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Everything posted by Love2VapeDaily

  1. The center does not light. But the wires only wrap the wicks on the side. And the wick is white.
  2. Similar to its big brother? I noticed when I use the kpt it sucks juice like a 6 year old does capri suns.
  3. From what I seen on their site its a good product, wish I could be of more help. From my understanding vape dudes has good customer service, may want to contact them and see what happens.
  4. Is that a vision ce4 or a knockoff, never had any ce4 even try to do that. If I remember right the vision ce4 is tapered going towards the drip tip and that rubber piece doesn't have enough space to move anywhere. If its a vision ce4 it should be labeled near the base in plain text "vision"
  5. I do have another coil that produces no vapor but when I do a dry burn it glows like the inside of a toaster. Is that 1 toast? I do have a handful of coils so it's no biggie if out craped out on me but I'm just curious.
  6. I vape 70/30 in my kpt but if you look at the bottom of the coil before you screw it in the base it should have some numbers printed on it, just below the threads.
  7. Just tried a condom from my boge 510 carto but it's just barely to big to fit snug. What about 1 of those soft squishy rubber ear plugs? But that was tried on the kpt and my other drip tip of choice it's the ming style
  8. I basically have the same setup except my coils that came with the protank are labeled 2.5 ohm and I don't get that. Even if I use a boge 510 carto I don't get that and they are 1.8 ohm.
  9. But why even spend the money when you don't even smoke? Kinda like buying alcohol if you don't drink.
  10. I keep 1 1300mah with a ce4 and my daily driver 650mah ego twist and kpt with juice and q tips in my case. Sometimes I have several juices plus my 510 boge carto also.
  11. You are in the right place, welcome home and welcome to vt
  12. Wonder if I could stuff another flavor wick in to stop that. See the base on my protank barely shows signs of juice but it vapes fine.
  13. My protank has 2 flavor wicks. I have taken it apart and put it back together. I was just wondering if it would leak into the breathing tube.
  14. The rubber gasket that slides down over the shaft on the coil is that necessary because I noticed on the base where the wicks sit is never really wet from juice?
  15. The librarians in my town usually ask what flavor I have today. I'm in the library almost daily, people around here don't care if I pull out my pv. If I do get questions I answer them politely explain how it has helped me quit the stinkies and if they are a smoker I offer a drag after explaining how to use it. I also tell them about VT and theveteranvaper.com
  16. Yes the collar serves 2 purposes, clean up the threads and allow to adjust the airflow.
  17. Bcarter uses small 450mah batteries, is that small enough?
  18. It's hard to duplicate that cigarette taste. Cigarette tobacco has been treated with chemicals and e juice would mimic non chemically treated tobacco leaves so the chances of you finding a exact match are kinda slim. I have not vaped any tobacco, tried a few but no thanks.
  19. It comes with 2 coils if you get the protank in the little black box. The coils do have wicks but it's a bottom feeder or in other words the coil is on the bottom of the tank. The wicks are also short and stay submerged in liquid. It is always a good idea to have extra coils.
  20. I vape a ton, but the dct delivery systems flood frequently, burn up cartomizers and are just a mess. The protank you don't waste fluid if you have to change coils with a full tank. The dct you would have to pull the carto out completely and that means fluid too.the protank is less maintenance.
  21. Agreed, the 1 I have and don't use always needs tweaking. It's not like my protank, just set it on the battery and vape away. Imo the protank is easier to use than a ce4, holds more fluid and provides better hit after hit.
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