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Everything posted by Love2VapeDaily

  1. Very early in my vaping career to correct you. Im sure it was my taste buds. 2 packs of newport menthols per day. I quit analogs cold turkey, wa easier than I thought. Come to think of it I made tuna salad the other day and I added relish, I don't like relish, pickles etc. thats just a fancy name for soggy cucumber.
  2. Maybe I should have had him write it on my discharge papers so next time someone argues about the safety of e cigs I could show them a E.r doctors pov
  3. Agreed, it was gifted to me. Like you said I heard nothing but good about it so I was excited to see I had about 7 ml of it. But I could not stand the taste of it. It had been steeped for several weeks prior to me getting it. Smelled wonderful but the taste was like someone elses vomit in the bottom if a dumpster. Tbh it was the exhale that was nasty. The diy juices friends send me to try far exceed any juice I have ever tried that come from a website but vape dudes is delicious.
  4. Eliquidsamples.com I would assume . Not being a smart *** just looking at the name of the topic
  5. I'm looking into rba rda not sure what to start with. When it comes to hands on im pretty damn good. Any thoughts?
  6. Ave juice bobas bounty tastes like dog excrement
  7. I remember when cell phones came out, talking about to much cell phone use could cause cancer. Something about the radio waves to close to your brain but there was never a ban on cell phones.
  8. thats my e cig coozy, holds 2 complete setups made by a customer of my wife. the protank is the same diameter as the "grenade" battery but its rather heavy that way. only thing exposed when everything is in the coozy are the drip tips.
  9. Technically the vamo is a mod packed with features normal batteries do not have. It will tell you the ohm of the atty/carto your using, lets you adjust voltage and wattage, has safety features built in and comes in many different colors.
  10. Once I'm done with our house it will also contain tile and hardwood, thats my specialty.
  11. I vape everywhere, wal mart, lowes, just to name a few household name stores. Most people don't even pay me attention but if someone asks I smile and kindly explain what it is and that I no longer smoke analogs. Most people well all so far congratulate me on quiting and no longer pay attention to my pv. Not to mention I have a e-cig coozy around my neck. Its similar to a lanyard except over 80% of my pv's are inside the coozy. Only the drip tip is exposed. I'm sure having 2 on me st all times around my neck draws some attention, guess I could always wear them under my shirt but then I would forget I have them.
  12. Slightly off the main topic here but I can tell when my twist is close to dead, vapor production is severely diminished.
  13. Thats weird, I never increased fluid intake and never did get dehydrated. I also use 70/30, my wife suffers something similar on the days she only vapes she complains of a sore throat. To her the mix doesn't matter, 50/50 and 70/30 do her the same way but she does still smoke a pack every other day.
  14. I don't have any of these issues with the pro tank, no leaks, no gurgling, no flooding, but the concrete floor will shatter 1
  15. The best juice I had so far came out of a fellow forum members diy lab its called v-ape. Graham cracker, marshmallow, vanilla, and a free other flavors. But she also makes another called moonfall, thats great too.
  16. My 650mah ego twist lasts me about 12-20 hours depending on if I chain vape or not. I also have a 1300mah battery that lasts up to 72 hours between charges. Lately I been using about 3.2-4 ml per day. With that said I have been charging more often.
  17. I don't even make it out of bed before I hear the crackling of my boge carto.
  18. I'm guessing at ecf they don't have a sense of humor?
  19. Q tip or paper towel it's what I use to dry my wicks. But the kanger pro tank has really short wicks, 2 of those are flavor wicks that just sit on top of the coil/wick.
  20. Sounds like you got her on the right path.
  21. I gave brian's cards to a few people in our small town of 2500. I grew up in atlanta georgia, a city of several million people.
  22. I like grimmgreen videos, simple, informative, and the guy does not come of like a ****. Indoorsmoker's videos are good too but some videos show him well your just going to have to watch the right video. Something about a party with friends, it's hits ex wife, a friend, and him. Thats all I will say.
  23. What exactly does the mesh do. I seen videos on youtube and some people never mention using mesh on a rebuild.
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