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  1. 4.0 to 4.1 for me
  2. Are these the cards like you purchase from say walmart for an amount visa mastercard ect. I have herd that these are good.
  3. Should be good and steeped by now. IM always shy to try new places especially when dealing out of the states which I wont do. Herd several people complaining of card number theft dealing with china companies. Don't think it was the actual companies they were dealing with I think it was some sort of high jacking inside of china. I have dealt with companies all over united states guess I have been lucky to have had 0 complaints.
  4. For Diy I use real vanilla from the grocery store so if your not pleased u can add some to what you have . Always helps to steep vanilla unlike caramel.
  5. I have three and love them have used 60/40 and 50/50 with no problems like the others. I like the smaller size the larger clearomizers seem to have issues with pressure and the juice getting funky when getting near the bottom due to being heated so many times before running out of juice. I buy them through www.apolloecigs.com because they wont sell you the cheap Chinese knock offs. and have a great service. Anyhow IM very picky about my clearomizers if they don't work well I improve them myself these are the only ones I have bought that I don't have to change or improve on. I figure if I use a thicker juice I might have to remove some wicking and it also depends on the weather hotter the weather the more wicking needed. Hot weather tends to thin the juice sort of like oil in a engine.
  6. OK got it www.wizardlabs.us
  7. www.wizardlabs.com hope this one works!
  8. Might try www.wizzardlabs.us they specialize in DIY and you can get 100mg nicotine solution 500 ml for only 56.99, pg, vg, bottles, anything you need to make your own juices and cheap. They use usp grade kosher 99.7 % pure unlike so many for cheap! the pg and vg like the nicotine come in all sizes for example 250 ml 5.49 vg. This is how I find the rip off companys I have seen 30 mil vg go for 9.00 this is crazy and I don't do business with these companys. Also stay clear of Chinese juice makers they use all kinds of chemicals that are suppose to add shelf life to them but make most of them taste impure and just nasty.
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