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Everything posted by DanielleS

  1. tobacco and coffee, it was hard to choose only one Captain Black from Tuscan Liquid is my latest discovery, and for coffee: Coffe from Capella and from Bickford
  2. I would have choosen provari because it's very "hip"', but I'm not sure anymore )thanks, guys, for the info!
  3. That's why is best to make a serious research before buying your device. Maybe it was her fault, maybe it wasn't ... but OMG!
  4. welcome and congrats for the switch! Vape on cause it's the best choice you've made!
  5. Wow! Me likey!
  6. Hello, why are Vamos and Provari's different than eGo batteries? Do they make the flavour taste better, or what exactly? Tnq
  7. I vape 1.5~2ml per day/ 24 mg - Davidoff from E-Liq. I was a "1 pack a day"gal. Now I can't even look at analogs:D and I get my juices from Toscana Mall
  8. pina colada !
  9. 1.5 ~ 2 ml
  10. uhuuu, great idea! Who said speaking "vapish' wasn't interesting?
  11. woooaa, thanks so much, folks, for your warm welcome! See you "around"
  12. Hello, guys! I've been vaping for 3 months now. It wasn't that easy, mainly because I had to do it due to some health problems. There was no waking up in the morning and thinking that smoking is crap or smt, but a decision I had to take in order to keep ... breathing:) My first week as a vaper was tought . I felt dizzy all the time, couldn't sleep, constant headackes. Eventually, I managed to get rid of these "symptoms", mostly because I discovered that I was allergic to PG. So ... here's for the best, and a warm hug for all you "vape lovers"!
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