cute, It is strange, animals instintive fear of fire, but smoke will attract them. Probably to access the threat. A tiny fire when deer hunting will actually peak thier intrest and bring them around. Seen it proved many times. (yum)
  17. My only side effect is the third eye in the center of my forehead that started to grow after about 5 months of vaping. Now that the sight is starting to work I have noticed a great increase in my depth perception, but other than that I have had no side effects what so ever.
  18. I used to monkey around with them. Now I run them about a week and then can them. I buy them 100 at a time so they are cheap enough not to worry about.
  19. Congrats, I love mine.
  20. I went from attys to DD to cartos and here I will stay.
  21. I just went through that. Burnt taste and juice consumption was really high. Then I remembered why I bought the Joker and backed the voltage down, problem solved. When you look at all these things are, how they are made, and the materials involved, you have to expect variables. I think for some reason the resistance of this particular carto was a bit low and that let it got too hot, taste burnt, and go through juice like crazy. If you can't adjust your voltage you may just have to replace it.
  22. Amen Brother.
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