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Everything posted by Love2VapeDaily

  1. My former employee to this day does not allow vaping but you can dip in the building. Bs if you ask me. Dip sitting in a cup is nastier than analogs, and vaping is just bliss
  2. If someone could tell me how to add pics I would post some.
  3. Not disagreeing but I have heard the same about charging but I have also seen where some folks say to fully charge your new battery use it for about 20 minutes and then charge it again to"condition" your battery. Can someone please shed some light on this. I need juice bad but my budget is crap so I really need another battery.mine always quits when I'm farthest from a charger.
  4. I live in a tiny town in southeast kansas. Its my wifes home town. I grew up in atlanta georgia. The vape stores around us sell ego batteries but everything else are knockoffs. Maybe if these rednecks could put down the dip and analogs they would start vaping. I'm always asked what that is I'm taking a drag off. I explain it and they appear fascinated but yet no one grabs a pv. They can justify dropping 30k for a tractor but not 50 bucks to start vaping and better their health. My kids appreciate me not smoking analogs anymore though.
  5. Does anyone have juices they don't like and would like to get rid of. I'm vaping on a budget. Can't find work, my wife does but she can barely keep up with the bills. Don't have a mortar and brick store near us and I don't want to start ordering juice online without tasting them. Any and all flavors are welcome and don't mind paying the shipping.thanks if anyone can or wants to help.
  6. The equivalent of 2 packs per day. I probably take several hundred drags per day. Slow long drags, 5-7 seconds each. My battery could have more mah, its about twice the diameter of a ego twist battery.
  7. Cheating, sounds like they are mad that the technology wasn't around then. I am glad we can cheat to not smoke hot dumpster smelling analogs anymore.
  8. Where I purchased my e cigarette they told me the carto should last a few weeks. I got about 5 days out of it before it quit working. My atty would I drop my juice directly on the wick where the wire wraps around the wick. My atty is also in a tank but I can remove the drip tip to give me access to the atty.
  9. How often does everyone charge their batteries. I have a 1000mah battery might be more it has rings on it that light up when I press my button. Anyways when it was new it would last 3 days between charges now I get maybe 2.5 days so I charge daily. I'm a heavy vaper.
  10. I was 32 when I started vaping. Almost a month analog free. Food is starting to taste better but the last day or so my vapes have had no flavor.I know its normal but I didn't think it would take a month to kick in.lol its ok though just glad that I can leave analogs alone god they stink so bad.
  11. Since I am new to here what is tvr? Obviously they sell juice but could I get their www so I can check them out.thanks guys.
  12. My other set up is a tank with replaceable atty, but it only works well with almost clear juices, anything dark and the wicks gum up and I have to clean it.
  13. Did you notice a increase in vapor production with the spinner over the stock battery. What setup is on your battery?
  14. I love vaping. Going to buy a vv battery on Saturday. Not sure what would be an upgrade. Using ego style battery with dct with a boge style carto. I want more vapor and don't mind less throat hit. I vape just about anywhere analogs can't go.
  15. Since I stopped smoking almost a month ago I noticed I vape more frequently but I guess part of that is I no longer take "smoke breaks". I vape just about anywhere and all the time. Playing xbox, watching tv etch. What about the rest of you?
  16. Big tobacco is just pissed that we vapors don't buy into stinky nasty analogs. I honestly won't ever look back since i started gaping about a month ago.I tell anyone who looks at my pv funny what it is, does, and how it works.
  17. are there any vapers around if so please respond to the thread or message me. thanks
  18. I supervise my battery a it charges, as soon a the light changes to green I unplug it.
  19. What exactly is the reason for the recall?
  20. I live in south east kansas about a mile north of oklahoma.we have a handful of people vaping but they only do "beauty mods" like sparkly batteries. I'm always seeking knowledgeable people that can help me increase vapor production or anything else that can make vaping more fun. I have been vaping for a month and quit smoking analogs cold turkey and wonder even why I smoked those stinky things.
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